Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 477

Rhys didn"t reply to the woman and walked down the hallway in a hurry. A deep sigh crossed his lips. "What a waste of time." He should go and find Lyn. She mentioned something about having dance practice right? He should hurry up and find her. 

His thoughts broke off when he spotted a man with maroon coloured hair not too far from where he was standing.

"Did you think I would cheat on Lyn?" Rhys asked.

The person in question was Kazuya.

"Uh no-- wait, you can"t cheat if your not dating her."

"Were practically a couple already."

He saw the troubled look on Kazuya"s face and sighed. "Did you need me for something?"

"I was thinking, could I borrow Lyn?"

At that comment Rhys frowned. "What do you want with her?"

"Uh, don"t glare at me. I only want to give her a belated birthday gift. I didn"t get a chance to attend the banquet then."


Kazuya nodded. "Yeah, I wanted to take her to see the fire flies in the forest. Usually they don"t come out till summer. But..."

"That"s quite sweet of him." Rhys sighed. "How come I can"t think of things like that?"

"I will tell her."

"Great! Then tell her to meet me tomorrow night." With those words said Kazuya rushed of. His gaze dimmed at that thought. 

Should he allow them to meet? But if he stopped them it wouldn"t be right. 

Now that the weather is getting better, I really do have to decide the groups next plans." Rhys mutters. Its supposed to be the center and the captain who decides this together. However his sweat dropped, it just has to be that guy. 

He is definitely not cut out for work related matters. Then again he saw Kazuya do official work before. He does know how to act professionally. But when n.o.body is watching him he becomes a lazy fool. He sighs once more.. well he supposed it can"t be helped.

Every time he ends up complaining about Kazuya. He would always recall the words he said to Lyn.

" To all of us. Kazuya"s existence is something that"s essential. No without him there would be no Sound Kingdom. .."

That"s right. In the end if it isn"t Kazuya, then he wouldn"t be a knight. He wouldn"t be going against his fathers wishes to this extent. 

Rhgs knew that if it weren"t for Kazuya, he probably wouldn"t have worked this hard. That"s something that will always remain that way.

"Something of the sort. We had heard rumours that there was someone with a good voice just putting on street performances and singing randomly. Truthfully speaking we weren"t expecting much from just rumours alone, yet we checked it out anyway and was immediately enchanted."

He and the others didn"t expecting much. But at the same time we thought "we didn"t have anything to lose". Who would have thought that taking that risk would pay of.

In the end the world may be mysterious that way. 

"Just go ahead and do it yo." A familiar voice said.

Rhys sighs. "I told you not to show yourself in public.. People will pa.s.s out in shock if they find a small fairy tale like creature flying in mid air."

"Hiding behind your hair isn"t exactly comfortable." A female voice said. It belong to the small fairy creature called Mari.

Eh when did she? Rhys soghed in defeat seeing them. He supposed it was alright. If he was left alone right now, he would probably end up in lost and wander of somewhere far. 

When his family introduced this custom to him. He was starting to get a strange sense of de-jvu. After all he had once fought a ommoyoji group. His gaze fell on the two creatures, "I am going to the red light district. Are you sure you want to follow?"

Mari"s gaze darkened and the small one called Keith pulled her sleeve. "Let"s go sister. We will wait somewhere else until he finishes."

"Sir Rhys why do you insist on disgracing yourself? The women from that place are filthy..."

But Keith already pulled her away before she could finish her sentence.

"Dirty huh?"


Red Light District - XX Establishment -

"Rhys, Rhys." A beautiful female voice moaned. She panted heavily and clung to his shoulders.

"What"s wrong? Your a bit aggressive tonight and I thought you didn"t want to meet for awhile."


"Are you sure? I am here to listen."

Rhys sighed when he heard her understanding words. He placed a gentle kiss on her temple. "Mel, you don"t get jealous?"

"Do you want me to? Because I can."

He chuckled at her blunt words. "Well, that would be interesting."

"Rhys-sama, I think--" Melissa"s sentence fell short when he grabbed her hips and lowered her even further.

"Ah..Rhys-sama stop for a moment."


"Ah, uh."


Rhys pulled out his pipe and looked out at the window. Melissa wrapped her arms around him and buried her face from the back. "What is it?"

"Rhys-sama, your acting very strange. Do you like Princess Lyn?"

"I thought you knew."

"I didn"t realize you were this attached."

Attached? He is? To Lyn?

That is a new one but he supposes that is the case now. To think it ended up this way. Rhys didn"t think he would end up falling for Lyn this much. 

Rhys turned her around. "Worried?"

"A little." Melissa admitted.

"Relax, I still intend to keep my promise."

"I am not worried about my freedom. Rhys-sama, are you not in pain?" Melissa cupped his cheeks. "Please leave everything to me. This is why I am here, to ease your pain and suffering. I will make sure everything is okay."

Rhys understood that the woman living in the red light district are trained to speak this way. But even then it comforted him knowing that there was someone there for him.

How much of her words are lies? How much of them are real?

Melissa genuinely cared for him. He could tell that she differed from the girls who lived here.