Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 58

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:05 PMChapter 58

"You want to see him that badly?" Rhys asked .

Lyn looked down and played with the hem of her skirt as she nodded, "I don"t understand very well, but whenever we don"t meet for a long time I get uneasy," she muttered . Lyn genuinely didn"t understand, exactly why does she want to stay by Kazuya"s side so badly . Why does she want to be with him always?

Is it because of love?

Though Lyn loved Allen, she never had these type of emotions before . Perhaps what she felt towards Allen wasn"t love after all . A love that brings pain like this whenever they can"t meet even just for a little while . This type of love - seems to hold more meaning .

"So, you basically want to be with him twenty-four seven . "

"Twenty-four," Lyn trailed off, "Ah, that"s impossible . Men and women aren"t allowed to bathe together unless they are married . "

Rhys looked at her, dumbfounded, "Are you crazy or something? Why restrict yourself like that?"

Crazy? Restrict herself?

What is he talking about?

A deep sigh pa.s.sed Rhys lips as he muttered something about being oblivious and being an idiot .

. . . .

- Mist Kingdom Main Castle, East -

The place Rhys took her was a place Lyn was familiar with . It was one of the waiting rooms on the East side of the main castle . Lyn looked at her feet nervously, as she avoided eye contact with people pa.s.sing by . What is Rhys thinking? She can"t just use the main entrance . Lyn figured they would take the side entrance . However, Rhys casually walked in the main one . After holding her breath for G.o.d knows how long, they eventually arrived at the door . Rhys looked like he wanted to say something to her, but all he said was take care before he walked away .

Lyn looked at the door cautiously; it"s okay to just enter right? If Rhys left just like that, then that means there is n.o.body else in the room but Kazuya . Lyn raised her hand and knocked on the wooden door . But she received no response . She frowned, he didn"t leave . Lyn turned the door k.n.o.b and carefully made her way inside . The room was the same as most of the rooms in the castle . Plain stone walls, windows on the right-hand side of the room . She found the person she was looking for hunched on the ground .

Ah?!! Is he okay? Lyn rushed over, "Kazuya? What"s the matter?"


Lyn nodded, "What"s wron--" her sentence fell short when she felt Kazuya"s lips on hers . Since the two of them started dating, they"ve never kissed as in have a proper one . Sure light kisses on the cheeks and forehead happen when they say h.e.l.lo and goodbye, but other than greetings it"s rare . Even then, those would not be considered a proper kiss .

However, this was different; this was a "proper kiss . " The moment his lips met hers, Lyn felt her head turn all mushy - and she didn"t need a mirror to see the state of her face . Lyn felt her cheeks grow hot, as Kazuya pried open her mouth . What— what, what"s happening right now? What is he doing? Isn"t it obvious, he"s kissing her? But why? Contrary to all these questions, Lyn knew that she didn"t dislike this . The warmth that filled her body was foreign, and yet Lyn didn"t reject it .

Her thoughts broke off when Kazuya pulled away slightly, "Ka—Kazuya?" Lyn called out; his face was flushed and sweaty like her own .

"Not enough," Kazuya murmured . N—not enough? Um? Kazuya gently caressed her cheeks and continued to kiss her .

Umm— is it because it"s been a while? Or maybe he"s just tired . Oh, this kiss feels a bit different than before . Unlike earlier, his tongue was no longer dancing around the edges .

. .

"Lyn?" Kazuya trailed off, he looked her up and down and suddenly bowed, "I"m sorry! I drank too much…"

Oh, he drank alcohol? Lyn didn"t know he drank .

Would it be strange to say she didn"t mind it?

"It"s okay, I liked it," Lyn realized a second too late what she meant .

A serious look appeared on Kazuya"s face, "You shouldn"t joke about things like that . "

"I--I"m not,"

Kazuya inched closer to her again; he gently caressed her hair, "I think I haven"t had enough," Kazuya repeated the words from earlier . But Lyn sensed that something was different .

. . . .

"Did you eat?" Kazuya asked as the two of them sat down on the couch . Kazuya leaned his head on her shoulders, causing her to become frantic, "Your cute when you get fl.u.s.tered, sorry, let me borrow your shoulders for a bit . "

He called her cute .

"Say Kazuya?"


"Um, did you miss me?"

His lips curve to a smile, "I missed you, Lyn . Sorry I haven"t been spending much time with you . I have a lot of work I have to do as the amba.s.sador . "

"Ah-huh, I understand . "

But she"s been lonely . Almost as though Kazuya read her mind, he brought his lips to her forehead and placed a light kiss there, "I"ll make some more time for you, I"ll drop by tonight and stay over . "


Kazuya looks very tired; maybe she should stay quiet? Even though she wanted to chat with him . Lyn knew she ought to let him get some proper rest . She reached out and gently caressed his hair, come to think of it . Just now they kissed right? He said it was because he was drunk, but even then it doesn"t change the fact that he kissed her . If it were just a normal peck on the lips, then maybe it would be okay . Lyn shook her head, that naive side has to vanish .

Pupillam lectured her thoroughly after the first time she kissed Kazuya . Lyn recalled the long stack of books Pupillam made regarding romance . Maybe she ought to learn something from those by now . "A kiss is an act done between couples who have mutual feelings for each other," is what was written in the book . Kazuya and her are a couple, but whether they have mutual feelings for each other is something Lyn is not sure of .

Rather the feelings she is thinking of is most likely different than the one that"s stated in all those books and stories .

"Something wrong, Lyn?"

"I was just thinking Kazuya; I don"t know how to kiss well is that a problem?"

Kazuya laughed, "You"re worried about that?"

Lyn pouted, "I"m serious," she doesn"t know much about "love," and what she does know about it is very limited . She"s sixteen years old without any knowledge of this stuff, isn"t that a problem?

"Then, do you want me to teach you?"

Teach?You want to see him that badly? Rhys asked . Lyn looked down and played with the hem of her skirt as she nodded, I dont understand very well, but whenever we dont meet for a long time I get uneasy, she muttered . Lyn genuinely didnt understand, exactly why does she want to stay by Kazuyas side so badly . Why does she want to be with him always? Is it because of love? Though Lyn loved Allen, she never had these type of emotions before . Perhaps what she felt towards Allen wasnt love after all . A love that brings pain like this whenever they cant meet even just for a little while . This type of love - seems to hold more meaning . So, you basically want to be with him twenty-four seven . Twenty-four, Lyn trailed off, Ah, thats impossible . Men and women arent allowed to bathe together unless they are married . Rhys looked at her, dumbfounded, Are you crazy or something? Why restrict yourself like that? Crazy? Restrict herself? What is he talking about? A deep sigh pa.s.sed Rhys lips as he muttered something about being oblivious and being an idiot . - Mist Kingdom Main Castle, East - The place Rhys took her was a place Lyn was familiar with . It was one of the waiting rooms on the East side of the main castle . Lyn looked at her feet nervously, as she avoided eye contact with people pa.s.sing by . What is Rhys thinking? She cant just use the main entrance . Lyn figured they would take the side entrance . However, Rhys casually walked in the main one . After holding her breath for G.o.d knows how long, they eventually arrived at the door . Rhys looked like he wanted to say something to her, but all he said was take care before he walked away . Lyn looked at the door cautiously; its okay to just enter right? If Rhys left just like that, then that means there is n.o.body else in the room but Kazuya . Lyn raised her hand and knocked on the wooden door . But she received no response . She frowned, he didnt leave . Lyn turned the door k.n.o.b and carefully made her way inside . The room was the same as most of the rooms in the castle . Plain stone walls, windows on the right-hand side of the room . She found the person she was looking for hunched on the ground . Ah?!! Is he okay? Lyn rushed over, Kazuya? Whats the matter? Lyn? Lyn nodded, Whats wron-- her sentence fell short when she felt Kazuyas lips on hers . Since the two of them started dating, theyve never kissed as in have a proper one . Sure light kisses on the cheeks and forehead happen when they say h.e.l.lo and goodbye, but other than greetings its rare . Even then, those would not be considered a proper kiss . However, this was different; this was a proper kiss . The moment his lips met hers, Lyn felt her head turn all mushy - and she didnt need a mirror to see the state of her face . Lyn felt her cheeks grow hot, as Kazuya pried open her mouth . What— what, whats happening right now? What is he doing? Isnt it obvious, hes kissing her? But why? Contrary to all these questions, Lyn knew that she didnt dislike this . The warmth that filled her body was foreign, and yet Lyn didnt reject it Her thoughts broke off when Kazuya pulled away slightly, Ka—Kazuya? Lyn called out; his face was flushed and sweaty like her own . Not enough, Kazuya murmured . N—not enough? Um? Kazuya gently caressed her cheeks and continued to kiss her . Umm— is it because its been a while? Or maybe hes just tired . Oh, this kiss feels a bit different than before . Unlike earlier, his tongue was no longer dancing around the edges . Lyn? Kazuya trailed off, he looked her up and down and suddenly bowed, Im sorry! I drank too much… Oh, he drank alcohol? Lyn didnt know he drank . Would it be strange to say she didnt mind it? Its okay, I liked it, Lyn realized a second too late what she meant . A serious look appeared on Kazuyas face, You shouldnt joke about things like that . I--Im not, Kazuya inched closer to her again; he gently caressed her hair, I think I havent had enough, Kazuya repeated the words from earlier . But Lyn sensed that something was different . Did you eat? Kazuya asked as the two of them sat down on the couch . Kazuya leaned his head on her shoulders, causing her to become frantic, Your cute when you get fl.u.s.tered, sorry, let me borrow your shoulders for a bit . He called her cute . Say Kazuya? Hmmm, Um, did you miss me? His lips curve to a smile, I missed you, Lyn . Sorry I havent been spending much time with you . I have a lot of work I have to do as the amba.s.sador . Ah-huh, I understand . But shes been lonely . Almost as though Kazuya read her mind, he brought his lips to her forehead and placed a light kiss there, Ill make some more time for you, Ill drop by tonight and stay over . Okay! Kazuya looks very tired; maybe she should stay quiet? Even though she wanted to chat with him . Lyn knew she ought to let him get some proper rest . She reached out and gently caressed his hair, come to think of it . Just now they kissed right? He said it was because he was drunk, but even then it doesnt change the fact that he kissed her . If it were just a normal peck on the lips, then maybe it would be okay . Lyn shook her head, that naive side has to vanish . Pupillam lectured her thoroughly after the first time she kissed Kazuya . Lyn recalled the long stack of books Pupillam made regarding romance . Maybe she ought to learn something from those by now . A kiss is an act done between couples who have mutual feelings for each other, is what was written in the book . Kazuya and her are a couple, but whether they have mutual feelings for each other is something Lyn is not sure of . Rather the feelings she is thinking of is most likely different than the one thats stated in all those books and stories . Something wrong, Lyn? I was just thinking Kazuya; I dont know how to kiss well is that a problem? Kazuya laughed, Youre worried about that? Lyn pouted, Im serious, she doesnt know much about love, and what she does know about it is very limited . Shes sixteen years old without any knowledge of this stuff, isnt that a problem? Then, do you want me to teach you? Teach?