Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 11

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:10:01 PMChapter 11

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom - North Quarters (Princess Lyn room)

A few hours later

Realizing that she could not fall asleep, Lyn stood up and made her way over to the balcony . She thinks back to the events of earlier; perhaps it was better if she didn"t hear that last line . Now that Lyn heard it, she couldn"t feign ignorance . Kazuya and the sound Kingdom people, exactly what are they planning? Should she tell somebody about this? Lyn already speculated it before during her first conversation with Kazuya . Whenever he told her stories regarding his people, Lyn noticed how he purposely left out a few details . From the beginning, there was something strange .

Her thoughts broke off when she caught a movement from the tree, "Kazuya?!" Lyn exclaimed surprised . It was none other than the maroon-haired man from the Sound Kingdom . He sat in the tree by her bedroom .

"Hey Princess," he greeted her with a huge smile, "I was thinking what I would to get you to wake up, so it"s a good thing you"re awake . "

Lyn rolled her eyes at his comment, "Like you"d actually wake me up when I"m already asleep . "

"Hm? How can you be certain . "

She looked at him with a horrified expression as she realized something, "Ew gross, stay away!" Lyn exclaimed .

"Gross? Hey!"

"Guys that have experience with women are the worst," Lyn made a disgusted look with her face . Though she was inexperienced with relations.h.i.+ps, she often overheard the stories of the soldiers guarding her area, "To attack a maiden when they are asleep is the lowest of the low . "

Kazuya sighed deeply, "Do you really think I"m capable of that? You already forced me to sleep on the same bed as you, that should prove my innocence . "

She tilted her head in confusion at his words, what"s wrong with sleeping on the same bed together? Just as Lyn was about to voice out this idea, Kazuya stood up and walked over . Lyn realized immediately he was trying to get to her, "Wait, I"ll get a ladder," However as she said those words, Kazuya was already on the edge of her balcony and climbing up .

"How did younger here so fast?" Lyn asked, eyes wide with amazement .

Kazuya grinned, "When you think Sound, don"t you think speed?" It was a brief explanation, but Lyn understood . So it"s his powers . Though they"ve trained together, it was a first for Lyn hearing him speak about it . Kazuya must have realized since he smiled, "Want to learn more?"

Lyn looked down at her feet and didn"t respond right away, "I don"t want to pry too much, I know you have secrets Kazuya . The same goes for me," That"s right, even though she confines in him more than anyone . There are many things she has yet to tell him, "So, I don"t want you to feel obliged to tell me anything . "

Her thoughts broke off when she felt a warm hand caress her cheeks, "Kazuya?" Lyn spoke softly .

"Yeah, don"t worry . If I tell you anything, it"s because I want to . And your secrets, huh? Maybe you"ll tell me one day . "

"maybe" huh? She wonders when that maybe is . Lyn wanted to confined in Kazuya regarding everything . But they"ve barely known each other for two weeks; it would be far too soon for her to completely show him her true self . General Adrien always tells her it"s okay to trust people, but the first one must trust themselves . Trust, it"s like giving a part of oneself away .

. . . . . . .

For the last few minutes, Lyn had been gripping on to Kazuya with her dear life . Dear G.o.d, what"s with this situation? Of course, she would be afraid, she did hear of means that allowed people to float slightly . But this is the first time she actually saw one . The means to float in these circ.u.mstances was a mere carpet . According to Kazuya, he could shape-s.h.i.+ft it into anything if she wasn"t comfortable . Lyn doubts that anything would help her from being afraid . Lyn tightened her hold on his arm .

"Shh," Kazuya said softly, "I know you"re bad with heights . But isn"t it a waste? You get to miss out on beautiful views like this . "

Lyn wanted to hit him if he knew of her fear regarding heights . Why did he even think to bring her here? Is he that stupid? But a beautiful view? Lyn enjoyed looking at scenery whenever she got permission to go out . She would end up in the outskirts to look at the sight of the town . Lyn lifted her head slightly; she held onto Kazuya very tightly fear crept on to her as she summoned up the courage to look .

Kazuya smiles, "Don"t worry, I"m right here . "

Lyn didn"t know why but she felt rea.s.sured when she heard those words . She looked, and her eyes went wide . Beneath them, she could see the whole of the main town of the Mist Kingdom . The castle seemed like a small grain from up here, and the city lights were glowing brightly . From up here, it looked like millions of fireflies — the windows, and lights from the buildings that were still active . At the same time, however, "It looks like stars," Lyn mumbled, "Kazuya? You wanted me to see this?"

Kazuya nodded, "Yeah, isn"t it a waste? I know you get to see the town once in a while . But I don"t think that"s enough, Lyn you like looking at scenery like this . "


Her question took Kazuya off guard since he didn"t answer right away . He seemed to think for a moment, "There isn"t a particular reason . Honestly, for a while, I"ve been wondering what to do with you . I understand our friends.h.i.+p would be dismissed easily if the world knew of your existence . So even though it"s wrong, sometimes I feel happy that you"re kept locked up . If you were a regular princess, I don"t think we would have a chance to meet up the way we have . "

Lyn wanted to protest and tell him that wasn"t true . But she knew he was right . It"s only because of her unique circ.u.mstances that they can meet like this . Eventually, though, Mother will have to reveal her existence . When she gets married to Allen, then this game of hide and seek will be over . Soon she could explore the world; she could do whatever she wanted . Lyn should be happy, however when she gets married . It meant she could no longer meet with Kazuya like this .

These fleeting every day since he came here have been exactly like a dream . Lyn lost track of time . Even though for the last few years she spent endless days counting the days, the days when she would be free . However, since Kazuya came here, Lyn stopped . She wants to be with this person; she doesn"t want this to disappear . Whatever this was, Lyn didn"t want to lose it . But with Allen coming at the end of the month, it will be just a matter of time .

She buried her face in his arms and didn"t reply, "Kazuya . . "

"Yeah, I understand . Sorry for ruining the atmosphere, I only wanted to tell you what I felt," Lyn felt his hands gently caress her hair, "But my intention tonight is to make you happy . Do you like it?"

Make her happy; she wonders why he has to do something like that . But that is another question that will remain unanswered . For now anyway, for now, the two of them can"t tell each other anything important . When the day comes for these secrets to come spilling out, will they be standing on opposite sides?

"The view is beautiful," Lyn nodded and looked down again . She was still afraid, but Kazuya"s presence rea.s.sured her . The small buds of light looked like thousands of stars, a milky way of stars . It was a first for Lyn - seeing something so beautiful, "But I think I wouldn"t be enjoying this so much if I were alone . "

If she were alone, she wouldn"t have the courage even to come up here . But because Lyn had Kazuya, things were different . This person gives her a new found strength that she didn"t know existed inside her before .

Kazuya does not reply to her, but Lyn noticed him smiling and humming . Her gaze softened, just for a little while longer . Just for a bit longer, let her spend time with Kazuya like this .Year 4014 Mist Kingdom - North Quarters (Princess Lyn room) A few hours later Realizing that she could not fall asleep, Lyn stood up and made her way over to the balcony . She thinks back to the events of earlier; perhaps it was better if she didnt hear that last line . Now that Lyn heard it, she couldnt feign ignorance . Kazuya and the sound Kingdom people, exactly what are they planning? Should she tell somebody about this? Lyn already speculated it before during her first conversation with Kazuya . Whenever he told her stories regarding his people, Lyn noticed how he purposely left out a few details . From the beginning, there was something strange . Her thoughts broke off when she caught a movement from the tree, Kazuya?! Lyn exclaimed surprised . It was none other than the maroon-haired man from the Sound Kingdom . He sat in the tree by her bedroom . Hey Princess, he greeted her with a huge smile, I was thinking what I would to get you to wake up, so its a good thing youre awake . Lyn rolled her eyes at his comment, Like youd actually wake me up when Im already asleep . Hm? How can you be certain . She looked at him with a horrified expression as she realized something, Ew gross, stay away! Lyn exclaimed . Gross? Hey! Guys that have experience with women are the worst, Lyn made a disgusted look with her face . Though she was inexperienced with relations.h.i.+ps, she often overheard the stories of the soldiers guarding her area, To attack a maiden when they are asleep is the lowest of the low . Kazuya sighed deeply, Do you really think Im capable of that? You already forced me to sleep on the same bed as you, that should prove my innocence . She tilted her head in confusion at his words, whats wrong with sleeping on the same bed together? Just as Lyn was about to voice out this idea, Kazuya stood up and walked over . Lyn realized immediately he was trying to get to her, Wait, Ill get a ladder, However as she said those words, Kazuya was already on the edge of her balcony and climbing up . How did younger here so fast? Lyn asked, eyes wide with amazement . Kazuya grinned, When you think Sound, dont you think speed? It was a brief explanation, but Lyn understood . So its his powers . Though theyve trained together, it was a first for Lyn hearing him speak about it . Kazuya must have realized since he smiled, Want to learn more? Lyn looked down at her feet and didnt respond right away, I dont want to pry too much, I know you have secrets Kazuya . The same goes for me, Thats right, even though she confines in him more than anyone . There are many things she has yet to tell him, So, I dont want you to feel obliged to tell me anything . Her thoughts broke off when she felt a warm hand caress her cheeks, Kazuya? Lyn spoke softly . Yeah, dont worry . If I tell you anything, its because I want to . And your secrets, huh? Maybe youll tell me one day . . maybe huh? She wonders when that maybe is . Lyn wanted to confined in Kazuya regarding everything . But theyve barely known each other for two weeks; it would be far too soon for her to completely show him her true self . General Adrien always tells her its okay to trust people, but the first one must trust themselves . Trust, its like giving a part of oneself away For the last few minutes, Lyn had been gripping on to Kazuya with her dear life . Dear G.o.d, whats with this situation? Of course, she would be afraid, she did hear of means that allowed people to float slightly . But this is the first time she actually saw one . The means to float in these circ.u.mstances was a mere carpet . According to Kazuya, he could shape-s.h.i.+ft it into anything if she wasnt comfortable . Lyn doubts that anything would help her from being afraid . Lyn tightened her hold on his arm . Shh, Kazuya said softly, I know youre bad with heights . But isnt it a waste? You get to miss out on beautiful views like this . Lyn wanted to hit him if he knew of her fear regarding heights . Why did he even think to bring her here? Is he that stupid? But a beautiful view? Lyn enjoyed looking at scenery whenever she got permission to go out . She would end up in the outskirts to look at the sight of the town . Lyn lifted her head slightly; she held onto Kazuya very tightly fear crept on to her as she summoned up the courage to look . Kazuya smiles, Dont worry, Im right here . Lyn didnt know why but she felt rea.s.sured when she heard those words . She looked, and her eyes went wide . Beneath them, she could see the whole of the main town of the Mist Kingdom . The castle seemed like a small grain from up here, and the city lights were glowing brightly . From up here, it looked like millions of fireflies — the windows, and lights from the buildings that were still active . At the same time, however, It looks like stars, Lyn mumbled, Kazuya? You wanted me to see this? Kazuya nodded, Yeah, isnt it a waste? I know you get to see the town once in a while . But I dont think thats enough, Lyn you like looking at scenery like this . Why? Her question took Kazuya off guard since he didnt answer right away . He seemed to think for a moment, There isnt a particular reason . Honestly, for a while, Ive been wondering what to do with you . I understand our friends.h.i.+p would be dismissed easily if the world knew of your existence . So even though its wrong, sometimes I feel happy that youre kept locked up . If you were a regular princess, I dont think we would have a chance to meet up the way we have . Lyn wanted to protest and tell him that wasnt true . But she knew he was right . Its only because of her unique circ.u.mstances that they can meet like this . Eventually, though, Mother will have to reveal her existence . When she gets married to Allen, then this game of hide and seek will be over . Soon she could explore the world; she could do whatever she wanted . Lyn should be happy, however when she gets married . It meant she could no longer meet with Kazuya like this . These fleeting every day since he came here have been exactly like a dream . Lyn lost track of time . Even though for the last few years she spent endless days counting the days, the days when she would be free . However, since Kazuya came here, Lyn stopped . She wants to be with this person; she doesnt want this to disappear . Whatever this was, Lyn didnt want to lose it . But with Allen coming at the end of the month, it will be just a matter of time . She buried her face in his arms and didnt reply, Kazuya Yeah, I understand . Sorry for ruining the atmosphere, I only wanted to tell you what I felt, Lyn felt his hands gently caress her hair, But my intention tonight is to make you happy . Do you like it? Make her happy; she wonders why he has to do something like that . But that is another question that will remain unanswered . For now anyway, for now, the two of them cant tell each other anything important . When the day comes for these secrets to come spilling out, will they be standing on opposite sides? The view is beautiful, Lyn nodded and looked down again . She was still afraid, but Kazuyas presence rea.s.sured her . The small buds of light looked like thousands of stars, a milky way of stars . It was a first for Lyn - seeing something so beautiful, But I think I wouldnt be enjoying this so much if I were alone . If she were alone, she wouldnt have the courage even to come up here . But because Lyn had Kazuya, things were different . This person gives her a new found strength that she didnt know existed inside her before . Kazuya does not reply to her, but Lyn noticed him smiling and humming . Her gaze softened, just for a little while longer . Just for a bit longer, let her spend time with Kazuya like this .