Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 192

After that talk, Allen didn"t know what he was expecting. So he returned to doing some paperwork. However, "Why aren"t you going to sleep?" Allen was uncomfortable, for the last few minutes she kept staring at him. What is he supposed to do? All of this was new to him.

"I wanted to look at you for a bit," Lyn admitted, "I confess my feelings for you, and since then you"ve acted strange."


"I love you."

At that comment, Allen dropped his pen caught off guard at his words, and Lyn laughed, "See?"

"An unmarried girl like yourself should not be professing her love so easily. Besides, you"re still in another relations.h.i.+p."

Lyn nodded, "I know, I just wanted to tell you since I kept it from you all these years. Now that I"ve said it, even if I don"t have a reply, I"m content."

Is she content with just this alone? Foolish girl. Still, Allen had to admit that he liked this; he liked that they were talking to each other properly. Since they became engaged with each other, they"ve never really properly spoke. He would often visit her, but Allen would bring his work along too.

Before Allen could say anymore, though, somebody emerged from the window, "Lyn, I"m back."

The girl"s eyes brightened, "Welcome back."

"Sorry I took so long."

Why is she acting so normal about this? He just came in through the window. Allen looked at Lyn and saw how happy the girl was, "forget it, she seems cheerful," Allen thought. Maybe this was the reason why he was losing out to Kazuya.

"It"s okay, Allen was with me."

Kazuya took a sideways glance at him and then back at Lyn, he reached over and patted the girl"s hair, "Would you let me speak with him alone?"

"Ah-huh, don"t fight over me just because I"m pretty."

Kazuya laughed, "You"re adorable as always," he bends down and lightly kissed the girls" lips.

"How improper," Allen thought. One does not just display acts of affection without asking for permission. Even Lyn would get angry, would she not? To his surprise, though instead of anger, the girl seemed happier.

"I was cold."

"Yeah, I noticed."


They quickly left the room. At first, there was nothing but silence between the two. However, Allen was watching the man curiously. Whenever he isn"t with Lyn, there is something about Kazuya. A dangerous feeling? When they first met Allen was immediately on his guard. This man is always smiling, but it feels fake.

"You smoke?" it surprised Allen when Kazuya pulled out a pipe just now.

"Yeah," he trailed off, "I"m not a good guy."

Allen recalled what he dug up about the man. "That"s all in the past, correct? You wouldn"t do any of that now?"

"I won"t; I only did those things for selfish reasons. I don"t have the right to be selfish anymore. Or maybe I still am? I love Lyn, but she can"t fully accept me because of you."

"She chose to stay by your side, though."

The girl seemed happy when she told him about her feelings. However, Allen immediately noticed that something was wrong.

"I know," Kazuya interjected, "She said she wants to fall out of love with you and I already asked her to marry me. But, let"s be realistic. How can I marry her with your ongoing engagement? If you break it off from your side, it will reflect badly on her. She was to be the one who does it."


He makes a point there.

"Lyn"s status as a Princess..."

Kazuya nodded, "That"s exactly why I have kept quiet. Even if she wants to be with me, she has to end it from her own side. But her current status is not good enough for that."

"People can easily misinterpret those words."

"Indeed, they can. But, the ones involved know exactly what I mean."


Following morning

Allen half expected to see a letter stating that he went back on his word and to return Lyn. But, there was no such thing. Why is it not here? Surely they"ve sent it. His family has many residences in the Snow Kingdom; perhaps the letter is in one of those locations?

"What are you doing here?"

"Spending time with you, I am your fiance."

Well, he does understand that but, "You must rest, you"re still sick."

"I feel better," Lyn sat down beside him, "Are you sleepy?"

"No," no sooner had those words escaped his lips, did he feel his eyelids turn heavy and a yawn followed shortly after. d.a.m.n, he must look like a fool to her.

Lyn laughed, "You"re sleepy, aren"t you? Sleep for a bit."

Sleep? His gaze landed on the doc.u.ments on the table and then back at Lyn. He might as well, Allen puts the papers down. "You shall join me."

"Um? What?" the girl laughed awkwardly, "I didn"t know you would..."

Allen immediately understood the meaning behind her awkwardness, "I did not mean it that way, you have not had sufficient rest after speaking with him, correct?"

"Last night, I just let him sleep. He seemed tired."

So that"s why she doesn"t want to sleep beside him. Allen supposed it was only natural, "Then, I shall borrow your lap."

Lyn suddenly turned shy, and Allen blinked. "Can"t I?" he didn"t want to do anything she didn"t like or made her uncomfortable.

"No, it"s just I confessed last night so..."

He"s never seen Lyn like this. From now on, instead of those awkward silences, will he see more of her like this? Allen wouldn"t mind that. For the longest time, he has been thinking of what he can do to fix his relations.h.i.+p with Lyn. Unfortunately, no matter how much he thought about it. Allen couldn"t come up with anything. It always felt like there was a barrier between them. A barrier he could not break, no matter how much time by.

Allen laid his head down on the girl"s lap, and no sooner had he done so did he feel Lyn"s hands caressing his hair. A content sigh escaped his lips. While the two of them seldom got affectionate over the last few years. Once in a while, they would do something like this. As far as intimacy is involved, this is as far as he has gotten with her. It"s quite shameful to admit.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Allen, are we still okay?"

"Of course."

"I"m worried," Lyn murmured, "Those rumors, what do your family think?"

His family? Allen recalled his grandmother"s sudden change of att.i.tude and the other uneasy relatives. He can"t tell her that. "They are fine; Grandma thinks it"s a fling," Allen said. After he eased her anger, anyway. At first, it was hard to convince her. His family members are showing contempt on the situation.

When they first heard the news, they remained calm. Everybody thought it was just like the previous case with that Prince. However, as more time went by, they most likely saw what was going on. Anybody who saw how those two interacted with each other would understand.

"My dear," Allen called out.

"What"s wrong?"

"If my family were against you because of this matter, would you blame me?"

Lyn paused but shook her head, "I understand their concerns, I mean it"s only natural to be uneasy...," she trailed off, "They are?"

"I apologize."

"Don"t, the two of us are terrible at communicating with each other. I understand very well."