Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 412


"I want to buy you gifts Lyn, your not the only one who wants to express their grat.i.tude. Also, I just want to buy you something, the woman I love deserves the best."

"Can you quit it with the woman I love stuff?"

Why does he have to quit it for? What happened to his grand speech earlier, did she forget about that already? Lyn looked down, "Since were on this topic, I"ll remind you. You can"t use me as replacement for any old love you used to have..."

"Are you talking about yourself?"

Her cheeks burned crimson, and Rhys leaned down, "You do realize I"ve only ever liked you right?"

At that comment Lyn pulled her hand away, but Rhys simply leaned down and kissed her. Rhys didn"t think of the crowd - though he knew Lyn would mention it after this. All he thought about was kissing her luscious lips. After kissing that much earlier, it seems like he has an addiction to her or something.

"Nngh, unngh," soft and sweet moans escaped her lips, as Rhys slipped his hands under Lyn"s robes. It made him s.h.i.+ver with excitement when he saw how Lyn reacted. "He only intended to tease her. But, she makes it very hard for him to hold back."

Still, Rhys would not do anything more than this. Contrary to his previous approach towards her. He won"t do anything other than this. Still, there is something special about kissing Lyn. How many women has he kissed and slept with? Rhys lost count a long time ago. But, none of them is a match for Lyn. None of them can make him feel this way.

After a few minutes Rhys drew away, remaining traces of salvia lingered on Lyn"s lips. It made her look more mature than usual. For a moment he looked at her that way, and thought of the future. This girl will continue blossoming, she will grow more beautiful from now on. When that happens, can he remain by her side? Will he see her blossom?

Rhys knew he was running out of time with her. That"s why even if it"s selfish, he wants to spend even the smallest moments with her.

"You"re a very good kisser," Rhys commented.

She tried to speak, really, but the girl could only blush more. Lyn"s cheeks puffed out and she buried her face in his clothing. Heh, "Surely you understand it? Coming here like this so defenceless. The second Princess is quite bold it seems like."

"Rhys your just a pervert...".

"Hmmm? Says the one who is snuggling against me?"

He could tell that each word he was saying was clearly making the girl more and more fl.u.s.tered, "This is...your fault, I can"t stand because of you...."

Heh, seems like he over did it a bit. Well no matter, "If it means having a girl snuggle up close to me, then being a pervert isn"t too bad." At that, he earned a light punch causing him to chuckle. She really is something isn"t she?

"But really Lyn, do you remember were in public?"

"n.o.body will notice, it"s crowded."

Actually, he thought the same originally and that"s why he did it. Even he isn"t an idiot to make out with her in public.

"Lyn, try those on," he pointed to a nearby rack of clothes. Lyn glanced over and looked away, Rhys chuckles. "Don"t mind the price."


Rhys cuts her off by lifting one of the clothes from the racks towards her. "This blue colour suits you very well, try it on."

Lyn glanced at the item, "It does look pretty," she muttered.

"Try it on."

She nodded hesitantly and he asked the female clerk to lead her to the changing area. Rhys however made sure to follow behind them casually. He didn"t want to look like a pervert, but at the same time he couldn"t leave Lyn alone.

Rhys stood silently right outside her changing room. The other workers kept stealing glances at him, but he didn"t pay them any attention. Honestly, he didn"t know what he was doing. Even if it is the last time, he should leave something like this to Kazuya. Kazuya is the boyfriend and not him. No matter how many times Rhys said that though, it doesn"t stop him from doing these things with her.

He paused when he saw the accessories displayed in the nearby rack. Rows of gorgeous jewels and combs. A comb... Rhys reached out and fiddled with one. Lyn doesn"t have one this fancy does she?

Buying a comb is a signal for marriage though. If he buys her one, it"s the same as proposing to her. Rhys understood their current situation very well. Lyn likes him, but even if she has such feelings - she would rather stay with Kazuya. The reason why he cut her off back then was because he understood that.

Still, it won"t do any harm. Like he told her she deserves everything and so much more. Rhys scanned through the combs until he found the perfect one for her. A gorgeous red and gold phoneix hair comb.

He heard the girls giggling, and Rhys paused for a moment. "They saw him come inside with Lyn, so it"s obvious this is for her." He could come back and buy it later. However, after today things will no longer be peaceful. Rhys quickly bought the hair comb, and several other outfits for the girl. Right as he finished purchasing the last item, Lyn peeked through the curtain.



"They said this goes with an accessory, but I don"t know how to put it on..."

"Give it to me, I"ll do it for you."

Lyn opened the curtain and Rhys almost dropped the bags in his hands. He couldn"t believe it. He knew it would look good on her, however Rhys picked that outfit on a whim. He didn"t actually think she would look this dammed good in it. Lyn wore a gorgeous white and blue flower print, and water patterned western dress. A light blue shawl wrapped around her shoulders.

"Uh? Does it look that wei--" he cuts her off immediately, and wrapped his arms around her waist. Rhys brought his lips to her neck. "Rhys? What"s wrong? You"re not feeling sick are you?"

"Lyn, you"re beautiful."

At that comment Lyn"s cheeks turned red and soft laughter escaped her lips. "I didn"t think I would impress you so much. I"m happy Rhys, thank you."

"You"re happy?"

"Mmm, I was worried at first that you"d take advantage of me."

Rhys blinked and then chuckled, "Dearest, do you know what take advantage means?"

"I"m not that oblivious," she played with their inter winded fingers, "I know you have hidden intentions."

"Yet you went with me anyway, so foolish."

"What if I want you to take advantage of me?"

"Is she messing with him now?" Rhys quickly pulled her away from his arms. The absence of the girl"s warmth made him uncomfortable. Rhys didn"t realize how much he got used to this girl by his side. "Until now that is.."

"I paid for that outfit already, walk out with it. Let"s get going now."

Lyn nodded and quickly followed him out of the shop. The streets were busier than ever, so Rhys grabbed hold of Lyn"s hands again. To his surprise she didn"t fuss about it like she did last time.

The Sound Kingdom elders will send an envoy here in a couple of days. The timing made him suspicious. However, Rhys knew better than to question it. His gaze fell on Lyn, "something tells him that Lyn is serious about what she said earlier." Can he trust that though? Lyn saying she will choose him? What about Kazuya? What will happen to Kazuya if Lyn choose him?

Rhys felt genuinely conflicted by this.

He cares a lot about his friend.