Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 191

When Allen saw how she wasn"t budging, he chuckled. Stubborn woman, he walked over to the couch and took out a map. The sea, huh? There are many beautiful places like that in the Empire, but Allen has never seen them before. Up till now, he has did not need to see the sea after all.

Still, "The ocean blue color reminds me of the sky! I"ve always wanted to see it."


Allen remembers acting indifferent to the girls" words. Back then, he was only indifferent because he was unsure of what she was getting at.

On Lyn"s fifteenth birthday, she mentioned it. During the banquet, she was talking about it. Since he"s been busy recently, he almost forgot about it, but he always kept the map around as a reminder. A place like that doesn"t sound too bad, although it"s most likely just a superst.i.tion. It wouldn"t do any harm to try. Besides, he can picture it, them two going on a trip together. He"s pretty sure she will have a good time. After scanning the map, his lips curved into a smile. This location is under their jurisdiction, Lyn herself said on her fifteenth birthday that she wanted to see the sea.

It seems like it"s possible, after all.

"Um, apparently, they said that if two lovers go there together, they will be together forever."

Now that Allen thought about it, didn"t Lyn tell him something like that before? Allen wonders if it"s okay for him to take her there. He turned back to Lyn who was laying down. Is she still pretending to sleep?

"I guess if you"re sleeping, I won"t take you to see the sea."

Lyn sat up then, "What did you say?"

Allen smiled and raised the map; he pointed to the place he circled with the pen,

"I already marked our route," Allen saw her brightened violet orbs, "You must want to go. I clearly remember how happy you were that day. I promise you after I"m done with work. I shall take you."

"S--should you not be asking my permission?"

"Are you going to decline?"

Lyn shook her head, "That"s not it. But I doubt our schedule will sync up together."

While Lyn does not have many duties as a hidden Princess, she still had them.

"That"s true. We have yet to receive our schedule for next month, so until then keep it in mind whenever they suggest a day off. I"ll cancel my work if it doesn"t work out."

"That really is unpleasant of you. But I can"t wait."

Allen returned to the girls" side and sat beside the girl on the bed. "Should you not rest more?"

"I"m alright," she reached over and brushed her hand across his face. The girl"s hands always felt delicate to them; they were exactly like gla.s.s, "You need to sleep more Allen, your getting eye bags."

"You are one to speak."

Lyn pouted, "Do you not know how to compliment a girl? How rude!"

Allen chuckled. He wondered when was the last time they had such a peaceful talk and moment with each other. It felt like so many things have been happening between them as of late.

"Lyn," Allen called out, "I understand that things are awkward between us. But may I ask that you give me a chance to prove myself?"

"Ah?" Lyn looked at him puzzled.

"I still want to marry you," Allen wanted to tell the girl the words, "I love you," but whenever he thought to do so, his brother"s expression would appear in his head. He cannot tell her now. But once they are married, he will tell her properly.

To his surprise, Lyn nodded, "Ah-huh, okay."

Huh? Did she agree?

"You see Allen; actually, I don"t know how long my relations.h.i.+p with Kazuya can last. Do I want to be with him forever? Are these feelings temporary or not?"


"Allen, I think you should know.. I love you."

Allen felt time freeze then, what did she say? He was rendered speechless at the girls" words.

"I was not supposed to tell you this and move on with Kazuya. But lately, I"ve thought that maybe I"m not over you yet. I loved you for a very long time, so I suppose it"s only natural that I can"t get over you so quickly. But still..."

Allen didn"t know what to say. He was utterly shocked by this news. Does she love him? That kind of love? Allen would never have thought in a million years that the girl he loved secretly in the shadows harbored feelings for him. Why would such a thought cross his mind?Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

This is really hard for him to process.

"I"m sorry," Lyn apologized, "Is this too much for you? Umm, I"ve never...really confessed before, so I"m not sure."

Just when he was about to open his mouth, she makes him speechless again. Why is she suddenly acting so shy? Allen did think there was something off about her relations.h.i.+p with Kazuya. But considering how fond she is of him, Allen didn"t pursue that thought further. So, that"s the reason why that man is maintaining his distance with Lyn. No doubt Kazuya wants Lyn to sort things out with him first. Wouldn"t this be the perfect chance to reply to the girl and tell her that he loves her too?

The words, "I love," they are so foreign to him. But he should be able to say them. Just as Allen was about to say it, a sudden thought came to mind.

He swallowed his words. If the people back at home realize that he genuinely loves Lyn, would they target her? The current rumors are that he is indifferent to his fiance but treats her with the right amount of respect. In the general public eyes, his and Lyn"s engagement is a matter of formality. If they were to hear that he was serious about her, what would they do?

Allen knew that if he told Lyn his feelings now, there would be a high chance of the girl returning them. However, "not now," Allen thought. He doesn"t want to put Lyn in any more danger. According to his last conversation with the girl"s father too, the amount of people learning about Lyn on the enemy"s side is increasing.

He reached over and cupped the girl"s cheeks, "Al—Allen?" she seemed nervous. He found that cute; he"s never seen her act like this towards him. Allen wanted to look at her more like this; he wanted to see more sides of her. His hands lingered there for a few minutes.

"Thank you."

Those words were the only thing he said at first and saw the girl"s expression alter. She seemed sad, and Allen added, "I can"t give you a response now. But please remember how precious you are

to me."

"I"m precious?" Lyn seemed stunned with his words, and Allen smiled. This girl has no idea, huh? Lyn, one day he will tell her everything. How he"s loved her from the moment they met. But for now, Allen reached over and placed a light kiss on the girl"s forehead.

For now, this will do.