Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 334

"Kazuya," Lyn suddenly said, breaking his train of thought.

"Hm?" His sentence fell short when he felt Lyn"s lips on his. It was a brief kiss, but Kazuya felt his heart skipping a beat. His face flushed.

"Thank you for the present."


"Kazuya, you"re blus.h.i.+ng."

Shoot, Kazuya tried to avert his gaze. But unfortunately, Lyn already saw it. The girl extended her hand out towards his cheeks and laughed. "Um, I"ll start to feel embarra.s.sed too. Why are you blus.h.i.+ng?"

"Because you kissed me."

"B—but you always kiss me weirdly, I see nothing wrong with what I just did there. Ah, maybe you"re an idiot...."

Seeing Lyn ramble on, Kazuya knew she was nervous and calmed down. Geez, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Were both idiots."


While the elder pleasantly welcomed Lyn, Rhys, and Arthur. For some reason, the old man cut his introduction towards him short. No Kazuya knew why. This man doesn"t like him for some reason. But that was fine with him; he is used to these things. That"s why he let them go on ahead to have their tour around the church, while he remained in the waiting room.

Honestly, he wanted some time alone to think for

No sooner had that happened did somebody familiar step into the room. Here comes his other rival. "It"s unusual to see you in a place like this. What brings you here, Prince Allen?"

Yes, the person that just strolled inside is none other than his girlfriend"s fiance.

"Is she here?"

"She"s strolling around the grounds with the others. You can still catch up since they just left a few minutes back," Kazuya said. They probably haven"t covered a lot of places yet.

Then again, that tour is just a front to separate him from the others. If Prince Allen didn"t come here, then by now, he would be in the middle of a trial of some kind.

"Then, that"s good." Allen sat down opposite him and took out a few files.

"The results of the investigation?"

"You should know by now that there is another sibling correct?"

"Yes," Kazuya nodded. "Prince Andrew other half."

"Correct. That man was known as the tiger," Allen placed a photo in front of him. A young man with black hair and emerald green eyes. Despite how innocent he looked, Kazuya felt the presence of a beast just looking at the photograph. Next, he placed a picture beside it; it was a picture of a man wearing western clothing. Cloak, top hat, and silver mask.

Kazuya frowned and examined the photo closely. The mask was well made, but one could still see the owner"s eyes, "The same person?"

"Yes, this man claiming himself as the Phantom thief is most likely the other Prince."

"I see."

"You don"t seem surprised."

"I thought I"d look for him. That"s why this timing is perfect. He must have stolen that too. I would have gone after him for that reason alone, but what use is that? Now, I know he"s Lyn"s brother. I have a legit reason."

Allen sighed, "Please don"t cause any more trouble. I"m still dealing with your last mess. You could refrain from being too flashy."

Kazuya laughed, "You think so? Lyn expressed an interest in coming along with me."

A dark gaze fell on Allen"s face, and Kazuya sweat fell. "You know I won"t take her even if she cries about it," he mumbled. It"s way too dangerous. Even if she is skilled, "By the way, do you know anything about that scythe of hers? It looks familiar."



The blonde-haired Prince paused for a moment before he said. "It"s probably one of his weapons."


"The other Prince. He was famous for making weapons."

Kazuya recalled how not too long ago Lyn seemed oddly interested in weaponry. It must be because of that man. So that"s why she made that sort of face when Rhys asked her about it. "Were those two close?"

"It was hard to say. The other Prince Zepher had a somewhat unusual personality. On the outside, he looks like a harmless bookworm. But on the battlefield, he would get this crazy look in his eyes. It"s not uncommon for people to act differently when they are on the battlefield, but even then, there was something peculiar about this man. Even when covered in blood, he wouldn"t allow anyone to treat him."

Kazuya looked at Allen baffled. "Huh, he would just leave himself covered in injuries?" Even he wouldn"t do something like that.

"You see...there were rumors that he would head over and see Lyn."


Allen bit his lip, "There were some bizarre rumors about those two. Maybe because seldom people knew who Lyn was, they mistook her as Prince Zepher"s lover."

At that comment, Kazuya"s gaze turned dark, "Lover? That"s how people treated them?"

"Of course, those who knew she was my fiance didn"t believe it. They knew the two were siblings, so it was impossible. However," Allen sighed. "Lyn was a bit strange then too. It felt like the her back then would do anything to help achieve Prince Zepher"s goals. With Prince Andrew"s brutish training too, the relations.h.i.+p between them was rather strained."

"..I see."

"During that time Prince Zepher often got close to Lyn, while he conducted his strange experiments on his weapons. Weapons not infused with magic shouldn"t be able to produce magical properties of any kind. But, the weapons created by him were not like that. ...the strength was out of this world.."

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Meanwhile, Lyn"s group was outside.


Lyn thanked Rhys for catching her and turned to the field. Back then, she couldn"t walk so freely like this in the yard. Due to the harsh weather conditions in this area, teacher would always ensure that she remained inside. She couldn"t stroll around like this, so it all looked new to her.

"So you two," Arthur looked at her and Rhys. "Aren"t dating?"

Huh, wait what?!! Why is he asking this!

Rhys sighed, "So she claims. But we both know the truth."

Lyn glared at him, "What truth?"

"You know the truth about us."

Rhys may be talking vaguely, but he said everything suggestively.

"I told you before, Arthur, I have a boyfriend. You saw him, right?"

"Yeah, the friendly guy. But like uh, you two should probably refrain from kissing each other like it"s normal."

"It was him!!" Lyn exclaimed. It was his fault. On the way out here, she got distracted and looked at the flowers on the archway. The roses mesmerized her, so she stopped and watched for a bit. Rhys suddenly bent down and before she knew it... Lyn knew, however, that explaining it would seem, stranger, so she just glared at the culprit.

"Your right, that"s normal between us."

Gahhhh, what kind of person is this? Or rather Rhys has been acting strange. Though he would typically make such teasing remarks, Rhys wouldn"t do so to this extent. What kind of game is he playing now? Is he purposely trying to rile her up? But what will he get from that? Then again, Rhys reminds her of that person at times. In a way, they are similar, so maybe that"s why people are misunderstanding again?