Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 361

If he weren"t sitting directly in front of Lyn, Andrew would have thought she was crying. The girl"s tone filled with concern for the people. This girl, she"s already grown up. It would be foolish of him to continue hiding things from her, wouldn"t it? From the very start, though, Andrew never treated her as a delicate flower. When she came to him for the purpose of training, her eyes were clouded.

"If Zepher can be a good influence on her, it won"t do any harm if she remains with him." Besides, this villa is located in a remote region. Even if the war were to break out, Lyn could escape to a safer place. It would be easy to leave the Kingdom from here. Andrew had no doubt how efficient Zepher was. After all, the man had evaded his search for such a long time. He did not know the full extent of the man"s connections, but this was better than leaving her at the castle.

When the news first reached him, how serious the war was getting. Andrew thought of Lyn. Their enemies would not spare her; in fact, they would use her against them. With this knowledge, Andrew sped up the marriage arrangements with the Wind Kingdom. The elders of the Wind Kingdom treated Lyn well. Andrew did not doubt that Lyn would be protected there. They could easily forge an ident.i.ty for her. Of course, this was before a large number of people grew to know who she was.

Things are different now, the arrangements he made for her back then will not work.

He needs a much stronger connection. Somebody who can guarantee her safety, using other means. At first, he planned to use the people from the Sound Kingdom. Despite their mission to bring the Mist Kingdom down. It looked like they harbored no ill will towards Lyn. Andrew thought he could leave it to them. However, the more time pa.s.sed, Andrew realized something.

That man named Rhys will cause problems. He cares a lot about Lyn, but not to the extent that he won"t fulfill his mission. No, it"s because he cares. Rhys wants to make sure that the Sound Kingdom elders don"t get suspicious. What a cunning young man, even then it is too risky to leave Lyn in his hands.

Zepher, it"s up to you for now. Andrew isn"t sure if Zepher"s methods are any better, but at least he hasn"t harmed Lyn in the short time they have been together. That alone is enough for him.


To think those two didn"t fight at all. Lyn was currently in the kitchen cleaning up the utensils. Then again, it"s a good thing that they didn"t fight. If they did, then it would have been problematic for her. She doesn"t believe that they solved things completely. But this is a step in the right direction. Still, it isn"t like eldest brother Andrew to come here if he wanted to inform her that she was a suspect. He would send a note. Perhaps Mother sent him? Now that Lyn thought about it, she wondered what Mother"s opinion on Zepher is. Does she also blame him for that incidence before?

Even though brother Zepher found evidence that it wasn"t him, Mother was the one who issued that order. Mother, whenever Lyn thought about her - the pain would unknowingly appear in her heart. She wants to get closer, for the longest time, she kept these feelings to herself. The same went for her father, though his treatment of her is the kindest in contrast to the other members.

She wants to get closer, but she does not know what to do. These feelings are normal, are they not? However, why is she having such a hard time? Even though Mother and father have to treat everybody equally as rulers. That does not mean dismissing their family. Lyn saw with her own eyes how her parents treated her other siblings. For her, it was fine. It was okay, at first she did not mind it. But the more time that went by, the heavier that feeling in her heart grew.

Lyn wanted to reach out, but she hesitated. If Mother wanted to reach out to her, she could have done so a long time ago.

Her thoughts broke off when she felt a wincing pain in her finger. Lyn looked down and noticed that she had p.r.i.c.ked her finger with a knife that was buried by all the other dishes. A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips when she saw the blood flowing, how careless.

She shouldn"t s.p.a.ce out too much. Lyn extended her other hand out, and a bright glow emerged, the wound vanished in seconds. The dishes… can wait. Lyn wanted to check up on the two. Thinking this, Lyn quickly exited the kitchen and made her way towards the room where her brothers were.

Along the way, Lyn noted that everybody was staring at her and sighed. It appears as though brothers" people have yet to get used to her presence. But, she supposes that it is only normal. Brothers" treatment of her is very strange, and he keeps calling her his wife, making this even more complicated then it is meant to be.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Lyn peeked through the door. Eldest brother Andrew had left from the looks of it. Zepher sat by the window, holding a rose in his hands. For a moment, Lyn just stood there and watched him. "Brother?"

"Andrew left. He told me he would send over your guard or someone in a few days."


"I told him there was no need. But he insisted, I hope he doesn"t send anybody annoying."

Her sweat fell at that comment. Who would her brother send over, Pupillam? Or maybe, she recalled Rhys expression from the other day and shook her head. It"s because of Rhys that she isn"t able to see Kazuya these days. That jerk can go to h.e.l.l for all she cares.

"Lyn, come over here."

Lyn nodded and made her way over. Brother immediately drew her into his arms, "Andrew said I could be one of your marriage candidates. What do you think?"

Her mind went blank at his words. "B—brother, you know we can"t!" she exclaimed. Enough is enough. Even if he is serious, isn"t he taking this too far?

"Why are you getting angry? I"m only a candidate."

B—but even then, isn"t this a bit too much?

Zepher reached out for her collar, and Lyn shuddered. His fingers were awfully cold. "This mark," he murmured. "Does it hurt?"