Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 290

Since that day, the little girl named Lyn had been dropping by to see him often. Though she was already doing that before, something had changed now. The girl was always buried in the book. Once in a while, she would ask him questions. Knowing the teachings of the Junlan church, though, he made the girl promise him not to show the books he lent her in public. It"s not like they forbid using blood for magic- it"s traditional, old magic. However, Arthur had observed how they treated the child. While they tried to hide it, Arthur could tell that she was a special disciple.

Arthur understood why they weren"t telling him anything. It made sense if you thought about it. It doesn"t change the fact that he is an outsider. "Junlan church will help hide you for a while. But they will not interfere if those people find you." A deep sigh escaped his lips. Of course, they won"t interfere; the members of Junlan church uphold traditional values.

His thoughts broke off when he hears the sound of frantic footsteps and opened his door. The maids were rus.h.i.+ng about all panicky. Some were standing around his door, going, "You ask him."

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Sir Arthur, could you help us out…?"


"What happened here?"

"Were not sure, she suddenly pa.s.sed out and then she broke out into a terrible fever."

Pa.s.sed out, and then a fever? That seems reasonable, but, judging from the panicked maid"s faces, there is something different about this. Arthur instructs them all to leave the room. They seemed hesitant, and Arthur knew why.

"One of you stay outside the door."

Amongst the servants, a girl with short hair decided to stay behind. She looked meek.

Arthur turned to the child who was fast asleep on the bed. She kept tossing and turning in bed. She looks uncomfortable. Poor child, Arthur brushed his hands on her forehead. His thoughts broke off when Lyn stirred awake.


At that comment, he drew his hand back.


It seems like she does have somebody who cares for her.

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Andrew….? Arthur pulled away and ran his hand through his hair. It can"t be that Andrew can it? He looked at the girl"s appearance again. Long black hair, jewel-colored eyes, fair skin. Hands that have done no labor. He already knew she was a n.o.ble, but if she"s related to the royal family...

Maybe he should stay away from her. He can"t be too sure what her connection is just yet. But, the Andrew she referred to is most likely that person. It"s because of Prince Andrew that he sustained this wound in the first place.

Arthur shook his head, now isn"t the time to be thinking about this. Right now, there are more important things to do.


Arthur managed to stop the strange symptoms from showing up - but the girl was still quite hot. The fever should be normal now.

At some point, he fell asleep.


Opening his eyes, Arthur looked blankly at the white ceiling for a while. Huh? Where is he?

His back arched, probably because he had been sleeping on the sofa. Why is he sleeping on the couch? He thought about it for a moment, then immediately remembered.

He got off the sofa and headed towards the bedroom. Arthur opened the door and looked at the girl asleep on the bed, the empty s.p.a.ce on the bed meant for him; he shook his head.

He waltzed inside and made his way over and reached over to caress her hair.

The colour has returned to her face, and the flames that had been wrapped around her are gone. When Arthur saw that cursed mark, he immediately understood. This child has a unbelievable power. No wonder her relatives sent her away.

The burden of being powerful, huh? Although it"s something he can"t understand, he does know that right now she is suffering.

It"s disappeared now, and she seemed to be sleeping well, he could hear her breathing peacefull.

Arthur smiled wryly and shut the door behind him, leaving it slightly open. It would be better for her to wake up to sounds rather than silence.

Arthur took a quick shower, put on some pants, then tended to the injuries on his arm and shoulder. He held one end of the bandages in his teeth while he wrapped them up. After that, he picked up his messenger crystal while toweling off his hair. The person he phoned picked up within a few seconds.

"h.e.l.lo. Good morning."

"Morning. Sanford, when will you get here?"


From the background of Sanford"s reply, which was for some reason phrased as a question, he could hear the sounds of rustling carts and people arguing.

"Are you outside right now? Are you already coming over?" From the sounds of it, they are close by.

"Yeah. I"ll be there in about ten minutes. It isn"t easy, you know, that place is in such a conspicuous location."

"Did you already eat?"

"Nope. Ah, I bought the girl some strawberry jello and juice. Does she like sweets? I can grab some pastries."

"Yeah, she does. Do you want your eggs in an omelet or with bacon?"

"Make it how the little girl likes it."

"She"s still asleep. I"ll wake her up when the food"s ready."

Akito paused for a moment when his eyes settled on his own back. This mark, it showed up right after he confronted that person. A mark that symbolizes that family, if it"s like that, then that woman must be related to him somehow. It really is ironic, how twisted fate is.


After arriving, Sanford had to help prepare breakfast. "Every time I come over, this place is so clean it gets on my nerves."

Arthur looked around the place while he cut the tomatoes up into bite-sized pieces. The counter kitchen was big enough for two people to work in it without feeling cramped. Still, he hasn"t cooked in a while, so he was very careful. They gave him a nice place, strange enough. Even though they know who he is.

He tilted the frying pan and folded the omelet. The cheese in the eggs melted and sizzled.

Lyn is the one who got him into a habit of cleaning things. But he isn"t telling Masaomi that. Ria looked in from the bedroom, perhaps lured in by the smell. Masaomi smiled at her.

"Is this her?"

"Yeah," Arthur nodded. "Morning Lyn. Did you sleep well?"

Lyn nodded but looked over at him, "... .Not as well as it could have been."

It must have been difficult; she was in so much pain last night. The one thing that bothered him though was the servants a.s.signed to her. A group of people with no experience looking after a child. It"s strange, extraordinary. No matter how you look at it, the child is clearly from a good family. Whether or not she is related to those people aside, she shouldn"t be treated her so poorly. Arthur knew if he complained about this, then that old man would simply tell him that this is the way of Junlan church.

Not to spoil, teach people how to live a moderate and regular lifestyle without wasting or spending things. However, Arthur"s gaze dimmed. It"s a bit too much. While their treatment is questionable, the security around the girl was actually quite tight. So it"s clear she is an important person. But, there is something wrong. Still, Arthur could not think of it right now.

"I"m really surprised, not only are you in one piece but you"re even taking care of a child."