Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 490

Every village has a secret, whether or not that was a secret path or not but they all had one. Rhys understood this very well since he would spend a lot of time in such places. Secret paths used to escape just in case anything happened. The people living in the Empire are smart, they understood how life was in the Empire. Wars could happen at anytime.

His thoughts broke off when he realized that Lyn had return to the bedroom. He quickly followed her inside and watched as she pulled out a baby blue coloured dress from the wardrobe.

Rhys frowned. "The meal aside, I thought we would go to sleep after this."

"I have some business to attend to."

"A ball this late?"

"You know fickle n.o.bles are." She trailed off. "Rhys would you help me? I cant reach the zip."

Rhys sighed and walked over to the girl. He brushed his hands across her back and Lyn shuddered. He chuckled when he saw her reaction and bent down to bite her ear. "Dont you think your bravery will lead to something questionable happening to you?"

"If anything questionable happened, this would be because your a pervert." She turned around and caressed his cheeks as she said softly. "Would you come with me?"

"Hmm? This is rare."

"Why is it rare, your my boyfriend. You should be escorting me." Lyn sighed. "Or so I say but Allen will be present so I am asking you to come along with the ident.i.ty of my guard."

Guard huh? Rhys recalled the conversation he had with Prince Andrew. The First Prince suggested something so ridiculous that he could hardly believe his ears. That man had the nerve to suggest that he became one of Lyns knights. Though Kazuya uses the ident.i.ty of being a Knight occasionally, it was not formal, let alone him. How could he call himself her knight when he is her lover? 

Rhys had many conflicting feelings but when he glanced at her all those worries vanished. "I think I have something blue."

Lyn laughed. "If we go wearing matching outfits, well I am sure people would talk."

"Like that bothers you." He walked over to the closet and scanned it for a few minutes. Rhys then realized something, the outfit he intended to wear was a matching set to the dress Lyn bought. So it isnt the colour that will match but also the design. His lips curve to a smile when he thought of all the people who would attend the event and the fiance who would be low key disgraced.

Rhys slipped his robes of and watched as Lyn immediately looked away. They already took a bath together, so she must have seen him naked. So why is she asking like a shy girl now? Then again, it seems like he has indeed underestimated this girl. If she were just any other woman, Rhys knew he would not be this interested.

"So what kind of gathering is this? Are special people attending."

"A large majority of my elder sister"s fraction will attend." Lyn sighed. "My other guards will be present, including the people from the Wind Kingdom. But I feel uneasy since my sister will be there too."

Indeed Lyn and Princess Lethia seldom attended gatherings together. Despite Lyns hidden ident.i.ty, the girl had to attend gatherings amongst those who knew her ident.i.ty. How much did Lyn suffer under the hands of the First Princess this whole time? 

It bothered him greatly and seeing her reaction, it confirmed the thoughts he had this entire time. It seems like Prince Allen did not do a good job protecting her if people saw Lyn as a malicious woman.

Once he finished getting changed, he pinned Lyn back down on the bed. Heavy and hungry lips on her neck.

"Rhys...I need to go."

"A few more minutes."

"Nnnngh..." She ran her hands through his hair. "Don"t damage my dress too much."

So she"s giving him permission? Good girl. This is one of the things he liked about her. She was not like the other women. All those women were fickle and only wanted him for one thing, his body and wealth. But Lyn differed from them, she was not meak and innocent but nor was she a vixen with bad intentions. His thoughts broke off when he saw her extended her hand out and she buried her face in his shoulders.

"It does feel good."

"Are you comfortable?" Rhys asked. It was a stupid question. What on earth is he asking her after all this time? "Should I put more pillows…"

Lyn shook her head. "This is fine."

He hasnt even done it with her yet and look how she is reacting. What is this girl trying to do to him?

He no longer understood his state of mind.


Rhys glanced over at the girl who was surrounded by people. When he thought of the events a few minutes ago, he would sigh. "It"s not fair." Though the two of them are a couple now, he barely saw her. Then again with her status, the fact that he could even speak to her regularly was already a blessing. 

While n.o.bles love tend to be fake and superficial, they did have a few good ideas when it came to romance. Wearing the same colour as their partner showed they had a good relations.h.i.+p with them. So when Lyn and him showed up earlier, it caught everybodys attention. 

She stood out a lot before but now that her ident.i.ty as the Second Princess is revealed, more people flocked to her. He knew her very well, so he understood that the smile she wore on her face was fake. It seems like she has learned how to adjust to these events.

Rhys leaned against the railing and sighed. So many people approached him after he had no choice but to escort Lyn to Prince Allen. But he paid them no attention and secluded himself in the balcony on the second floor. The people here did not try to approach him and Rhys understood why. These people came out here because they wanted to be left alone.

His gaze flickered onto the pretentious woman who was laughing. The First Princess actually came here. This maybe a dukes party but even then Rhys did not think that woman would waste her time on an event like this.

Rhys thoughts broke off when he spotted the who suddenly stood beside him. "Lady Penelope."

So she came to this gathering too? Rhys raised his eyebrow. It seems like the people who usually dont attend such events are all gathering. It was not just lady penelope but he spotted some other people too. "What is the occasion?"

Penelope sighed. "I heard Princess Lethia has been discussing her engagement. But we do not know who the man is. People said he would attend the gathering tonight."

So that is why so many curious faces have shown up here.

"Also quit pouncing on Lyn."

"d.a.m.n." Rhys cursed. "How could you tell?"

"She came to me blus.h.i.+ng earlier and inquired about how to please a man." Penelope clicked her tongue irritated. "What on earth have you done to my pure and innocent Lyn?"