Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 144

When Lyn woke up a few hours later at exactly 6:30 am, she immediately recalled what happened a few hours prior, and her cheeks burned red. H-how could she do something so shameless? She wants to crawl into a hole and hide. Lyn looked at the blank s.p.a.ce beside her, "he got up and left, when? It"s early." The plan won"t start officially till 8:30 am. After what happened, Lyn wondered if Rhys got any sleep at all. Lyn frantically shook her head, why is she worrying about Rhys now of all times?

Ahhh, what on earth is happening to her? Back when they were in the Mist Kingdom, Rhys didn"t act this way towards her. Sure his hara.s.sment increased by the day, but Lyn calmly brushed it aside. However, since she came to the Snow Kingdom things between her and Rhys are strange. Lyn knew the reason why Kazuya does not hang around her as much anymore meant that Rhys was free to hara.s.s her as much as he wanted.

A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips, this whole time she has been holding back. But why on earth is Kazuya avoiding her, anyway? At the start, Lyn simply a.s.sumed he had too much work going on. But judging from their recent conversation, it was clear that something was wrong.

Lyn didn"t have time to ponder on these thoughts when somebody knocked on the tent door. "You can enter."

A woman with pale blonde hair entered with a folded piece of clothing.

"Sir Rhys told me to bring you a change of clothes and help you. I hear you have a fever," Rei said.

Lyn looked at the pair of clothing in Lady Rei"s hands.

Even if he is a pervert, and he did that scary thing. While she was fully naked, Rhys did nothing to her. Maybe she was saved because she was sick. But either way, contrary to what he said when he did that, he won"t harm her.

"C--could you send Rhys here?"

Lady Rei smiled, "Very well."

As the woman turned to leave, Lyn recalled something, "Wait," she stopped Lady Rei, "About last night, I have to apologize."

Now that she has come to her senses. Lyn understood how rude she was. To her surprise, Lady Rei smiled.

"Do not apologize. I understand your concern."


Rei"s gaze is soft and gentle as she said, "If you still have feelings left for Allen, then I"m somewhat glad."

Lyn was utterly speechless. F--feelings for Allen? How on earth does she know about that? Wait, don"t tell her that Allen knows about it too? Is that why he"s acting odd lately?

"Do not worry; he does not know. I merely came to that conclusion from what he told me about you."

Allen talks about her?

"You wanted to see me, Princess?"

"S--sit down," Lyn commanded.

Rhys does so, and Lyn extended her hand out. He looked at her hand blankly, and sighed, "What is it? Would the Princess like a hug?"

"N--no, this is a peace offering! Peace, let"s forget about what happened last night."

"Forget?" Rhys frowned, and s.h.i.+fted closer, "You"re the one who hara.s.sed me, and I"m supposed to forget it?"

Wait, why is he making it sound like it"s her fault? He"s the one who scared her.

Lyn felt Rhys hand brush across her cheeks, and she averted her gaze, "So, tell me. You called me out here to silence me and not tell Kazuya?"

"I--I"m sorry but," Lyn trailed off. How does she say this without coming across as rude?

Kazuya definitely won"t like it. He"s always forgiven her for everything.

But last night was too much. She may not have done that consciously, and it"s not like she initiated anything intimate. But her behavior for somebody who has a lover is..

"I"m cool with that, but," Rhys cupped her cheeks, "What do I get?"

"What do you mean?"

"I need to get something out of it. It"s not fair for me."

Not fair, that"s true. For Rhys, last night was progress in terms of pursuing his feelings for her. "Then, we can hang out more."

"By more, every day?"

"Okay," Lyn nodded, "Just don"t interrupt my time with Kazuya."

Her time with Kazuya is the most important thing for her, even though Kazuya isn"t spending as much time with her as before.

"Let me go," Lyn murmured.

"You really are beautiful, make sure you wear your cloak."

Lyn looked at him puzzled. Why does he keep mentioning her appearance? Lyn nodded, and Rhys smiled, he bends down and gently kisses her lips.


"I"ll wait for you outside, hurry and get dressed," with those words said Rhys left the tent.

She remained frozen, "Is he going to keep doing that?" Lyn thought. Why does he keep touching her like they are so familiar with each other? Okay, so they aren"t strangers anymore. But as dense as she was when it came to matters regarding romance.

Lyn knew that what Rhys did to her was terrible. She ought to tell Kazuya. The thing Lyn wanted to hide from Kazuya though was what she did when she had a fever. While that was not as bad as what happened when Rhys hara.s.sed her, Lyn didn"t want him to know how vulnerable she was when she was sick.

A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips; this isn"t the time for this. Kazuya is with Shaarya now, so her worries should have diminished. But, "His voice sounded so weak," there is no doubt that Kazuya is seriously injured now. She ought to hurry up. With the addition of Lady Rei on the team, the plan has changed slightly. She isn"t the only one going inside the carriage.

Lyn slipped on the dress Rhys got here, it was a relatively simple off-shoulder western-style red dress, but Lyn felt a bit self-conscious. Isn"t she showing off too much skin? Lyn shook her head; this isn"t the time to be complaining. She stepped out of the tent, and the moment she did, a lovely aroma caught her senses. Lyn looked towards the source and found Rhys cooking. That"s right, Rhys was cooking. He did make food for her before, so she shouldn"t be surprised. But it looks so weird.

Rhys looked over, "Yo, food is ready."


Lyn felt Rhys gaze on her, and she s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably, "That dress looks good on you."

Ah? Her thoughts broke off when somebody slipped a coat onto her shoulders, "Allen?"

"But to show off that much skin is not good for you."

Rhys sighed, "Don"t be so uptight. What"s wrong with her wearing more exposed dresses? That"s the trend these days."

"Since you said you"d get her a dress, and you just decided things, I already feared the worst."

"Oi, what sort of sick, twisted mind do you think I have?"

"Don"t you know the answer to your own question?"

Her sweat fell when she hears the two bickering away. What"s with them? Or rather this must be the first time for her, seeing Allen act in this manner. It is quite refres.h.i.+ng to see.