Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 132

A few more hours left, then again, it"s not like there is any use in her counting down. Her part in the plan is very minor. Lyn peeked at the man that lay beside her, "How unusual," Lyn thought. It"s unlike Allen to do something like this. Lyn thought he would exit the room, but instead, he stayed beside her. Is he sleeping? This must be the first time for her, having a man other than Kazu-- she recalled what happened with Rhys recently and sighed. Make that number two. Since this journey to the Snow Kingdom, Lyn has learned more about the three men who supposedly know her well and have feelings for her.

For a woman like herself who spent the past sixteen years, living such a desolate lifestyle. Other"s people would think she suddenly scored big time. However, "This is too complicated for her," Lyn thought. At least when she was in love with Allen and Allen alone. There were no other external factors involved. But, now she"s suddenly ended up in some unusual love square.

"What"s wrong? You must get some rest before you fall asleep during the mission."

Lyn"s cheeks puffed into a pout, "I won"t do something like that!"

Allen reached over and tucked her in with the blanket, "Rest, I shall do the same."

"But what if we miss it?"

"Rest a.s.sured. I asked Carlo to wake us up."

But that means Carlo won"t be getting any rest, "It must be tough being the guard of somebody like you."

"I could say the same towards you. You only have two exclusive guards, and yet you really abuse them don"t you."

"That"s rude. I don"t abuse them."

"My dear," Allen spoke, "I"ve heard all the rumors already. Pupillam is caught doing odd errands and whenever she"s asked, "I can"t disobey the Princess," even with no names mentioned. Everybody, well at least those who know of your existence knows it"s you."

But, most of those errands are to do with finding out news about him or preparing a surprise. Because of her circ.u.mstances, corresponding with Allen when he wasn"t in the Kingdom was difficult. Most letters in the royal family have to go through a seal of approval from her Mother, and eldest brother. The first one aside, it was difficult with her brother, because he"s old-fas.h.i.+oned. He believes that the best way to get through a healthy engagement or marriage is to play it cool. In short, the less interaction, the better.

"Poor Gabrielle," it"s no wonder her friend was having a hard time getting through to him.

The second means of approval is through the royal scribe. But, that person doesn"t even know she existed. So Lyn always resorted to using other means to get information on him. If Allen knew the reason why Lyn wondered what he would think, would he call out to her for being unprofessional? She didn"t want to risk it.

"By the way, I understand why you left and told me to go ahead earlier," Lyn decided to change the topic swiftly. She did not wish for him to find out about her foolish actions.

The platinum blond-haired man turned to look at her, his face unreadable as ever, but somehow she could understand what in his mind. "I talked to Sir Norman. He said he loves me. He was shocked that I"m engaged to you," Lyn paused, "It surprised me slightly, I thought everybody knew. That"s why when we meet recently he"s been acting oddly," she said softly as she freed her hair from its tight twist, and removed the remaining hair accessories. Her jewel-colored eyes did not leave his face as she continued, "You knew how he feels about me, yet you said nothing."

She always just brushed him off as yet another wealthy elite with bad intentions. Besides the man had a bad habit of picking on her whenever they met in gatherings. So, Lyn would never have guessed that he liked her in that manner.

"Anyone can see how smitten he is with you."

"Well, I didn"t notice," Lyn shrugged it off. While his sincerity touched her, it"s not like the two of them are close.

"How foolish, there must be a limit to being naive."

Lyn glared at the man before she decided to ignore him. Realizing that she was still in her dress, Lyn stood up and made her way over to the divider. "no wonder I couldn"t sleep," Allen just simply picked her up and put her on the bed and expected her to rest. As usual, he has no tac. But, he"s only concerned about her correct? Still, Lyn felt awkward about this situation. Why did he stay with her? Usually, he would leave because it isn"t appropriate for an unmarried man and woman to sleep in the same room, let alone visit her chambers for long. That"s why his visits to her place have always been relatively short.

It didn"t take her long before she put on her nightgown and returned to bed. But since she still felt angry at how he made her listen to another man"s confession, despite knowing she moved away from him. Even taking the majority, well all of the blanket with her.

Allen sighed but took the blanket back.

"This is when you"re supposed to act like a gentleman and give me the blanket," Lyn scolded him.

"Indeed, normally I would, but you"re the one making things difficult."

"So, what?"

"How cheeky," Allen sighed again, "Then again it is like you," he suddenly turned his back from her and Lyn looked at his back with a dim gaze. Is he going to ignore her now? Maybe she is acting too much like a brat.

But it"s partly his fault. If he had feelings for her, why did he allow her to listen to another man"s confession? Is he that confident in himself? No, that"s not it, he isn"t confident in himself. Allen probably thinks she won"t go for anybody now because she has Kazuya. How pathetic, relying on another person at such a time. Why doesn"t he try to steal her away? Even if he doesn"t have feelings for her. Why isn"t he attempting to fight for her? In Allen"s eyes, does she mean nothing at all?

After a short while, Allen broke the silence, "Why did you agree to this?"

Lyn rolled her eyes, isn"t he the one who dragged her into this?

"Prince Allen, I have no intention of leaving. Your right, I require rest, and you"re still my fiancé. Even if I didn"t want to stay with you, as long as you want me to. As your wife, I have to be here."

These were the very same words she told him when they first became engaged. Lyn wanted to make it clear to him. In the end, he still has more power, whatever he decides, how could she disobey him? Lyn noticed that he still wasn"t looking at her and asked, "Do you want me to go?"