Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 232

The various colored lights that surrounded her body surprised her. Despite this strong and intense feeling, Lyn could make out the faces of the others, they all seemed surprised. Lyn immediately understood why. "She has more power than they all thought." If that"s the case, then the power she holds is it enough to help the people. Even now, she is still thinking such thoughts, though she was the one who told Kazuya those words about accepting one"s fate.


"That was.."

"Shu, let"s regroup."

Lyn looked over at the two who huddled to a corner. Is it that surprising? Sure she was surprised too. But it was within the range of expectations. The reason why her mother insists on keeping her isolated, why her brother takes extreme measures whenever people find out about her. The actions of the people surrounding her are as clear as day.


"Do you want to rest? You look pale."

"I"m okay, thank you."

Rhys nodded and sat down beside her. Lyn blinked but chuckled, "Are you still worried about me? I told you I"m okay, already."

"I"m worried. If Kazuya took better care of you, then I wouldn"t be."

Lyn"s gaze softened, "You can"t blame him. Kazuya"s heart is very fragile, you should be nicer," she trailed off when she saw his annoyed look, "I understand him very well, it"s the same for me. I can"t stand to see those close to me suffer and yet not being able to do anything despite having the power to do so. That feeling of helpless, that despair," she closed her eyes briefly. "It"s a terrible feeling."

"You don"t have to worry about him so much, Im here."

At that comment, she hears the sound of something snap and saw that Pupillam had snapped a twig. Her sweatdropped, "Uh? Pupillam."

"I"ve been refraining from saying this for a long time. But Rhys, your way too close to the Princess! Learn your place."

"Why are you telling me that and not Kazuya?"

"That man knows his place."

Huh? Lyn looked at her aide, confused, and Pupillam covered her mouth, but it was already too late. "Tell me what he told you."

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Pupillam seemed reluctant but after awhile told her. Rhys was the first to speak up, "That moron!! Who wants his dammed blessings, I don"t!"

Lyn sighed, "Why does he think that way? I don"t care about our status, and Rhys, why are you suddenly a Prince?"

Rhys flicked her forehead, "What"s wrong with me being a Prince?"

"Nothing wrong, but this is the first I"m hearing of it."

"It"s only normal for a n.o.ble to be amongst the group the amba.s.sador brings along. While the others have a knight status, and Kazuya is the only commoner. Their standing is low here."

Lyn nodded, f.u.kami and the others are Knights, but people still look down on them. People dislike Rhys, but Lyn noticed that n.o.body treats him with disrespect. Now that she thought about it, he does have the n.o.ble earring. It"s just hard to see because of his usual hairstyle.

"Kazuya doesn"t have to worry about status," Lyn mumbled, "I don"t need to marry someone with riches to their name." All she wants is to spend the rest of her life with somebody who genuinely loves and cares for her.

Pupillam nodded, "It frustrated me too, but then he said, "Even if it"s like this, even if I know we can"t be together because of our respective status. I still want to be with her. She is the one person I won"t let go of.""

At that comment, her cheeks turned red. Lyn could picture Kazuya saying such words. "That stubborn fool," Lyn thought. Instead of saying these words to another person, he should have just told her. He really is foolish in more ways than one, but this foolish person is the one she loves.

"Kazuya cleared things up about the Princess, didn"t he?"

"Ah, yes."

"But you have to understand. The Princess will be persistence. If you don"t establish your relations.h.i.+p with Kazuya properly now, then, she will take him."

"I didn"t think you"d give me advice."

Rhys sighed, "I"m not that unreasonable. Besides, if I"m going to earn your love. I want to make a good impression."

"Princess Lyn has no time to be fooling around," Pupillam interjected, "Kazuya and you may mean well. But her engagement with Prince Allen is set."

Ahh, wait? Pupillam? Ever since she met Pupillam, she has never seen the girl like this.

"Haha," Rhys laughed, "Fooling around? The engagement is set? I have heard the rumors that the marriage date is being pushed forward, that"s why you"re holding all these banquets, however, for somebody who is taking action. There is still one thing the fiance hasn"t tackled. Lyn"s ident.i.ty. Or does he want people to think that he"s marrying somebody with a simple status? n.o.body"s ever heard of a marriage where the wife doesn"t even show her face."

As cruel as Rhys words were, he did make a valid point.

What will Pupillam say back? "Prince Allen treats Princess Lyn with kindness and has a better understanding towards her than you two. Your right, for things to be solved - the Princess needs to show her face. But all of these factors are something outsiders like us can"t intervene in."

Rhys eyes twitched in annoyance, "What did you just call me?"

"You heard me."

"You really are pus.h.i.+ng your luck with me, aren"t you? Quit intervening, I"m serious about Lyn."

Lyn flushed red at his words, "Does he have to be so blunt about it?" Though Lyn understood that honesty is better in this situation, it still made her feel nervous. Rhys lips curve to a smile, he must have seen her reaction, "It doesn"t seem like your Princess is against me pursing her."

"Very well then, if you"re serious. I, Pupillam will be your opponent."

Lyn looked at the sight before her dumbfounded. What on earth is going on here? Rhys won"t agree, will he? However, to her surprise, Rhys nodded, "Yeah, that"s fine with me."

Wait, wait? What?!! These two can"t be serious.