Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 486

"Hey, why are you still angry?"

"I just recalled it and got mad. Besides, before I say yes. Tell me what you plan to do with that woman from the red light district."

Rhys frowned. "You want to talk about Melissa now?"

"Yes. How do you expect me to agree if your seeing another woman?"

"First of all I hadn"t met her in a year. It was only recently during your birthday banquet where I saw her again. Two, she isn"t another woman, so don"t talk about her like that."

Lyn clenched her fist. "He is so overprotective of her." That"s annoying.

"Then fine, go to your Melissa." She immediately stood up. 

Rhys however grabbed her wrist. "Hey, I"m not done talking."

"If you"re really serious about me then stop meeting other women!" Lyn exclaimed. 

"She isn"t like that though."


Red Light District - 10:00am 

A few hours later in a certain establishment in the red light district. In one of the establishment"s s.p.a.cious rooms. A woman with long lilac coloured hair was moving up and down a certain red head"s lap.

"Rhys-sama." Melissa said softly. "Is this not good?"


"You haven"t done anything." She pointed out.

Indeed ever since he got here, he didn"t do anything. It was difficult for him to do so because of Lyn. The girl"s words echoed in his head like some type of spell. 

He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Are you uneasy?"

"A little." Melissa nodded. 

"I won"t break our promise. You want to stay till the moon festival right?"

Melissa nodded. "I discussed it with the owner and though she is reluctant to let me leave. I told them you would pay enough to ensure the establishment is a success."


"Rhys-sama, did you fight with Princess Lyn?"

"She told me to stop seeing other women." Rhys sighed when he recalled how angry she was. "Were not even dating, why is she so possessive?"

While he was the one who said he considered them to be dating. Rhys understood it wasn"t official until she agreed 

"Then it means she wants to be in a relations.h.i.+p with you."

He raised his eyebrows at that comment. "She does?"

Melissa nodded. "The Princess seems to have feelings for you. She doesn"t reject your advances does she?"

"Well, I guess not."

"Then, there"s your answer."

Rhys couldn"t miss the sadness in her tone and paused. It never crossed his mind before. No, he never let it cross his mind. But this woman has feelings for him. "She likes me a lot doesn"t she?" Rhys could tell from her words and actions. Melissa always got jealous whenever he saw other women. 

Yet Melissa is supporting him with Lyn. It puzzled him in more ways than one. Why does she behave this way? If Melissa likes him, shouldn"t she-- his thoughts broke off when Melissa got of him.

She walked over to the railing and picked up a new gown. "Your done?"

Melissa nodded. "Since were not getting anywhere."

"Is she mad too?" Rhys stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Do you like me?"

"I do."

Rhys blinked when he heard her confession. Huh? Wait what? Is she serious?  Rhys suspected it before but he didn"t think she would admit it.

Melissa turned around. "You don"t have to worry about my feelings. I understand very well that she likes you. It"s a good thing, that you can be with the woman you love."

Before Rhys could say anything the bellboy rushed into the room. "There"s news! Sir Rhys --- the second Princess is…"

Rhys couldn"t believe it.

He thought it was a mistake since people aren"t used to Lyn yet. But sure enough the moment he exited the building, he spotted her from a distance.


Lyn turned to him and slowly walked over. "So, I thought it through and I have to say. I like you Rhys."

What is it with young girls these days. How can they say the words, "I love" so easily? Then again, maybe he is just old fas.h.i.+oned. So after four hours this is the conclusion she comes up with? Give him a break, he was so dammed worried. 

Rhys pulled her into his arms. "So you"re saying you want to be mine?"



A few days later - Mist Kingdom Main Castle -

"d.a.m.n it, quit avoiding me."

"I"m not avoiding you." Lyn pointed to the long stack of doc.u.ments. "As you can see I"ve been working this whole time."

"Aren"t you being too cold? You"re the one who confessed to me."

At that comment Lyn put the doc.u.ments down and walked over to him. He immediately pulled her onto the ground.

"I"ve been really frustrated not seeing you after that day. I won"t let you escape."

Lyn sighed. "You"re so unpleasant."


She ran her hands through his hair. "What are we doing?"

His gaze dimmed. "You can"t fool me. You"re avoiding me because you overheard something after you confessed to me right? What did those people tell you?"

After Lyn confessed, he had to return for his belongings. It was awkward on the way in since people kept looking. He didn"t get very far since Melissa stood at the edge of the stairwell with his stuff. She simply gave him the usual goodbye greeting and said. "Don"t forget our promise." 

When he returned outside, Rhys noticed that something was wrong with Lyn. The owner of the establishment was walking away from her. "Did they tell you anything weird? Tell me right now."

"The festival." Lyn muttered. "They told me about the promise you made her."


"I thought I would stay out of your way until then. I apologize if you thought I was avoiding you intentionally."

Rhys sighed when he heard those words from her. He figured it was something stupid like that.

"I thought you were going to kiss me."

"I was until you looked like you were battling against something."

Lyn pouted and his lips curve to a smile. What a cute little thing. Rhys brought his lips to hers. "You want a kiss?"


"Say Lyn, can I bring you out tonight?"



"Mmm, sorry. I have to attend a ball with Allen."

"I see."

Lyn played with his hair. "Is it important? I could cancel and go with you."

Rhys shook his head. "It"s fine." He wanted to bring her along to rea.s.sure himself. But if she is busy he won"t bother her. He brushed his lips on her forehead and gave her a gentle kiss. "You okay today?"

"Mm, I think I"m getting used to it."

"Is that okay?"

Used to it huh? Rhys s.h.i.+fted their positions so he was on top again, he placed kisses down her neck again.

"Nnngh.... Rhys."

"Such cute sounds." Lyn really knows how to get him worked up. What will happen when he actually touches her? He is looking forward to finding out.