Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 427


Unfortunately though, he wasn"t the type of person to disclose his feelings and thoughts easily. Lyn wants to know the truth, but he can"t tell her anything. So Rhys decided to swiftly change the topic, "Why did you come here?" Rhys questioned.

Rhys thought she would pry more but thankfully Lyn went along with it.

"I was wondering I left some things in your room. Could I fetch it?"

"Hmm?" Rhys recalled what she left, "Leave that stuff there, you"ll need it."

He got closer to her and brought his lips to her neck. A sweet scent filled his nose, "is she wearing perfume again?"

Lyn casually drew back, "I left one of my favourite dresses there."

"Ah, the ones I bought you?"

"Well, I do have a social gathering soon," Lyn nodded. "Mm, I"d like to west one of them."

"Wear the blue one."

It seems like their relations.h.i.+p has changed. Rhys bent down again, "You sure you don"t want to skip your event?"

"I can"t but we can meet later?"

"We can?"

Lyn nodded and a bitter expression appeared on her face. "Yeah, we can meet because Kazuya bailed on me."

Ah.. So he"s a replacement after all? Either way it"s Kazuya"s loss. Rhys kisses behind her ear and Lyn shuddered. His lips curve to a smile. "Hey, stay with me for a bit."


"You don"t want to? Let"s go on a walk," he urged her. He kept giving her kisses and eventually Lyn surrendered. The two walked down the path to the garden area in silence for awhile. Rhys didn"t mind this silence at all, it was very comforting.



Lyn sighed, "I"m a terrible woman, I"m clearly messing with you."

"Don"t mind it," he brought his lips to her ear again. "I said it was alright."

He doesn"t want her to push him away again. It"s not like she is completely accepting him, but it"s better than before. His thoughts broke off when he felt her hands roam on his exposed chest.


"Your injured here," Lyn mumbled. "Why?"

"It"s nothing serious."

"Hmmmmm," she carefully examined his wound. "Are you sure it doesn"t hurt?"

"Were they low key flirting? He likes it..." Can he tell her that? Or would she call him an idiot again? His thoughts broke off when he saw a small beam of light from her fingers. Rhys knew what it was of course, but -- even then he didn"t think she would use it.

"I don"t want it to scar."

"Yeah but your..."

Lyn nodded, "You already knew though. I know even now were enemies, but whether it"s Kazuya or you. I"d use this without hesitating, that"s why don"t say anything for now."

Kazuya and him are on the same level now? He doesn"t know how to feel about that.

"Kazuya he"s only disappearing for your sake."

"I already heard what he said," Lyn snapped. "If he wants it to be like that so be it."

Is she that mad? Rhys brushed his hands across her cheeks and a content sigh escaped her lips. "I know it"s cruel of me to use you, but I feel at ease when were together these days."

His lips curve to a smile, "I don"t see a problem with that. I think your feelings are changing."

At this rate Lyn will completely fall out of love with Kazuya, then he could take advantage of that. Still, she is wearing that bracelet with his crest on so easily. "Take this off."

Lyn sighed, "Don"t push it."

"Lyn," he mumbled. "Your with me now, focus on me."

She hesitated but nodded. "I will put it back on later though, so don"t brood."

"I won"t."

"Rhys, let me go... Your getting awfully close..."

"I want to kiss you."

"No," Lyn immediately rejected him.

"No huh?" he repeated as he backed the girl towards a nearby tree. Lyn slowly took a few steps back, until he eventually had her cornered. "I don"t believe you, I don"t think you understand what you really want."

"No, no I do!" Lyn exclaimed. "I mean, sure I do want to get closer to you. But aren"t you moving too quickly?"



"I will treat you nicely, so just stay still Lyn."

The girl frantically shook his head but he already leaned forward. Lyn closed her eyes and he chuckled. "Geez, does she really think he is a beast?" Rhys took something out of his pocket and attached it on the girls hair. He already bought her some clothes recently. However, just clothes and shoes aren"t enough. Once he firmly attached the hairpin on her hair, he pulled back.

"Hey, open your eyes."

At that comment Lyn did as he said, the girl immediately placed her hand on her hair. "Ah.."

"Like it?"

Lyn pulled out a small mirror from her clothes pocket. "It looks good," she trailed off and laughed. "This is what you wanted to give me?"


"Thank you Rhys."


Rhys had to send Lyn away, he wanted to spend some more time with her. However his gaze fell on the woman snuggled up to him. This person just had to show up, "Princess Kaede," he mumbled. "What exactly are you doing here?"

"Why can"t I pay you a visit? I missed you."

"Don"t give me that," Rhys sighed. "What do you want?"

"I saw her walking by just now. Were you two together?"

"What are you trying to do?"

Kaede chuckled, "I just thought she was a pretty little thing. Indeed those rumors about her were a lie. Queen Orthez hid quite the gem away, I can tell she is quite strong too."

Rhys frowned when he heard that a.n.a.lysis. "Is it that obvious to anyone who sees Lyn?" Then again, Lyn doesn"t know how to suppress her aura. People who meet her for the first time end up surprised. The stronger a persons magic is the stronger their aura is. Normally royals suppress it so n.o.body can tell. However, it"s different with Lyn. She doesn"t know how to do it. He spent so long trying to work out her abilities, that he forgot to teach her that.

"This is troubling, Kaede will report this to the higher ups." "What do you want to keep quiet?"

"Sleep with me."


Kaede wrapped her arms around his neck, "It seems you care about her a lot."

"I don"t know what you heard, but she means nothing to me."

It was a lie, and it pained him to say these words. How could he lie about his feelings for Lyn?