Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 447


Now that Lyn thought about it, was Allen doing that deliberately? Most of the information she learned about the outside world came from him. Of course he only acted that way whenever they were alone. Whenever they were in public and he had to speak to officials, he would send her away. But even then he would tell her the results of the discussion. Allen was silently helping her all along, she needs to thank him when she gets the chance to.

Lyn turned to Kazuya expecting an answer. 

 "Hm, well since you"re eager to learn I won"t stop you. Do you know what arbitrage is?"

"Arbitrage?" She repeated. It sounded familiar to her but for some reason she could not explain it. So Lyn shook her head.

"To put it simply, it is an opportunity to gain something. For example crops. If there is an opportunity to buy them cheap, store them and later on sell them.."

"Ah," Lyn nodded. "The price from a foreign place is undervalued while people prefer the price in the local exchange market. The trader can make a profit from this difference."

Kazuya"s lips curved to a smile. "You"re a good teacher. Yes, that"s right. So what do you think?"

"It sounds like a honest and greedy system."

"Correct it is selfish. But look at it another way, people who do this need to make a living. Not everybody is blessed with the riches from the castle."

Lyn could not miss the bitterness in his tone when he said those words. Kazuya dislikes n.o.bles. That is already something that isn"t new to her. But even then Lyn still felt uncomfortable when he said these words. He hates n.o.bles...and yet he dated her. One of the reasons why she broke up with Kazuya was this. No matter how much he loves her, she cannot erase the hate he has for n.o.bles in his heart.

Even if she is different from all the other n.o.bles. It does not change the fact that she is a n.o.ble too. Deep down she is afraid, afraid that he would turn her back on her. While that is not new to her. By that time she would be completely attached to him. While she could simply distance herself from him. Lyn knew she could not do this for long.

Kazuya...she wants to tell him that she made a mistake. But, Lyn knew if she said this now then Kazuya wouldn"t go to the Sound Kingdom. She can"t continue like this. She can"t drag people down just for her selfish whims.

"You just asked me how black markets can exist in this day and age correct?"


"You see let"s look at it this way. Even now individuals will seek to improve their situation, using any means necessary. There are many people in the Empire who have a hard time and cannot get any work. Naturally they will grab any opportunity they can get to improve their situation. However, people aren"t stupid. They know how risky black market trading is. So a few people get away with this."

So it was something like that. Still, "If I were to go to one, would I really get caught immediately?"

Kazuya paused, "Do you have to go?" he trailed off. "I may not understand what you are going through right now Lyn. But, there is a line for danger. You would be risking everything you have built so far if you went."

"So that"s what he is concerned about." If it were Allen he would give her a formal response. If it were Rhys, well they won"t even be talking about it. He would just let her go. Kazuya truly cares for her. She can tell from his words how deeply he cares for her. It"s painful, pretending to dislike him and act indifferent towards him. Kazuya didn"t do anything wrong. It was all her. 

Sure she was lonely whenever he snuck off anywhere. But Lyn knew whenever Kazuya went anywhere it was because of her. Everything was for her sake. That"s why, her loneliness felt stupid.


Lyn must have blacked out, because when she next opened her eyes she was no longer in the hallway. She glanced at her surroundings and saw she was no longer in the hallway. 

Bright lights added to her disorientation. It took her a moment to realize exactly where she was. Lyn extended her hand out, "inside the medical quarters in the main palace?" So they moved her all the way out here. There was no need for that but she understood why.

Her ident.i.ty will get revealed properly soon. Her birthday banquet has already started. Eventually she will no longer be a hidden "Princess." Isn"t this what she wanted all along? How come she suddenly felt so sad.

Rhys is going to get mad at her when he catches wind of this, Allen too. Even though she promised the two that she would be careful, it appears as though she brings danger wherever she goes. Danger.. Lyn recalled what happened not too long ago, again..everyone will get hurt because she"s around. Once again she is causing pain to others instead of helping them. " Your cursed" " You cannot change that", that"s right. In the end no matter how much things change, some things will remain the same. 

A cursed existence, somebody who doesn"t deserve to be alive.

Her thoughts broke off when a warm hand grabbed hold of hers. Her eyes widened when she saw the blue light. The stream of blood that was about to fall out halted.

She smiled weakly at the man with long blue hair. "You"ve finally showed up my mentor."

A deep sigh crossed the man"s lips. "The General informed me of your careless actions recently. I"m impressed, Lyn. Do you really want to die?"

His gaze was cold unlike his usual cheerful expression. Lyn knew she was in trouble this time. Nonetheless, Lyn remained composed. "So you finally came around. I thought you were going to continue hiding prince Ralph."

Yes, the person she refers to as her mentor is none other than Ichinose Ralph. A member of the Ichinose family, one of the leading households in the Mist Kingdom.

Ralph sighed. "I was hiding away because people were bothering me and dragging me into unnecessary conflict. I distanced myself from you because of our a.s.sociation with each other."

"What a.s.sociation?" Lyn feigned ignorance.

"The fact that your my student. It seems like word got out. Your brother didn"t know I was teaching you military arts before, so I received quite the lecture from him."

"My brother"s lecture shouldn"t be enough to scare you away."

Rather her mentor always annoyed brother. So isn"t it strange?

"Princess Lyn," Ralph said sharply. "I know this is strange coming from me. But please remember your position and goal. You haven"t forgotten why you joined hands with those people correct?"

The reason why she joined hands with those people huh? Silver"s words echoed in her head and Lyn nodded. "How could I forget?"