Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 505

Lyn understood what would happen if she were the first to make a move that would end up this way. But even then, she did not think he would react so quickly. Despite his initial shock, Rhys reacted, and before she knew it, she was on the bed again.

She tensed up as the bed produced sounds of shaking.

"So red, you do realize you don"t have to be this nervous, right?"

Even if he says that how on earth is she supposed to remain calm when they are in this situation? She"s really embarra.s.sed. He isn"t the first man she"s slept with. But considering the nature of her relations.h.i.+p with Rhys far, she wonders if she"s comfortable with him seeing her body. 

Lyn quickly hid her face. Okay, so he can do what he wants since they are officially dating. But she does not want to see what he does; otherwise, she would die of embarra.s.sment. At that time, Kazuya stopped and said he would wait, but she knew Rhys would not do that.

"Don"t hide your face. If you can"t look at the one that"s holding you, there is no point. Lyn, let me show you I am yours and you are mine."

Lyn removed her hand, and the first thing she saw was Rhys naked torso. But his gaze remained gentle.

"Good girl, I love you."

"Love", she should have used that word too instead of "like". But even now, it still seems so very foreign to her. She does not understand what that word means. How could Rhys say it so easily?

"I can"t give you up to anyone else, that"s how serious you"ve made me.  Being with you is worth leaving the rest of my life behind. So Lyn. Please be mine. ..forever."


The morning air is colder than she thought it would be. Lyn was very reluctant to leave the warmth of Rhys arms like that. She was looking forward to seeing what else he would do to her. But that stupid Silver and his stupid instructions. A deep sigh crossed her lips. When will that man free her from his clutches?

Silver must have figured out by now that teaming up with her sister is better. So why does that man still insist? But more importantly, it was difficult for her to forget last night"s events.

After all that has happened, Lyn did not think they would sleep together just like that. She knew he could no longer wait for her. But to think something simple as her making a move ended up this way. 

"Himuro, if you"re going to follow me. Could you please do it by my side?" Lyn snapped.

The blonde-haired man who hid behind a lamppost had a dark aura around him. "My nose is sensitive now that Lyn-sama has become a woman. I might do something brash."

What is he ta⁠— Lyn paused in mid-thought when she realized something. Could it be that he knew? Otherwise, why else would he say that? Now that she thought about it, didn"t brother Zepher say something like this before? How the people surrounding him have unusual magic?

"Y⁠—you know?"

"No." Himuro shook his head. "I refuse to believe that the naive girl who could not even see through my master"s advances has now become a woman. To be the one who initiated it too."

At that comment, Lyn glared at him. Being sensitive aside, if he knew that much, then he must have seen! 

Himuro hid behind the pillar again. "I did not see or hear anything."

"Lies! I thought you were returning to your guard duties today."

"Master Zepher suggested that I go surprise you."

Her eyes twitched, annoyed at those words. It seems like her brother is still holding a grudge. She knew it was suspicious that he accepted her return to the castle so easily. So it turns out he was planning something.

Lyn sighed. "Is it wrong of me? Rhys and I are officially now."

Himuro coughed. "Lyn-sama your not of age-- no," Himuro shook his head. "Master Zepher is just concerned. Prince Rhys does not have a good impression. He still has a woman in the red light district too."

At the mention of Melissa, Lyn turned gloomy. She does not want to think about it.

Rhys told her that he has it all under control, but Lyn was the type who easily became worried. If he has it all under control, how come those strange rumors are still going around? Could it be that even now Rhys is still sleeping around with that woman? Her face color turned pale at the thought. It cant be, Rhys already said he would stop. But is that not naive of her?

"I wanted to ask this of you for a long time Lyn-sama. But what exactly are you and Zepher-sama?"

Lyn blinked at his sudden question. "What do you mean? You already know his real ident.i.ty.."

"Yes, I know the official story. But personally, could I get more details?"

What is she to brother Zepher, huh? Well, she never thought about it properly before. He left so suddenly before she could even determine what her feelings for him were. "This is a bit hard to answer..but I guess to sum it up, I owe him my life?"

The maids had a bad habit of starving her and stealing whatever little food she had. Even though she built up a resistance, she was still a young child then. If Zepher did not come in the evenings with food, she would have most likely starved to death. However, does that make him her life savior or not? 

This is difficult. To think she never thought about this before.

"So that means you should repay him, right?"

Huh? What does that mean? To her surprise, a dangerous glint appeared in Himuros" eyes. He leaned forward. "You"re obliged to give him your body as payment. One day his lips would slowly sink into your neck. Lyn-sama, do you not want that?"

Her cheeks flushed slightly red. "What are you suggesting?"

"Since you seem embarra.s.sed, maybe I should bring you to him myself?"

The air gradually felt colder. What is this feeling? Isn"t there something wrong here?

Lyn raised her hand, but before she could slap him, somebody grabbed her hand. "Brother Zepher."

A dangerous glint appeared on Zepher eyes. "It seems like I will have to punish that fool later for getting himself caught. For now, be gone, an imposter."

Imposter? She turned to the blonde-haired man, and a crazy look flashed through his eyes. In the next second, he turned into a pile of dust. Lyn turned to Zepher and saw his flas.h.i.+ng red eyes. Is that what Rhys mentioned to her before? The forbidden power caused by possessing a dangerous artifact that contains black magic? It seems like brother Zepher has one after all.

Lyn would inquire about the circ.u.mstances where he obtained one. But right now there are more important things to deal with. She loosened her hand that he still held. "What are you doing here?"

Zepher sighed deeply. "Your not pleased to see me it seems?"