Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 61

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:03 PMChapter 61

For a split moment, Kazuya was quiet, and Lyn panicked . Wait, was he joking around? Though Kazuya seldom joked around, he would occasionally do so, "Kazu-," Lyn sentence fell short when she saw his troubled look turned bright . He was smiling happily and held his fists up like he just won some grand prize .

Lyn flushed redder, what is he doing acting so happy about it? Is he stupid?

"All right!" Kazuya exclaimed, "She finally said yes . Woahhh is this a dream or something? Rhys and everybody were telling me all these things about you liking me and all that, but I didn"t think," Kazuya kept rambling on and on about her feelings .

Lyn tugged on his s.h.i.+rt, "Stop that,"

Kazuya sent her an apologetic look, "Sorry, but the walls in here are soundproof," he explained . But Lyn shook her head, does he seriously think it"s that?

"That"s not it, Im just embarra.s.sed,"

"Woahh, she"s embarra.s.sed, and it"s because of me . Man, this is one sweet dream . "

Wait dream? Does he think he is dreaming? But it took all her will to say those words just now . Maybe there is a better way to convey this, something more straightforward . Lyn thought for a moment before something came to mind . She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his; it was a sweet and brief kiss . Unlike Kazuya, she has no experience with things like this, so all Lyn did was press her lips against Kazuya . But it was enough to snap Kazuya out of his daze .

A serious look appeared on his face, "Are you sure, what about…"

So he knew about it, of course, he did . Her gaze softened at Kazuyas concern .

Lyn nodded, "I don"t want to waste any more time . We are living in these times where we could lose our lives at any given moment . That"s why I want to create memories," she trailed off and closed her eyes . That way if anything were to happen . . .

"Even if we don"t date, I will still create memories . What I want to know is your feelings, Lyn . "

Hearing those words, Lyn opened her eyes, and she laughed softly, "It doesn"t suit you being serious,"

Kazuya scratched his face, "But, if I ask nonchalantly, will you take me seriously?"

"I like you Kazuya; I have for the longest time . Do you think I would stay beside you if it were just mere interest?"


Lyn frowned and hit him lightly, causing Kazuya to laugh, this situation amused him . She took another deep breathe, "I really do like you, so what you said to me made me very happy . Is it okay?" she asked once again .

Kazuya nodded, his gaze warm and gentle, "Of course, I will make sure you don"t regret this . "

. . . . . . … .

Following Morning Year 4019 Mist Kingdom

To think the day after she said such words to Kazuya . She would end up having another banquet with Allen"s family . If that were it, then it would be much easier to deal with . Lyn could have easily faked her illness . But instead, it"s a joint banquet with her family . If she faked illness, then her second Brother would freak out and her First Brother? He would send for the best medics and behead anybody who doesn"t cure her disease within a few hours . Other than being sick, Lyn couldn"t come up with another idea . . .

A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips; usually, Allen"s presence would make the atmosphere less stifling . However, after she accepted Kazuya"s hand, she felt awkward being around him .

"So I shall get straight to the matter, Lyn and Allen," her Mother spoke up, "I hear both of you have your respective partners now . "

So Mother hears about Kazuya, well she supposes this situation can"t be avoided now . Lyn nodded . Allen, however, frowned, "It seems like interesting rumors reached your ear, Queen Orthez . "

A chuckle pa.s.sed her Mother"s lips, "Indeed, I am well aware of the court"s gossip,"

Well aware, Lyn wouldn"t be surprised if her Mother asks for the daily updates .

"Indeed, the Mist Kingdom people truly love to gossip . However, I do understand where the misunderstanding came from . So I shall explain from the start," and then once again she hears Allen repeat the same things he said to her that evening . At least that"s what she thought . Her eyes widened when she listened to the additional details of the plan . Why? Why did he suddenly change his mind?

"I see, a well thought out plan," Andrew complimented .

"But if we do that, then those eastern b.a.s.t.a.r.ds will gain momentum . "

At that remark, the banquet hall turned quiet .

Somebody jabbed the person who said that, but the damage was done . The division between the west and east hasn"t been mentioned in the Mist Kingdom in a while . Why would it? After all, Lyn"s gaze fell on her father . However, as usual, her father wore a composed smile and laughed .

"What colorful language," her father commented . Lyn sweat fell, and the banquet hall"s awkwardness seemed to grow worse at her father"s comment . That"s his reaction?

The sound of clatter

Her Mother"s dignified figure made her way across the room, to the source of the problem . Lyn got a bad feeling about this . Clearly, her second brother did too, since Kotaro proceeded to stand up - but her first brother stopped him .

"Do not bother, Mother is angry . Do you think you"re capable of stopping her?"

The others in the room who were silently watching also nodded in agreement . n.o.body dared to speak up, and the place was in silence not because of the shock somebody dares said those words . But because they were afraid of her Mother"s reaction . Her Mother Queen Orthez always wears a sly smile on her face; her smile is compared to the light of the G.o.ds but also a devil . Right now, however, her Mother did not hide her displeasure, as she frowned . The aura surrounding the woman grew, and eventually, she stopped in front of the man .

Usually, one would think to escape in that long walk down . The man could have quickly done so since he was right beside the door, but the moment her Mother"s gaze fell on him, it was game over .

"Queen Orthe-"

The man"s sentence fell short when Mother raised her hand and slapped him . People"s eyes widened - members of royalty are seen as precious jewels . n.o.body could get near them, let alone touch them . The fact that her Mother"s hand made contact with a commoner man"s skin surprised everyone . Usually, royals do not physically give out punishments . Even then, they use weapons when carrying out penalties .

"Filth," her Mother"s words were cold like ice, and the man was trembling so badly .

"Orthez," a voice appeared directly behind her Mother . Lyn"s eyes widened when she saw who it was .

When did her father stand up?For a split moment, Kazuya was quiet, and Lyn panicked . Wait, was he joking around? Though Kazuya seldom joked around, he would occasionally do so, Kazu-, Lyn sentence fell short when she saw his troubled look turned bright . He was smiling happily and held his fists up like he just won some grand prize . Lyn flushed redder, what is he doing acting so happy about it? Is he stupid? All right! Kazuya exclaimed, She finally said yes . Woahhh is this a dream or something? Rhys and everybody were telling me all these things about you liking me and all that, but I didnt think, Kazuya kept rambling on and on about her feelings . Lyn tugged on his s.h.i.+rt, Stop that, Kazuya sent her an apologetic look, Sorry, but the walls in here are soundproof, he explained . But Lyn shook her head, does he seriously think its that? Thats not it, Im just embarra.s.sed, Woahh, shes embarra.s.sed, and its because of me . Man, this is one sweet dream . Wait dream? Does he think he is dreaming? But it took all her will to say those words just now . Maybe there is a better way to convey this, something more straightforward . Lyn thought for a moment before something came to mind . She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his; it was a sweet and brief kiss . Unlike Kazuya, she has no experience with things like this, so all Lyn did was press her lips against Kazuya . But it was enough to snap Kazuya out of his daze . A serious look appeared on his face, Are you sure, what about… So he knew about it, of course, he did . Her gaze softened at Kazuyas concern . Lyn nodded, I dont want to waste any more time . We are living in these times where we could lose our lives at any given moment . Thats why I want to create memories, she trailed off and closed her eyes . That way if anything were to happen . Even if we dont date, I will still create memories . What I want to know is your feelings, Lyn . Hearing those words, Lyn opened her eyes, and she laughed softly, It doesnt suit you being serious, Kazuya scratched his face, But, if I ask nonchalantly, will you take me seriously? I like you Kazuya; I have for the longest time . Do you think I would stay beside you if it were just mere interest? Well… Lyn frowned and hit him lightly, causing Kazuya to laugh, this situation amused him . She took another deep breathe, I really do like you, so what you said to me made me very happy . Is it okay? she asked once again . Kazuya nodded, his gaze warm and gentle, Of course, I will make sure you dont regret this . … . Following Morning Year 4019 Mist Kingdom To think the day after she said such words to Kazuya . She would end up having another banquet with Allens family . If that were it, then it would be much easier to deal with . Lyn could have easily faked her illness . But instead, its a joint banquet with her family . If she faked illness, then her second Brother would freak out and her First Brother? He would send for the best medics and behead anybody who doesnt cure her disease within a few hours . Other than being sick, Lyn couldnt come up with another idea A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips; usually, Allens presence would make the atmosphere less stifling . However, after she accepted Kazuyas hand, she felt awkward being around him . So I shall get straight to the matter, Lyn and Allen, her Mother spoke up, I hear both of you have your respective partners now . So Mother hears about Kazuya, well she supposes this situation cant be avoided now . Lyn nodded . Allen, however, frowned, It seems like interesting rumors reached your ear, Queen Orthez . A chuckle pa.s.sed her Mothers lips, Indeed, I am well aware of the courts gossip, Well aware, Lyn wouldnt be surprised if her Mother asks for the daily updates . Indeed, the Mist Kingdom people truly love to gossip . However, I do understand where the misunderstanding came from . So I shall explain from the start, and then once again she hears Allen repeat the same things he said to her that evening . At least thats what she thought . Her eyes widened when she listened to the additional details of the plan . Why? Why did he suddenly change his mind? I see, a well thought out plan, Andrew complimented . But if we do that, then those eastern b.a.s.t.a.r.ds will gain momentum . At that remark, the banquet hall turned quiet . Somebody jabbed the person who said that, but the damage was done . The division between the west and east hasnt been mentioned in the Mist Kingdom in a while . Why would it? After all, Lyns gaze fell on her father . However, as usual, her father wore a composed smile and laughed . What colorful language, her father commented . Lyn sweat fell, and the banquet halls awkwardness seemed to grow worse at her fathers comment . Thats his reaction? The sound of clatter Her Mothers dignified figure made her way across the room, to the source of the problem . Lyn got a bad feeling about this . Clearly, her second brother did too, since Kotaro proceeded to stand up - but her first brother stopped him . Do not bother, Mother is angry . Do you think youre capable of stopping her? The others in the room who were silently watching also nodded in agreement . n.o.body dared to speak up, and the place was in silence not because of the shock somebody dares said those words . But because they were afraid of her Mothers reaction . Her Mother Queen Orthez always wears a sly smile on her face; her smile is compared to the light of the G.o.ds but also a devil . Right now, however, her Mother did not hide her displeasure, as she frowned . The aura surrounding the woman grew, and eventually, she stopped in front of the man . Usually, one would think to escape in that long walk down . The man could have quickly done so since he was right beside the door, but the moment her Mothers gaze fell on him, it was game over . Queen Orthe- The mans sentence fell short when Mother raised her hand and slapped him . Peoples eyes widened - members of royalty are seen as precious jewels . n.o.body could get near them, let alone touch them . The fact that her Mothers hand made contact with a commoner mans skin surprised everyone . Usually, royals do not physically give out punishments . Even then, they use weapons when carrying out penalties . Filth, her Mothers words were cold like ice, and the man was trembling so badly . Orthez, a voice appeared directly behind her Mother . Lyns eyes widened when she saw who it was . When did her father stand up?