Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 357

"I"m sorry, Lyn," Zepher apologized. "I can"t do that anymore. I already regret leaving you behind back then. Running away with you would have been difficult. But, I should have done it, anyway. I regret it."

"It"s too late, brother."

He smiled weakly, "I figured you"d say that that man has already taken your heart. But, even then, I cannot let you go anymore. Rather than let you go and experience that agony and pain again, I would prefer death at your own hands," her eyes widened at his words. Zepher brushed his forehead against hers, "If you leave me, could you kill me first?"

Her heart sped up at his words. W—what is he suggesting?

"That weapon I gave you, it can end my life in an instance," he cupped her cheeks. "If you end my life, you don"t have to worry about hurting me."

He didn"t kiss her, but his lips were dangerously close. He traced her lips with his thumb.

Lyn looked away, "You"re just kidding, aren"t you?" Her brother likes playing cruel jokes, after all. She can"t trust him.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. "You really don"t realize, huh, Lyn? But when it comes to you, it seems like I"m no longer the strong leader people want me to be. No matter what you do to me, I"ll be happy even if you were to throw me away and treat me like garbage. Even if you use me, I would not mind."

"I didn"t know you had such strange fetishes, brother," Lyn murmured. She felt his hands caress her hair. "Zepher."

"What"s wrong?"

"Nothing, I"m just a bit cold."


"It"s unbelievable, you really calmed him down," Himuro said.

"I didn"t do anything."

"Yeah, it was because of you that we ended up in that mess in the first place. So, I don"t know whether or not I should thank you."

Lyn sighed. Honestly, she didn"t like how that talk ended up earlier. After all, he still made such a sad expression. But if she focuses on brother too much. What about Kazuya, won"t all of this hurt him? Kazuya said he would go and fetch Rhys, but in the end, she couldn"t find him again.

How frustrating, he"s misunderstood. Even though they spent the night together like that, it seems like there is a deep-rooted fear in Kazuya"s heart about losing those he cares about. How could she have failed to notice the signs?

Her thoughts broke off when the doors opened, revealing a woman with long brown hair. It was one of brother"s other trusted people — a woman named Ca.s.sandra.

"Now, shall we begin? Wh-wh- why are you brooding?"

Himuro shrugged as he got up, "She"s been like that since earlier. Even though she cheered up Lord Zepher."

Lyn shot Himuro a glare. How could this guy be so inconsiderate? Everybody knows how Ca.s.sandra likes her brother!

"I"m not sure after all about going to this event. What if people recognize me, Mother and eldest brother will kill me… And Allen," Lyn sulked. Just thinking about it was making her feel incredibly depressed. How could she show up to a party as another person"s wife? Even if it is all fake.

"Don"t act so disgraceful; right now, your the Lord"s wife."

Her saying that doesn"t make it any better for her. Lyn"s thoughts fell when she was lifted off the ground. "Brother!"

"I came here to help."

Himuro sweat fell, "Uh, Lord, but this is…"

"What are you still doing here? Lyn will get changed soon."

No sooner did those words fall did Himuro dash out of the room. Zepher placed her down on the bed and bent down. "Let me start with your nails."

"Uh, uh?!!" Lyn exclaimed.

But it was too late, Zepher took the nail polish from Ca.s.sandra. "Brother, stop. I can do this alone."

"Weren"t you about to cause a fuss, so you can be late and not attend the party?"

Gahh, he saw right through her plan. But can brother blame her for making such plans? "I don"t want to go, brother, what if Allen is there?"

The reason why Lyn brought up Allen is from Kazuya"s reaction. According to him, they are merely escorts until the real representatives show up. Judging from his tone, it can only be one person.

"Then, I"ll let you go to him. Naturally, I am not stupid enough to cross the Wind Kingdom."

Is that so? But if Allen doesn"t show up, then brother will go through with this plan of his. "Brother, let go already," Lyn was very embarra.s.sed as he painted her nails.

"No can do, can"t you see that I"m good at this?"

Lyn looked down, and sure enough, he was right. He was painting her nails so evenly and carefully that it made her suspicious. Everybody avoids speaking about it, but brother has played around with loads of women. Lyn didn"t mind, but people seemed to think she would be bothered by it.

"Ca.s.sandra, bring her dress here."

"Yes, sir."

Since earlier, the girl had not spoken a word. Lyn felt terrible, why is brother acting so affectionately towards her in front of somebody who harbors feelings for him? Could it be that brother is cruel to people who aren"t her? Himuro highlighted this before. But it was hard to imagine Zepher as a cruel person. Sure he is clumsy with words at times, but he is a kind person.

That is something she understands very well. So, she wants other people to think the same too.