Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 409


Should she scream?

Even though Kazuya left the room, he told her he would be nearby. If she screamed then he would surely come running. The problem is, with the current state of her voice she won"t be able to let out a loud enough voice.

Rhys closed his eyes and pulled out a gorgeous brush with swirls. Lyn"s demeanour immediately changed to an obedient one once she saw it. Ah, is he going to --

"Don"t move," Rhys muttered. He reached over and drew some words in the center of her chest.

She nodded her head slowly and watched as a familar strange glow surrounds them causing her eyes to widen. She already saw it before and yet, it still overwhelmed her whenever he does this. What kind of magic does Rhys use to make her feel better?

Like usual, Lyn felt her body become lighter. The tiredness she felt earlier and the weakness vanished. Is it because of these words? Rhys lifts her chin up to meet his gaze causing a light tint of pink to cover her cheeks, "Hmph. Seems like the colour has returned to your face."

He let"s go and she fixes her clothes quickly.

"Leave it on for the rest of the day and perhaps a few hours in the morning too. Don"t over do it. By nature your body is weak," Rhys instructed.

Lyn stares at him in stunned silence for a few seconds, "Have you always done this for me?"

"Yeah, when your body is weakening."

He did this stuff to her before? But wouldn"t she have recalled something like that. How come she didn"t remember?

"It"s kind of amazing though. I didn"t know you could do stuff like this," Lyn muttered. "I mean, normally people don"t use this kind of method to treat others."

"Well isn"t that my job?"

Lyn blinks in confusion at his words. His job?

Rhys pulled out an instrument from the side and starts strumming a few notes, "Well I"m not exactly a normal Doctor - I"m more of a underground one. Though I do know the normal medical stuff, it"s not something people know me for. This is still the Empire, despite the modernisation. Things like a spell isn"t unusual."

"Ah-huh, but this kind of magic is still peculiar."

"Well," Rhys nodded. "That"s true, but think of it this way. The power of words can be more convincing than anything. If somebody believes rumors they hear about a curse from an underground doctor - that"s all it takes to make that person fall ill. Even if the doctor doesn"t do anything. Because of the negative rumors and bad reputation, those people will think the doctor has cursed them. They will think about it to the point they will neglect their health. Loads of people die that way," he paused and inter winded their hands. "Don"t worry about it, I don"t want something bad happening to you."

Even though what Rhys had just said was complicated, she somehow got it. At least she thought so. "Eh."

Rhys continued, "You see, this whole thing is a matter of strength. Willpower I guess? The stronger I am, the more exhausted those who dislike me become. People believe curses work that way, when another person becomes stronger, somebody else will become weaker."

Her sweat dropped at that comment, "So, you don"t curse people?"

"Well of course I cast curses when its needed. But its not something I usually have to do. I mean, casting a curse takes a lot of effort. Furthermore... Seriously taking on every single person by cursing them is..too much trouble."

Lyn merely laughs speech. My goodness, so he"s still this kind of person. She was wrong, thought he changed a lot. But that"s not it at all.

Still, Lyn chuckles, "Maybe...perhaps that"s why you go out of your way to act grandiose in front of people. You just want to scare them don"t you?"

Rhys stopped playing and placed the instrument on the wall. He turned to her with a gentle smile, causing her to avert her gaze. "Of course that was my intention. When people are afraid, they can"t think rationally about anything."

"You haven"t told anyone else have you?" Lyn muttered. "I mean, if you did surely..."

"He would get in trouble for it."

"I couldn"t have a ama.s.sed a fortune if I did right?"

That"s true - uncertified doctors in the Empire hardly get any clients. However, if rumors like the ones about Rhys circulate than it"s a matter of time.

But even so its somewhat surprising. To think Rhys actually took advantage of those negative rumors, instead of clarifying himself. Usually people would clarify themselves, since the rumors are too hateful.

He placed his hand on her left cheek and stared down upon her with his trademark smirk. "So Lyn, do you still think I"m going to do something to you?"

"N--not quite," Lyn looked away. "Geez, don"t act so haughty about this. I"m not well, so I can"t snap and get angry at you."

Rhys chuckles, "A docile you is nice occasionally," he trailed off. "But, really Lyn. Take care of yourself better. This thing I"m doing for you is only temporarily."

"You"re the only one who can treat me like this correct?" Lyn didn"t understand Rhys abilities very well. But, she felt like he was the only one who understood her condition well. Even Brother Andrew believes in Rhys ability. He no longer calls the usual doctors around whenever she has a release.

"Correct," Rhys nodded. "I believe you should learn exactly why soon enough."


Rhys bent down and gently kissed her forehead, then her eyelids and then her lips. Lyn immediately panicked but Rhys continued kissing her lips. He easily pried her mouth open and stuck his tongue inside. Unfortunately, she still didn"t have the strength to push him away like she normally would do. The next few minutes Lyn felt her entire body burn up, the sweat falling from her face. Rhys is very good at kissing, he knew exactly how to send her on edge.

This is very bad for her. What"s with this guy anyway? Why does he kiss so well!

"My Lyn," Rhys lips curve to a smile as he lightly broke their intense kiss. "You were right to be on your guard."

"This guy is so unreasonable..."

"But, please understand. I"ll never harm you, I won"t force you to do anything until your of the right age."

Yeah right, she recalled his behaviour all too well when they were younger.