Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 240

To her surprise, Amakaze sighed, "It appears as though I won"t be able to get any answers from you."

Pupillam deeply sighed. He really is clever; he probably realized she was only saying such words to get out of it. Here is a person who understands her very well, but she can"t do anything. The current her is still in love with Prince Andrew.

"By the way, a little birdie told me something interesting. It seems like the Crown Prince has an illegitimate child."

At that, she turned to him eyes wide, "Is that true?"

"Who knows? But that"s the rumor going around in the underground right now. Since the haven"t caught wind of it yet, n.o.body can be sure. However, from what I see, it"s real. A little boy with blonde hair and maroon eyes who is around four years old. The description is far too accurate to be a lie, don"t you think?"

. . He"s right. That description is too good to be just mere rumors. But if that"s the case then what about Lady Gabrielle? Doesn"t Prince Andrew have more responsibility to take care of the child and his mother? This is bad, what"s going to happen with those two? Just when they"ve sorted things out. No no, she has to remain positive. She"s guessing that the reason the rumor hasn"t reached the ma.s.s public is because he is the Crown Prince. If that"s the case, then something can still be done.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Feeling his hand brush across her cheek, she stares at him eyes questioning.

"For a mere rumor, you sure are concerned. Could it be that he"s n.o.body special and just a player after all? I did take an interest in him because of you. But, it seems like he amounts to nothing."

Pupillam doesn"t flinch from his touch, and yet her expression changes, "You do not have the right to insult him."

To her surprise, Lord Amakaze suddenly drew his hand back, "It seems like I was correct."

Right at that moment though Prince Zenith made his way over.


Pupillam was still slightly rattled up after that conversation with Lord Amakaze. "How come he knew?" she thought. Did he propose to her because he knew about it? To help her forget? Pupillam shook her head. He isn"t that kind of person. It"s not uncommon for Princes to have secret lovers, but a child? What"s more, it"s a boy...

"I was thinking; I"d try to propose," Zenith mumbled. "I mean, I know tomorrow there is a banquet.

"I see. Well, receiving a proposal is definitely a step up from just dating her. Indeed, it"ll stick in her mind a lot more like it did with Rhys."

Prince Zenith blinked once and then another before exclaiming, "That guy did what?!!!

"You"ll attract the attention of other guards if you do that.." Pupillam sighed. But she reacted in that same manner too.

The blonde hair prince calmed himself down, "Since when did this happen?"

"Not too long ago. Before we left the Snow Kingdom, Lyn wasn"t feeling well, so Rhys and I came over. I left the two alone only briefly, and when I returned, Rhys was already down on one knee and proposing to her. Although he said he doesn"t want an answer right then, he did say "This is the only other way that you can think of me. I"ve run out of options, so it"s all or nothing." There was no ring though, but I"m sure he gave her something that acts as a wedding gift."

That jade bracelet the Princess takes out once in a while and looks at.

Indeed, this way of thinking isn"t uncommon. They aren"t getting any younger; and when any of the Princess suitors think of the long-term engagement. The next stage is marriage; Prince Allen may have proposed before, but as long as she hasn"t accepted it officially then they all stand a chance.

Though the Princess has not accepted in public due to her hiding her ident.i.ty, everybody should understand by now that the Princess will marry Prince Allen.

Pupillam continues, "It"s all become quite serious. But even so, I"ll side with Prince Allen." Because that"s all, she can do for the Princess when it comes to this situation.

"Hey hey, shouldn"t you be giving me some encouragement too?"

"I doubt you need it. Although their relations.h.i.+p isn"t stable right now since it"s them I believe they will be able to work it out step by step," Pupillam mumbled. Though, she is worried about something regarding the Prince lately.


"What is it?"

"No, before that. Since we"re on the topic, Pupillam. Were you acting in front of your father as well?"

Pupillam raised her eyebrows, puzzled, "My father? What are you talking about?"

"Ah, your conversation with your father. I overheard it."

Recognition filled her eyes, "I see."

"When the time comes for me to get married, I"ll propose..." Zenith scratched his head, "It was surprising, so I asked Kyoya for more details."

"He sure gave you a detailed report."

She"s questioning him with just her eyes; it"s really scary whenever she does that! "Uh no it"s just, it was rather vague so ... I"d like to ask for more details on it."

"It"s Amakaze."


"I thought you still had feelings for.."

Pupillam smiled weakly, "You never expected that, did you? "

"No. Never would be stretching it . . ." Zenith stared at her with wide eyes, "But seriously to think that the person whom I could never understand would tell me straight out that it"s Amakaze. I even thought you"d say that Amakaze is definitely not one of the candidates."

he trailed off, "Did I miss something?"

Pupillam chuckles, "Indeed it may come out as a surprise. Although the engagement was supposed to be part of the plan, it may have worked out unexpectedly too well."

"You did say that this was a playing card you could use well, did you expect that to reverse on you?" Zenith said, calming down.

"I didn"t. Truthfully speaking... Prince Zenith you knew about it, didn"t you? My feelings for him?"

Zenith nodded, "I kinda figured that you still liked him. Even though you two had a mutual break up with each other. It felt like you still had feelings for him, I couldn"t tell though. ." he trails off before adding, "Your expressions hard to read. "

"Mm, I won"t deny that. I like that person, and maybe even now I do. But in the first place, I also don"t understand matters like love and am rather clumsy at it. I may have "liked" him. But it wasn"t love. Even now, I still haven"t experienced love at all. However, I find myself drawn to Lord Amakaze, I was bothered about it...when he didn"t speak with me for a while, and my eyes seem to find him in the crowd despite the huge amount of people. Although right now I"m not sure, I"d like to give it a try."

When he didn"t approach her, and she had to find him. Pupillam felt uncomfortable. It was such a strange thing for her.

"That guy, although I don"t understand him all too well. I"m sure he can protect you."

"That"s good to hear. After all, I intend to convince him to return to being a Knight. I believe it"s something he wants after all."

Zenith sweatdropped, "In other words, "I"ll seriously take this engagement properly if you return to being a knight?" Woah I think I remember why the Prince always dealt with you with a smile."