Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 96

The other members are treated like enemies. But, where does that live Lyn? The secret Princess? Will people resent her too when her existence is finally revealed to the General Public? Kazuya wasn"t sure. Part of the reason why the general public dislike the main family is due to Queen Orthez defending her former husband and her children following in her footsteps. But what about Lyn, the secret Princess who knows nothing? Somebody who has not been loved and treated worse than a commoner by servants at a young age?

Though by now, Kazuya figured that there is more to it than what meets the eye. It"s not like the general public will know that. In the general public"s eyes, when Lyn"s existence is revealed at last - they will see her as a pitiful Princess. Perhaps that"s a good thing, this way she won"t be dragged into the conflict too much.

"And what do you think? Should you use that power or not?"

Lyn looked down at her feet and then spoke slowly, "I"d use it. I don"t think I could bear it, seeing somebody die right before my very eyes."

"Even if you don"t know that person? What if that person tried to harm you?"

"I"d still save them."

Some people may call her foolish and naive. But, when Kazuya sees her like this, he can"t help but think. Why has n.o.body seen the potential Lyn holds? The only one who is fit to rule the Mist Kingdom, and maybe even become the Empress of the entire empire is this girl. Right now, she is still learning the ropes of everything; however, there is strength and power in her gaze. She has the ability to draw people towards her.

He thought so from the start too, but it really is a waste. Even if Lyn does have a cursed birthmark, they should have tested her skills before they decided to lock her up. Or perhaps they did see it, and that"s why they locked her away? To suppress those abilities?

"Kazuya, why aren"t you paying attention to me anymore?"

Kazuya laughed, "Sorry, I got lost in my own thoughts a bit."

"You don"t have to think too deeply about what I said. I just felt like it was something you should know. If something happened to your friends, bring them to me," Lyn explained.

What a kind girl. But even if his friends got hurt severely, Kazuya wouldn"t bring them to her. He will not let anybody else know about the royal families secret healing abilities. Lyn may get mad at him when she finds out what he is thinking. However, he cannot expose her to more danger. This is a secret he will keep to his grave. Kazuya held her hand tighter, and Lyn looked at him with her innocent eyes.

"This is a nice date."

Lyn"s gaze turned soft at his words, "Yes, it is.


The two of them walked around for a bit and bought some more food before finally finding a spot to sit down. From the way Lyn was eating, Kazuya could tell something was weighing heavily on the girl"s mind. Is she thinking about what to do with Prince Ereland? Then again, Kazuya was thinking the same. Now that he has personally met that man, he has to figure out how to execute his plan. Before leaving the Sound Kingdom, the elders gave him a list of people who to deal with.

"So, do you know exactly what that item is?" Kazuya changed the topic.

Lyn nodded, "It looks like this," she took something out of her sleeves. A small scroll.

"Huh, this…" Kazuya a.n.a.lyzed the drawing. It was a small sphere, with eight empty slots on the side. Kazuya figured it out right away, "Do we have to search for the missing pieces too?"


His sweat fell, why didn"t she mention that sooner? While Kazuya did want to focus on helping this village. It looks like they can"t derive too much from their original mission. Still, his gaze landed back on the drawing. Why does it feel like he"s seen this before? Is it just his imagination? As he said this, he found his girlfriend"s gaze had also turned quite serious. Ah, maybe she"s thinking it through? Maybe Lyn has a hint or two that she failed to mention.

He was under the impression that Lyn was thinking things through seriously, so imagine his surprise when the girl asks him, "But, we still have time for dates, right?"

Kazuya looked at her in disbelief. Why is she insisting on the date thing so much? She is usually so bashful regarding that matter, "Sit next to me, Lyn."


She stood up and made her way over, Kazuya immediately embraced her, in hailing her sweet scent in the process. "So, is there something you want to tell me?" he muttered against her hair. The coldness he felt earlier seemed to disappear, now that he had the girl in his arms.

"I was just thinking, were a couple now so we should go on loads of dates."

"And, this idea came from where?"

Lyn"s cheeks puffed into a pout, "Why do you think I have a hidden motive? I"m not that kind of person," seeing Lyn get irritated. He hugged her tighter, "Bribe isn"t going to work, explain to me why you are so suspicious."

"It"s more like you"ve never really taken the initiative in this relations.h.i.+p before," Kazuya admitted. While it"s true for the last few days, he"s had a lot on his mind. That"s not the reason why he is questioning her like this. Though Lyn said, she would take this relations.h.i.+p seriously, and she"s been doing her best in her own way. When it comes to openly doing couple-like things, Lyn"s never said a word, "Normally you"re just fine with resting in my arms, and kissing occasionally."

"That"s because it"s comfortable when I"m beside you."

Comfortable she says, is that the only use she has if him? Kazuya shook his head, what use is there thinking such silly and naive thoughts for? Wasn"t he the one who said she could take her time, and he would wait for her? A deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips; why is his self-control breaking lately. Kazuya knows that ever since he met Princess Lethia, he"s felt very restless. However, he shouldn"t take that woman"s words too seriously in the first place.