Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 215

"Is this why you"ve been acting strange around me?" Lyn questioned.

"Yeah, sorry for being weak."

She shook her head. It was the first time she had ever seen Rhys, who could always see right through another person, show someone else"s feelings he wanted to hide. Lyn could tell that he must have felt conflicted about showing this side of himself to her right now. Despite that, he is still willing to talk to her. He is showing his true feelings to her. The tears continued to stream down her face.

But at the same time, she felt relieved and happy, almost.

"Whenever I see you work so hard, I became frustrated."

"Eh? Um, I"m sorry?"

Rhys shook his head, "It"s not like that. Though it irritated me seeing you push yourself so hard, I understood that"s your strength. You"re hard-working, you never give up, and you have your dreams - for the sake of other people you don"t mind getting hurt. Not everybody can do that, sacrifice themselves for people who they don"t know," Lyn saw his lips curve to a gentle smile.

This was the first time she had ever seen Rhys like this. The first time she saw Rhys with such a kind smile.

"I"m not that important, and I"m just as weak as an average person," she mumbled. That"s right; even she has her moments where she breaks down and falls apart. "I think we are the same. We both put on a mask, a disguise to hide what we are thinking."

A weak smile appeared on Rhys face, "I really like that about you, you always try your hardest and whenever you do I can see another side of you that I haven"t seen before. I wonder if I would feel this way if I saw another person working hard? I"m not sure, but," Rhys trailed off, "I do know how selfish I am. Even though I"ve tried to control myself, whenever I see you get close to other men, it drives me crazy."

"I...I"m not getting close to them, you know I hate them."

Rhys nodded, "Yeah, I"m sorry," he apologized again, "... It"s my fault. I was wrong, and I fully understand that now. I want to make you happy; however, what I thought I was doing out of kindness was hurting you instead. I should have properly confronted your feelings. "

"Rhys, I"m sorry for my odd behaviour.."

"No, it was my fault. My actions are what caused you to say this I"m sorry."

The pain in her heart now changed. Gone was the pain; she felt earlier, replaced with a new pain that was so endearing that I wanted to cry. "Would you be happy if I achieved true happiness?" Rhys asked.

Lyn doesn"t have to ask him what he"s talking about since his actions clearly expressed her feelings.

"I...want to be with you forever. "

His lips encased hers, and before she knew it, Rhys pulled in her to a deep sensual kiss. It"s warm, strange enough. There"s a different sort of warmth than that time with Kazuya." I like you, the way you work hard, and that"s why you have to stop pus.h.i.+ng yourself. If you keep this up, you"re going to pa.s.s out. So at least relax when I"m beside you, yeah? "

... it"s different..

Lyn pushes him back and running away. "Hey, miss?" And yet, she didn"t turn to look back once. She can"t face him.


"You know, I warned you to stay away from Rhys. You should probably listen," Reiji stated casually.

Lyn said nothing as she tried to catch her breath. "This person runs very fast," Lyn thought. What"s more, she didn"t even sense his presence. After a few minutes, Lyn was fine and spoke up, "Why are you here?"

"Training, you still have to go."

"I see."

"That guy, do you like him or something? You seem bothered.."

"N--no! I don"t," Lyn exclaimed.

"You"re really fl.u.s.tered, you know. Then again, I guess you aren"t used to guys chasing after you."

Is that what this is? Aahhh, she doesn"t know anymore.

"Anyhow," Reiji took out something from his cloak. Lyn realized it was the report she had been working on. "Somebody who can work on this is probably not too bad intelligence wise."

Ah? That"s..

"You left it behind in the library, Shu picked it up for you."

"I see," Lyn nodded. She ought to thank him later. He must have still stuck around because he was worried. Rhys was furious then, who knows what he would have done.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Why were you writing this, anyway?"

"Ah, my mentor told me to."


"Prince Ralph."

At that comment, Shu"s eyes widened slightly, and his face broke out into a surprised expression. "It seems like I"ve underestimated you. If you can make that man teach you, maybe there is something about you."

Before Lyn could say anymore, she felt a pair of familiar arms hug her from behind.

"Rhys," Lyn mumbled.

"Sorry, sorry. Don"t get angry at me Lyn."


"I"ll wait for you at the barracks, ask one of the Princess servants to guide you there," with those words said Reiji swiftly walked away.

Lyn turned to Rhys, who was still holding her tightly, "Are you really sorry?"


"Then um, let go of me," Lyn didn"t want people to misunderstand seeing them hugging for so long.

"I"m afraid I can"t move."

This stupid pervert, he"s just trying to take advantage of her again. What happened to those honest words from earlier? What a liar.

"Tell me something, Rhys?"


"I was thinking; the Empire doesn"t have an Empress or Emperor. How come?"

Rhys sighed, "You know we have this romantic atmosphere going on right now. So why are you asking?"

"Sorry," Lyn murmured, "I just thought that people like Shu and the other Knights would live a better life if we had a proper ruler." Lyn understood that not everybody was okay with the current Queen and King system. Some think the rulers of their nations hog power and those who crave for more and start pointless disputes.

"You call him intimately like that, Reiji."

"Ah, um.."

"Hey Lyn," Rhys said in her ear, "I really am serious about you. So you should think about it."

"I know," Lyn looked down, and she does, doesn"t she? She knows how serious Rhys is with her. "Um, what do you expect from me, Rhys?"

"Expect?" Rhys trailed off, "I expect you to say yes and become my woman."

Lyn blushed at his words, isn"t he too straight forward? What"s with that be my woman thing. How vulgar. Lyn took a deep breath, "I do get your feelings, I think, and..."

"And how do you feel?"

"I"m not used to romance Rhys. My relations.h.i.+p with Kazuya is already complicated enough."

"Not used to, huh? I got it."

Lyn looked at Rhys with a wary expression, does he understand? Really? Lyn felt Rhys raise her hands up to his lips, "I promise you, I"ll make you look my way. I"ll show you how to love people."