Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 376

"But, he wouldn"t care about me. He would focus on you."

Lyn hated to admit it. But, Rhys would actually prioritize her over Kazuya. Because of his feelings for her. Rhys feelings, huh? With everything happening lately, Lyn hasn"t spared him much thought. Strangely enough, ever since she first met him. Lyn has to admit that Rhys occupied her thoughts a lot. Right now, there are more important things to prioritize.

What a cruel thought, Rhys has done so much for her. However, all she can do is push away his kindness. She can"t return her feelings, so all she can for is maintain a distance.

A deep sigh escaped her lips. "Please don"t act so stubborn, and just get your injuries treated, okay?"

His signature loop side grin returned to his face. "Then, why don"t you take care of me?"

"Okay, but you"re acting very strange."


She nodded, "You"ve acted strange since you started following my sister around. Did she say something weird?"

This isn"t it. Lyn wanted to pry for more information.

Honestly speaking, there is one thing that makes little sense to her. "Kazuya and her sister." She already heard their story, but even then, something seemed wrong. Kazuya isn"t lying to her. But, it felt like there is more to it than meets the eye.

Her thoughts broke of when she felt his hands on her cheeks. "Lyn, what are you thinking now?"

"I was thinking about my sister."

At that comment, Kazuya frowned. "Forget her."

"Forget her?" Lyn blinked at his response. How peculiar, that"s not like him at all. So, there is something wrong, after all. Lyn removed his hand, "I want to lay down."

"Hm? Not treating my injuries."

"I think it can wait," she mumbled. It isn"t a severe one, as long as she is careful. His wounds won"t open up. Kazuya nodded, a gentle smile spread across his face as he tells her to come over. A content sigh her lips when she felt his arms around her. "Kazuya, I"ve missed you a lot. I want to be together more."


"I know it"s hard for the two of us, especially with everything happening right now. But I do want to try..."

The silence between them frightened her. Lyn understood that her request was unreasonable. With the current situation, they should go their separate ways for a while. But, even if it is unreasonable, she still said it. Whenever it came to this person, her logic seems to fly out of the window.


Her eyes widened when she hears his words. Did he just agree? How surprising.

Kazuya laughed, "What"s with that face? You should be happy. Let"s fight alongside each other properly, starting tomorrow, okay?"

"Ah, yes!!"


Dungeon -

So much time had pa.s.sed since Kazuya first came here. But, during that entire time. The chances for them to stand in battle together are very small. Despite the amount of time they spend with each other, she hardly saw Kazuya fight before.

Since she stopped hiding and pretending, Lyn realized that her skill level was far above others her age. It"s frightening since she has yet to receive formal training. Other than the training, Rhys gives her, and her extra practices. Then again, it must be due to her experience on the battlefield then.

Currently, she and Kazuya were amid a fight. The opponent was a creature made out of magic — a huge skeleton monster with a sizeable scythe weapon. From a glance, anybody would think it was the grim reaper, due to the large black coat wrapped around it.

Despite the intimidating presence, however, Kazuya was calm as he continued striking at with his blade. So, Kazuya is good at using a sword too. With his power, Lyn always thought that having a weapon would be a hindrance for him. However, watching him now, she can see so otherwise. He"s so good with a blade. Kazuya is a genius, something she heard from others.

Up till now, Lyn didn"t think much of that word. Why would she?  The word genius is overrated; there are many people who are intelligent. But n.o.body calls them geniuses. Only a handful of people... She used to believe it was a superficial term.

But, watching Kazuya fight now - she can see where the term comes from. Kazuya is an excellent fighter, but if that was all. Then she knew she wouldn"t be this mesmerized by his fight. Kazuya looks very cool right now- what a huge contrast to his usual goofy spell. So, this is the Sound Kingdom"s hidden weapon?

It seems like her brother was right to worry about Kazuya. He"s very talented. If they became enemies, it would be bad for her Kingdom. Kazuya, himself could take everybody down. However, this level of ability. This overflowing charisma and strength. It reminds her of Mother, father and eldest brother Andrew. Between those four with unique skills, she wonders who is stronger. Including Mother and father isn"t right here. So, excluding them.

Between her eldest brother Andrew and Kazuya, who is stronger? Now that she is fighting alongside Kazuya like this. Lyn is very curious about it. Of course, she and Kazuya could never be enemies. Clearly, from day one, it was impossible. However, there may come a time where people purposely pit them against one another.


Lyn nodded and charged forward with her sword. The sword her brother carved for her a long time ago. Lyn recalled how surprised he was when she told him she still used it. These days, it"s no longer heavy for her when she holds a blade. Whenever she picked it up in the past, it felt heavy for her. Maybe it"s because of all the training she did with Rhys. Lyn hates to admit it, but Rhys is a good teacher. He taught her well, "What an unexpected outcome."

Initially, when she accepted the training, Lyn didn"t think anything would come from it. But, it turns out she is wrong. So very wrong, her sword feels lighter. Or is it her movements? She can move more swiftly now.

Lyn saw the skeleton get into a defensive posture. After all the large scale attacks from Kazuya, it was already on the verge of falling. Still, Lyn didn"t hesitate to increase the power behind her sword blows. It took only a few extra seconds before the large skeleton fell on the ground.

"You know, your really strong Lyn," Kazuya commented as she put her sword back into the sheath. Usually, she would keep it hidden after using it. However, they are still in the labyrinth. Monsters could pop up anytime, and random bandits wander around here too. Though, she wouldn"t have to use her sword for plain bandits. Getting into conflicts with soldiers isn"t impossible.


"Your strong," he mumbled. "You didn"t have much training before, right?"

"Mmm, I did do a lot of reading and watching. I tried to practice on my own by copying things I saw in old books. But ah, I guess it was because of Zepher. I would secretly watch him train; most of the moves I learned are from him."

All she could do was wacth then.