Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 439


So the one who brought her back was Rhys right? Judging from Kazuya"s state, he wasn"t the one who carried her. Now that she thought about it, before she blacked out she thought she heard Rhys frantic voice. "Lately, he keeps rescuing and appearing before her a lot." Maybe she does like him. But, her gaze flickered back to Kazuya who was looking at the map sprawl led on the ground. He sat crossed legs with a pen in his hand and a serious expression.

It would be wrong of her to think such things. Maybe Silver is right about her after all. She is faltering. The resolve she built up for so long is fading.

"You keep looking at me, do you still feel sick?" Rhys asked.

Lyn buried her face in the blankets again, but Rhys stood up. He was casually sitting on the window frame with a book in hand, yet he placed the book down.

"Lyn, turn around. I need to check on you."

She hesitantly turned around with her burning cheeks. Thankfully Rhys didn"t comment and simply told her to open her mouth.

"It looks better, but it must hurt huh? Maybe it would be better if you don"t talk for a bit and go to sleep."

"I don"t want to."

Rhys raised his eyebrow and sighed. "Well, maybe we should talk since your awake anyway."


"I"m going to ask you in advance. But do you have control of your magic?"

"I do.."

"Are you sure?"

Lyn nodded, "Why is he asking?"

Rhys suddenly sat down on the bed and placed his hand on top of hers. "Then, can I a.s.sume that your deliberately calling for me?"

"I didn"t calk you!"

"We went through this before and you said the same thing. But this time I can prove it..."

Lyn felt her already red cheeks grow hot at his words. It"s not like she did it deliberately, but before she knew it she was calling his name. Why does she keep calling for him? It feels stupid. He doesn"t say anything more than that but not only did her not let go of her hand. Rhys picked up his book with the other hand and started reading.

"Uhh.." She looked at him dumbfounded. Is he not going to let go of her? "Say Rhys, what are you reading?"

"A book about the jade. It seemed like both me and Kazuya received the wrong tip. So I thought I"d look more into it."

A book about the jade? Lyn looks over curiously. Rhys lips curve to a smile, "Want to read too?"


Her thoughts broke off when Rhys wrapped his arms around her waist. Before Lyn could say a word, he had her sat down on his lap. "Alright, I"ll read it to you."

"I know how to read, you don"t have to..."

"Well, I did tell you to rest your voice," Rhys brushed his lips against her ear. "You feel a bit warm, you sure you don"t want to lay down?"

Lyn turned her head slightly, "Your the one who forced me into this position."

Rhys laughed, "I"m not keeping you captive."

"Read it for me," Lyn pointed to the book.

Now that Lyn got a proper look at the book she realized it was written in the eastern language. It will be difficult for her to read this on her own. The next few minutes felt peaceful to her, Rhys was reading the book to her and explaining things.

"She never thought they could spend time like this together." Her gaze softened, he isn"t a bad guy. Just as Lyn thought that she felt his lips on her neck and she shuddered.

"If your too loud, that idiot will notice."


Rhys sighed, "Your refusing?"

"I"m sorry, just..." Lyn struggled to get the words out. But the moment she tried to she felt bile in her throat. Rhys reached over and patted her back.

"Don"t throw up, you"ll make it worse. Can you hold it?"

"I think so."

Rhys pulled out his brush from his robes and a few scrolls. "Alright, hold onto me."

Lyn slowly nodded and Rhys started to write on the scrolls. It always amazed her whenever he did this. The eastern language with it"s strange symbols. "She wants to learn it too." She caught a glimpse of Kazuya watching her, and her heart clenched in pain. She almost forgot he was there, how terrible of her.

A familiar light surrounded her and Lyn felt the fatigue and sickness leave her body. She still felt bad, but it wasn"t as bad as before.

He cupped her cheeks, "Your completion looks lighter, I think you should sleep the rest of it of. Although," Rhys trailed off, "You can"t sleep alone right?"

"Ah, I have nightmares," Lyn knew it sounded stupid. How old is she? Sixteen years old? Not being able to sleep alone due to nightmares is so childish.

"Kazuya, take care of her."


Why--why did he come all this way here if he was going to...

Rhys placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I need to head out, you stay here."

Lyn didn"t say anything and looked down at her feet. Rhys took her silence as a yes and immediately headed out. It was quiet when Rhys exited the room. The air felt thick and heavy. Lyn wanted to go to sleep, but Kazuya suddenly spoke up.

"Hey Lyn, do you want to break up?" Kazuya asked.

At that comment her eyes widened. She couldn"t believe what he just said.

"I"m not saying forever. I just think with the way things are now for you, it isn"t good for your health. You want to get to know Rhys and spend time with him, but you feel bad for me," Kazuya nodded. "You don"t have to feel bad."

"I"ve wronged you."

Kazuya shook his head, "I"m the one who made this difficult for you. Hey, it"s okay. You know I"m heading to the Sound Kingdom soon."

"That"s right, your going.."

"Our relations.h.i.+p, let"s put it on hold Lyn. Do you understand?" Kazuya lightly brushed their forehead together and whispered. "They are watching us Lyn."

"So that"s why he said that?" Kazuya must have thought long and hard about this. He"s right isn"t he? It seems like those people won"t let them together. They planned this very well, and now her feelings towards him have weakened. She fell for that trap and Rhys.. Rhys went along with it. He knew didn"t he? That"s why his behaviour towards her is different these days.

"Then, I"ll break up with you."