Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 6

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:10:07 PMChapter 6

No matter how foolish it is, there is something one cannot avoid . One may temporarily be able to stop the feelings in their heart and feign ignorance . But that can only last so long .


Three days later Year 4014 (Mist Kingdom)

A few hours had gone by since Lyn last saw Kazuya when Kazuya"s guard saw him in that state . The man named f.u.kami immediately apologized for troubling her and pulled Kazuya away before she could say anything else to him . Kazuya, it wasn"t Kazuya"s fault . But surely this incidence has reached the ears of her mother or father by now . Realizing that she could not study in this mood, the General sent her away, and Lyn went to pick some medical herbs in the forest . When she recalled the state of Kazuya"s injury and his guard"s expression, Lyn knew Kazuya"s wounds wouldn"t get treated . So she wondered what she could do for him .

Spending endless fleeting days and moments with the man named Kazuya, Lyn disclosed many things about herself that she didn"t before . For one, her magical powers, Lyn always knew she had them, and from time to time she experimented with magic . But only when n.o.body else was looking, after all, Lyn understood that there was something strange with her magic . It"s something Lyn has always kept to herself, but she told Kazuya everything . Since then Kazuya"s helped her control them; otherwise, she would not have been able to help him .

"How long do you intend to follow me Kazuya?"

Kazuya emerged from his hiding spot, Lyn noticed that Kazuya covered in quite a few bandages, some coming undone and the deep scars showing through the bandages . So he at least tried to treat his own wounds? That"s good .

"Didn"t you say you"d heal my wounds, Princess?" Whenever Kazuya calls her Princess, most of the time he"s mocking her .

Lyn rolled her eyes, "Then don"t act all suspicious and just stand by my side," At that comment, Lyn felt herself being lifted off the ground, "Wah?" Kazuya said nothing and carried her for a few minutes before they arrived at the clearing of their usual hang out spot . He pressed her against the tree, and she looked at his expression .

Kazuya had a complicated look on his face, "Why did you save me?"

Oh, "Kazuya? I know you"re mad . But even my powers are unstable, that doesn"t mean I can"t fight when I see somebody important is getting hurt over nothing," Lyn explained . The scene from earlier replayed in her mind . How many times since he came here has that happened? Kazuya arrived on the day they met since then how many times has he had to experience the beatings from other people? How many times has he had to put up with it, "I know you"re strong, I know you could fight back if you wanted too . "

But Kazuya isn"t fighting back, and Lyn understood the reason why . As frustrating as it was, he"s trying to protect his people . If he fought back and won, then those people who he hurt would become the victim . It would be a dangerous situation for him . Her thoughts broke off when his lips brushed against hers, "You are far too reckless princess . " Ah, it was just those words alone that made her understand, that he wasn"t angry at her . He was afraid .

Lyn pulled away and reached over to touch his face, as she briefly shut her, "I"m alright, I won"t die . "

That"s right . No matter how worse the pain gets, no matter how many times her thoughts begin to lose control . She cannot forget it, the suffering of the people around her - it can"t just end by destroying everything . That will not solve anything . To make them feel at ease, for them to have a smile on their faces again . There is only one thing that she can do now .

Kazuya chuckled against her lips, "So, you won"t complain? I can kiss you again . "

Lyn drew back, "Quit being a moron . Put me down, so I can heal your wounds!"

. . .

"I can"t believe you got hurt, didn"t you tell me that you"d be able to avoid any attack that came your way swiftly?" Lyn lectured him . She did think to use her powers to heal but recalled the warning the General gave her and decided to find a medicine box . Once Lyn returned and saw that Kazuya had removed his s.h.i.+rt, revealing several other wounds . When Lyn saw those, she had to lecture him .

Kazuya nodded, "I did say that . But you know I have to hold back—" His sentence falls short, and he hissed . Lyn had dabbed some medical ointments on his forehead, she quickly moved to the ones on his shoulder, but he grabbed hold of her hand, "Be careful . Don"t tell me you"ve never done this before?"

Lyn"s cheeks turned red, and Kazuya rolled his eyes, "Give me those . I"ll do it," Kazuya said . Lyn seemed reluctant but nodded and gave him the supplies . Lyn observed him, she didn"t think she would see such a sight so early in the morning . When Lyn discovered Pupillam"s hostility and the General"s, she ought to have realized that something was wrong . She ought to have noticed the main and burden he carried a lot sooner

"You should be careful," Lyn said softly, Kazuya mumbled something about them being sneaky, but she shook her head, "Please be extra careful . If you got anymore hurt than this then . . " She trailed off, "Did you know that you could die from such wounds?"

Kazuya laughed, "There you go again with your random knowledge . "

Lyn"s cheeks puffed up into a pout; she hates it when he doesn"t take her seriously enough . She reached over and touched his forehead, her fingers stopped at the scars, "I"m sorry you got hurt," she said these words in a quiet tone, knowing that apologizing wouldn"t erase the pain behind his wounds .

Kazuya said nothing, and Lyn looked at his expression, this person carries such a heavy burden . A heavy sorrow and pain, is there any way she can help him?No matter how foolish it is, there is something one cannot avoid . One may temporarily be able to stop the feelings in their heart and feign ignorance . But that can only last so long . - Three days later Year 4014 (Mist Kingdom) A few hours had gone by since Lyn last saw Kazuya when Kazuyas guard saw him in that state . The man named f.u.kami immediately apologized for troubling her and pulled Kazuya away before she could say anything else to him . Kazuya, it wasnt Kazuyas fault . But surely this incidence has reached the ears of her mother or father by now . Realizing that she could not study in this mood, the General sent her away, and Lyn went to pick some medical herbs in the forest . When she recalled the state of Kazuyas injury and his guards expression, Lyn knew Kazuyas wounds wouldnt get treated . So she wondered what she could do for him . Spending endless fleeting days and moments with the man named Kazuya, Lyn disclosed many things about herself that she didnt before . For one, her magical powers, Lyn always knew she had them, and from time to time she experimented with magic . But only when n.o.body else was looking, after all, Lyn understood that there was something strange with her magic . Its something Lyn has always kept to herself, but she told Kazuya everything . Since then Kazuyas helped her control them; otherwise, she would not have been able to help him . How long do you intend to follow me Kazuya? Kazuya emerged from his hiding spot, Lyn noticed that Kazuya covered in quite a few bandages, some coming undone and the deep scars showing through the bandages . So he at least tried to treat his own wounds? Thats good . Didnt you say youd heal my wounds, Princess? Whenever Kazuya calls her Princess, most of the time hes mocking her . Lyn rolled her eyes, Then dont act all suspicious and just stand by my side, At that comment, Lyn felt herself being lifted off the ground, Wah? Kazuya said nothing and carried her for a few minutes before they arrived at the clearing of their usual hang out spot . He pressed her against the tree, and she looked at his expression . Kazuya had a complicated look on his face, Why did you save me? Oh, Kazuya? I know youre mad . But even my powers are unstable, that doesnt mean I cant fight when I see somebody important is getting hurt over nothing, Lyn explained . The scene from earlier replayed in her mind . How many times since he came here has that happened? Kazuya arrived on the day they met since then how many times has he had to experience the beatings from other people? How many times has he had to put up with it, I know youre strong, I know you could fight back if you wanted too . But Kazuya isnt fighting back, and Lyn understood the reason why . As frustrating as it was, hes trying to protect his people . If he fought back and won, then those people who he hurt would become the victim . It would be a dangerous situation for him . Her thoughts broke off when his lips brushed against hers, You are far too reckless princess . Ah, it was just those words alone that made her understand, that he wasnt angry at her . He was afraid Lyn pulled away and reached over to touch his face, as she briefly shut her, Im alright, I wont die . Thats right . No matter how worse the pain gets, no matter how many times her thoughts begin to lose control . She cannot forget it, the suffering of the people around her - it cant just end by destroying everything . That will not solve anything . To make them feel at ease, for them to have a smile on their faces again . There is only one thing that she can do now . Kazuya chuckled against her lips, So, you wont complain? I can kiss you again . Lyn drew back, Quit being a moron . Put me down, so I can heal your wounds! . I cant believe you got hurt, didnt you tell me that youd be able to avoid any attack that came your way swiftly? Lyn lectured him . She did think to use her powers to heal but recalled the warning the General gave her and decided to find a medicine box . Once Lyn returned and saw that Kazuya had removed his s.h.i.+rt, revealing several other wounds . When Lyn saw those, she had to lecture him . Kazuya nodded, I did say that . But you know I have to hold back— His sentence falls short, and he hissed . Lyn had dabbed some medical ointments on his forehead, she quickly moved to the ones on his shoulder, but he grabbed hold of her hand, Be careful . Dont tell me youve never done this before? Lyns cheeks turned red, and Kazuya rolled his eyes, Give me those . Ill do it, Kazuya said . Lyn seemed reluctant but nodded and gave him the supplies . Lyn observed him, she didnt think she would see such a sight so early in the morning . When Lyn discovered Pupillams hostility and the Generals, she ought to have realized that something was wrong . She ought to have noticed the main and burden he carried a lot sooner You should be careful, Lyn said softly, Kazuya mumbled something about them being sneaky, but she shook her head, Please be extra careful . If you got anymore hurt than this then She trailed off, Did you know that you could die from such wounds? Kazuya laughed, There you go again with your random knowledge . Lyns cheeks puffed up into a pout; she hates it when he doesnt take her seriously enough . She reached over and touched his forehead, her fingers stopped at the scars, Im sorry you got hurt, she said these words in a quiet tone, knowing that apologizing wouldnt erase the pain behind his wounds . Kazuya said nothing, and Lyn looked at his expression, this person carries such a heavy burden . A heavy sorrow and pain, is there any way she can help him?