Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 117

But even if n.o.body blamed them for making mistakes, it did not make it right for them to continue taking advantage of that. They have to grow up, and with the way, things are now. Nothing will change unless one of them makes the first step. Kazuya, he is probably waiting for her to make the first step to change their relations.h.i.+p, "Kazuya, you told me that you"d do anything for me as long as I asked, right?"


The words came spilling out rapidly, "I want to touch you to feel your warmth."

Kazuya paused and then sank to the grown.

Her cheeks turned red, "Of course not right away," she shyly averted her gaze, "I don"t understand these things very well. But I want to get closer to you; I want to be one with you."

She knew she was talking about embarra.s.sing things. No matter how politely she was wording everything. If Pupillam heard what she is saying, then she is sure her guard would throw another fit about etiquette and don"t get her started on the General"s reaction. But, Lyn wanted to tell him this for a long time. She doesn"t understand that stuff well, but she knew that if she does it with the one, she loves then...

Her thoughts broke off when Kazuya stood back up and brushed his hand against her cheek, "You gave me permission to touch you."

"N—not right away," Lyn repeated.

"Yeah, but you gave it?" Kazuya asked.

Lyn wanted to hide, why is he acting so serious? Whenever Kazuya wears such a serious expression, she ends up getting embarra.s.sed.

"I did."

"Alright!!!" Kazuya exclaimed. He held up his hands and did a little victory pose. Lyn flushed, "This stupid reaction of his again," doesn"t Kazuya understand that whenever he does that, she ends up feeling even more embarra.s.sed? Kazuya"s grin widened, "I have to say, I didn"t think you"d say that."

"Q—quit getting in over your head idiot, I said you could. But I said, not right away."

"Just agreeing makes me happy," Kazuya smiled, "I like you a lot Lyn, so you saying those words make me feel happy."

He"s making such a big deal out of it. She supposes all men would feel happy about it? She didn"t understand. For Lyn, it was just another means to connect their feelings together.

"Just cause she agreed to have s.e.x with you dude, doesn"t mean I don"t stand a chance," a voice whispered in her ear.

Lyn flinched, the person that appeared beside her suddenly was none other than Rhys. Judging from the way he was looking at her, he had been there for quite some time now, "" She didn"t know why she suddenly felt strange. Isn"t it okay if he overhears?

Kazuya grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her into his embrace, "I"d like to see you try."

"Dude, are you stupid? You"ve never won a challenge against me before."

"That doesn"t matter; I can beat you in a fight."

"That you can, but as long as we resort to fists for her then I believe I equally stand a chance. Besides," Rhys smiled, "When it comes to intimacy, I do think I"m ahead of you."

Lyn"s cheeks turned red at those words. Rhys is such an idiot, what does he get from provoking Kazuya the way he does? Then again, she supposes he is the only one who can challenge Kazuya this way. Blonde hair appeared in her head, and Lyn sighed. She supposes there is also Allen on that department.

"I"ll leave you two love birds alone, but just remember what I said."

She followed Rhys gaze and found Beth waiting at the edge of the stairs. Judging from the girl"s appearance, just moments ago, something must have happened. Rhys looked slightly sweaty, and his clothing. Lyn flushed even redder, were they...

Rhys turned to her briefly, "Lyn, I left you something back in the inn. Look at it when you get back."

Ah, did he get her another gift? She looked over at Kazuya who was drowning and holding her tightly; she pulled on his sleeve, "Will you tell me about the new plan? I don"t know anything," Lyn pointed out. While she let them have their meetings in peace, Lyn didn"t want to get left out of anything.

His gaze softened, "Let"s have a little date."



Today probably wasn"t the best idea to go out in such little clothing. The temperature seemed to drop as the day goes by. Fully aware that she was practically in her undergarments made Lyn feel self-conscious while walking on the streets. But Kazuya kept her close to him. It was cold, and yet the amount of snow that fell on the grounds were the same as usual. "What an unusual town," Lyn thought. She still doubted that this place was part of the beautiful snow Kingdom. Lyn flinched when she felt a heavy gaze on her, she shuddered.

Somebody is looking at her with eyes looking at their prey. Kazuya brought her closer, "Don"t be afraid, Lyn, I"m here."

She feels pathetic, even though she has power. Why can"t she defend herself? Though quite some time had pa.s.sed since she last used it. Lyn had not forgotten how to fight using her powers before. Still, she recalled what happened when she fought using the scythe before in the harbor. There"s something wrong; usually, her dark magic wouldn"t affect her that way.

Sure there are those symptoms Rhys spoke about but... Lyn deeply sighed, since that thing with her sister"s men attacking her, she"s felt slightly of. What"s more, there"s that mark in her body. That curse, she can understand why it"s such a threat now. It seems like it is not just limited to her hand, branches that seem to extend to her neck. Like somebody is strangling her.

Thankfully she brought clothes that covered it up. If she"s going to do that with Kazuya one day, Lyn wants the mark again. In the sixteen years of her life, Lyn never once had such a thought. There was no need for her to get so worked up over a mark after all. But now it"s different, "Kazuya, I didn"t know you were a pervert."

Kazuya blushed at his words, "Wait, don"t take it the wrong way," Kazuya protested, and she looked at him suspiciously, "It"s true that I want to do that with you," she likes how he refrains from using the word s.e.x or other vulgar terms like Rhys does. Then again she supposes Kazuya really is innocent when it comes to such things.

Lyn raised her eyebrow, "For somebody who proposed something that boldly, you seem to be backing away now."

"T--that"s not it, gaahhh," Kazuya exclaimed, "It"s just like this. Lyn your very beautiful, you know?"


"I"m really not used to girls, and I"ve never seen anybody as pretty as you before. As a normal guy, it"s natural, I have such thoughts - but the moment I realized I was attached to you. Well," Kazuya scratched his face slightly, "I realized that I want to be with you all the time. I want to wake up with you in my arms."