Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 231

That"s right; things aren"t the same as they were back then. There are people to protect her now — people whom she can trust and rely on. There are loads of people now.

It won"t be like back then.

Lyn shuts her eyes; it won"t happen anymore. Although having two additional colors inside her is scary. But she won"t lose control anymore.

"Princess Lyn, we must be on our way."

Lyn turned to Kazuya; he was here to see her off. The banquet would be held in three days, before then as the hosts of the party she would have to arrive at the venue before then. The location was a villa in the mountain region.


"Mm. See you in three days."

Lyn was about to leave with Pupillam until a sudden thought came to mind. As she rushed back to Kazuya and intertwining their hands together, "…What are you doing?"

"Share me some of your solar power."


"This time, I"m going to partic.i.p.ate in my sister annoying scheme I"m fine now I know that," Lyn murmured. And yet there"s something inside her that"s still making her feel uneasy. But of course, she didn"t say that.

"Is that so? If that"s the case then…take me with you." Huh? " But I packed nothing. Want me to bring some luggage?"

"I refuse!" She exclaimed. Although having Kazuya beside her would make staying in the mountains a lot easier. It would be warm, and she wouldn"t feel the coldness in the weather.

"Huh, but why? Unless you"re hiding something from me? Having an affair after all?"

"That"s unpleasant. Of course, that"s not it! It"s obviously cause it"s embarra.s.sing!" she exclaimed, only causing a light chuckle to escape his lips. "I"m leaving now."

"Princess Lyn!" Pupillam exclaimed.

Lyn rushed over to his side; thankfully, she recovered enough to regain her running strength. " In three days, wait for me over here like before. I"ll text you. If you do that, I"ll be just fine," she said with a bright smile.

That"s right; it will be okay now, unlike before she is no longer weak.


Mountain Region West Year 4014 Mist Kingdom

Envy. It is a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another.

Lyn well aware of such definition.A feeling she could not have. After all, he had everything he could have ever wanted, a Princes, somebody who is drowning in wealth.

People envied her; those who knew of her existence were jealous. She could not envy others. That was how it should be. However, she couldn"t help but notice one thing that she couldn"t have. She knew that in this world; it was impossible to have everything, yet occasionally she would act like a spoiled child and complain about the things she could not have.

Lyn felt that she genuinely was envious of her siblings, but of course, it was not something that she would willingly admit to anyone even to herself. She was jealous because they had something that she couldn"t have, and that is the strength of doing and sacrificing anything for the person that she loves. That was the thing that she never dared to do. Even though she was the one lecturing Kazuya, the one who is the most insecure is her. How pathetic.

"Princess Lyn, you don"t have to move your belongings yourself," the servants seemed very puzzled.

Pupillam raised her hand, "Just leave things here to us; I am enough."

The servants nodded and quickly left the room. Pupillam sighed, "Did you bring something strange again? Usually, you wouldn"t interfere with people touching your stuff."

Lyn laughed, "You guessed it," the thing she brought back with her was Kazuya"s sword. Kazuya told her to take her time with it, and so she brought it with her. She could have just spent a night reforging and fixing it, however, Kazuya said that he did not need for it now. Even without weapons, Kazuya is strong; Lyn knew that better than anyone. But isn"t it unusual for somebody in this Empire to discard their blade like this?

"Say, where is Allen?" Lyn asked.

"If it"s the Prince, he"s in a meeting right now."

They only just arrived, and he"s working already? Well, she supposes it"s just like him, but that guy really does need to take a break once in a while.

"Princess Lyn, this box has many offerings."

Lyn smiled, "Since we"re in the mountains isn"t it better to use magic? While newer magic does not need things like offerings. I want to practice some ancient magic."

"Because ancient magic and dark magic are compatible. At least your learning well."

Her eyes twitched in annoyance when she saw the person at the window, "Reiji!"

"Man you"re so annoying and loud. Come down for training in the courtyard; you can unpack later."

Lyn sighed, "So much for doing her own thing," she thought. But Lyn is curious about this training he keeps mentioning. Lyn nodded and turned to Pupillam, "Come with me?"



- Courtyard-

Lyn didn"t think Rhys would be here too. Still, Lyn looked over at him. Rhys must know, right? About the script that her sister laid out for the party. She and Rhys have to act close in front of the General public. Lyn doesn"t understand why, though. She"s attending as Allen"s fiance, why does she have to act close to another guy for?Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Princess Lyn, could you stand in this circle for a second?"

"Sure," Lyn made her way over to the circle, and the moment she stood in it, she froze. It felt like there were shackles at her feet, "Um, this?"

"Oi, don"t be too rough on her," Rhys said with a scowl.

"Relax, we just want to test how high level her magic is," Reiji sighed, "In the first place, such practices like this for the royal family are uncommon outside the church. Only those who belong to the church can test a royal"s magic."

Her sweat dropped, "So you"re basically doing something illegal?"

"Your fiance is distracted, so he won"t notice."

No, that"s not the point here. Still, "If anything goes wrong, I"ll take responsibility," Lyn wanted to see it with her own eyes too. Exactly how much power does she have? Why is everybody so afraid? The power she faintly recalled from two years ago, her brother training her, her isolation. Everything, if she finds out exactly what her power is then -- Lyn"s thoughts broke off when she saw the way Rhys looked at her.

Why is he staring at her? Does he have something he wants to say?