Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 344

Zepher gently kissed her forehead, "Go back to the room. I have some work to finish."


Lyn didn"t say anymore and scurried away. A relieved sigh pa.s.sed his lips once the girl left. "She almost found out there." Zepher thought. Then again, maybe it would be better for her to find out, so she stays with him. Heh, how pathetic. To think he"s resorted to such means. Then again, whenever it came to her …. things were not logical, to begin with.


Year 4009

Zepher was only curious about her, the person named Lyn. Andrew fetched her from the church since she last year, and then there was that mini ceremony with the fiance. During that time, though, he was away on a job so he couldn"t see her. The so-called second Princess. They are supposed to be siblings, but for the past ten years since her birth, Zepher hasn"t seen her once.

It feels like whenever there is anything to do with her. He"s never around to witness it. So that"s why he personally came to meet with her. Andrew shouldn"t be around this time, and her guards shouldn"t be on duty. Yeah, this is a perfect time. Getting through the barrier was difficult. But, eventually, he got through it.


Is this her? She"s so beautiful.

"Yes?" the girl tilted her head puzzled.

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Her eyes suddenly brightened up, "You"re my brother, right?"

"That"s right."

Lyn laughed, "Come in! I apologize. It"s a bit of a mess."

How did she know he was her brother from a single glance? This girl shouldn"t even know what Mother looks like. So, how come she recognized him? What a weirdo. Zepher stepped into the room with the basket.

"So plain…" Zepher thought. Then again, his place had been the same too. If he didn"t earn money himself, then his situation would probably look like this too. But this girl isn"t even allowed to go outside. So, naturally, she won"t be able to change her situation.

"I brought some food. Did you eat yet?"

"Ah, I ate," Lyn replied as she sat down on the bed.

Did she? As far as he knows, none of the servants dropped by the area today. Now that he thought about it, what does this girl do for her meals when the servants decide to take time off? The more Zepher thought about it, the more his frown deepened. Huh? Is it just him or… Zepher sighed, no use exposing her now.

"I didn"t eat, though," Zepher said. "And I usually eat my meals alone too. Having a person accompany me would be nice."

Lyn"s eyes s.h.i.+fted slightly, "Then, okay big brother."

Zepher opened the basket, and Lyn"s already bright eyes brightened even more. He didn"t bring anything too special, at least in his eyes anyway. But the girl was looking at everything with so much interest.

"Brother, what is this?"

"Huh, it"s just steak."

"And this?"

Zepher names all the dishes, and Lyn looks delighted.

"Can I eat now?" she asked.

Zepher nodded and pa.s.sed her some utensils. Why is she so happy eating these kinds of food? It"s the usual, isn"t it? Especially for royals like them, food like this eventually becomes bland since they eat it daily. But then again, judging from her living situation, maybe the food she eats is the same too? Zepher frowned, isn"t Andrew in charge of Lyn? Why is she living like this?

If he were to complain, though, it could easily backfire on him. The barrier wasn"t easy for him to get through. Zepher doesn"t want to risk not being able to see her.

"...He"s already becoming attached."

Only a few minutes have gone by, and he"s already making future plans. How stupid is he? But, he does want to keep coming here. The two of them sat and spoke for a bit before he headed out again. Lyn tugged on the edge of his sleeves.

"Brother, can I have a hug?"

Maybe that was the first time he looked into her eyes properly since he got here. Since he didn"t see it before. This girl is very lonely; in this place, she doesn"t have anybody but herself to rely on. Zepher pulled her into his arms. "I"ll come back tonight."


"Yes, don"t wait up for me, though, and sleep."



But Lyn did just the opposite, on that first night and the nights afterwards. She would always wait up for him. So Zepher stopped telling her when he would come by. That way she could sleep and then he could surprise her too. When Zepher opened his eyes, he felt a warm hand on his forehead. It belonged to Lyn; she was looking at him with a worried look in her eyes.

"Brother Zepher?"

"...What are you doing here?"

"Brother, you have a fever. So I thought I"d take care of you."

A fever? Does he? That"s unusual. Zepher tried to get up from his chair, but unfortunately, he couldn"t move. Lyn extended her hand out. "I"ll help you up, brother."


Eventually, they made their way over to his bed. Zepher laid down, and a deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips. His entire body felt heavy; it didn"t feel like his own body at all. Crud, when was the last time he fell sick like this? How inconvenient.

His thoughts broke when he felt a cold towel on his forehead. "Hey, Lyn…"


"Sorry about earlier."

Lyn shook her head, "No, I was a bit surprised. I want to confirm it, though. Brother Zepher, you like me?"

It surprised Zepher how casually she asked and how casually he responded. "Yeah."

"As a woman and not your sister?"


"I thought as much," Lyn laughed. "I mean, you did kiss me before you left!"

Hah, so he already gave it away back then? "You didn"t push me away."

"Well, as long as you didn"t do anything unreasonable like earlier, I wouldn"t."

This entire thing is messed up. When he first saw her again yesterday, she looked so vulnerable and like a little child. But, of course, she is no longer like that. So much time has changed since they last saw each other after all. Honestly, Zepher never had any intention of telling her his feelings. Even when he learned they were not siblings, he didn"t think to do anything about these emotions of his.

The fact that he remains alive in this world is already a blessing enough. He should have died a long time ago. But he survived. He was raised as a Prince of a prestigious family. He lived a wealthy life; he received opportunities that people would only dream of having.

Why would he expect anything more? Back then, he pushed away these feelings as much as he could. It was controllable then. But after not seeing her for so long - and what"s more, she"s a grown-up now. Zepher cursed. This entire thing is so stupid. Why is he having such strange thoughts? Now he understood why Andrew kept Lyn away from him initially. That man has a peculiar foresight whenever it comes to these things. Andrew must have realized that something would happen.