Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 340

Being poisoned was careless of him. However, it"s not as though this is the first time. Back in the Sound Kingdom, those people poisoned him quite a bit. So his body has built up a resistance to poisons.

Kazuya"s gaze remained on the fight; Morris was a complete mess. The color red filled the entire place, and yet Kazuya noticed something different.

. . She didn"t kill him. Of course, she wouldn"t, Lyn wants to prevent as many casualties as possible.

But he can barely walk with those wounds.

Hearing a rush of footsteps, Kazuya noted that more men covered in grey cloaks appeared.

"Morrss-sama! Curse you..." the people looked over at Lyn with a hostile look in their eyes.

"Stop it fool, we can"t handle her..." the man trails of and makes eye contact with him.

Kazuya nodded in understanding.

At that moment the doors opened and in came four people. Rhys that Arthur guy, Pupillam, and the girls fiance Prince Amakaze.


"I"m fine; rather, I should be the one saying that. Why are you so beat up?"

"They caught me off guard."

"Hmm? What was that about leaving it up to you?"


Lyn chuckled, "I"m kidding, thank you for returning alive --" Lyn"s sentence fell short as they met each others gaze. She gently pulled away from Pupillam her and made her way over to him. "So, now we meet. Our parting was brief, but it made me realize something. How about you?"

What is this girl saying in this type of situation? No, since it is her, this is normal.

"Ah, what"s this? Am I not even going to get any praise? I held out over there, you know...." she trails off and laughs lightly, "I"m glad you were watching me, Kazuya. That must be the reason why I managed to get through the fight."

How could he speak? The wounds on Lyn"s body were awful. Her clothes and hair were a mess. He clenched his fist. How useless, even though he was right there beside her.

"Idiot..." Kazuya said, finally managing to get some words out.

"Mmm, I know. But, I did it for you; that"s why---" Lyn didn"t finish her sentence since she suddenly lost balance. Kazuya immediately catches her.


"I"m glad I got to see your face Kazuya."

What is she saying in a time like this? Yuhi placed his hand on her face, as she shuts her eyes. She"s suddenly become cold. What"s wrong with her? His thoughts broke when Rhys bent down and placed his hand on her neck,

"Her pulse is weak. She"s losing blood."

"But she didn"t get hit did she?" Pulliam exclaimed.

"No. It"s not due to external injuries. Didn"t that man just say he poisoned her mark? It"s probably that."

The mark that"s already devouring her body? Kazuya gritted his teeth, next time he meets that guy, he is dead. He won"t let him get away with it.

"Ah, then we can use that. Amakaze pa.s.s it to me."

Amakaze sighs deeply, "Using rare elixir...I"ll lecture her when she wakes up," he pulled out a bottle from his pouch.

"Now, now you"re the one who rushed out before me. Where are the others?"

"He"s taking charge of the hostages. Sir Arthur, you should head there too. It"s out, back."

Rhys wasn"t paying attention to the conversation; despite being able to hear it. His gaze was fixated on the black-haired girl; she"s become so cold even though she was just smiling so brightly for him.

"Now then, how should we give this to her? We should mix in sir Rhys medicine with the elixir. It will be more effective."

"Wouldn"t it be better to crush the powder? " Pupillam pointed out.

Pupillam handed over an empty bottle towards Rhys, who crushed the powder and sprinkled the powder on top of the liquid into the other bottle.

Rhys then cracked jokes about feeding it to her mouth to mouth. Yet he wasn"t in the mood.

"Give me that," Kazuya said once they were done.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

He didn"t wait for a response and s.n.a.t.c.hed the bottle away as he gulped it down and leaned forward, pressing his lips against the brunettes. Lyn, Lyn, you have to survive. He will not let you die like this. The next time we will fight him together, that"s why you shouldn"t deal with this yourself.

Even if he is a terrible man, even if he is like this, he doesn"t want you to die. Don"t die and leave him behind if he can selfishly see that smile again. Even if he can"t hold her in his arms anymore, it wouldn"t matter. Just stay alive. Stay alive. That is all he has ever wanted, for her to live even if she does not choose him.


When Zepher and his group arrived at the meeting place, Lyn and the others were long gone. "Search all over," Zepher demanded. The sight before him made him feel incredibly uneasy. There was blood everywhere.

Did Lyn get hurt? Those people aren"t normal, after all. Even if Lyn is stronger now, she won"t be able to handle this alone. Calm down; the reports mentioned that there was somebody with her. Hearing approaching footsteps, Zepher turned to the source of the sound and saw a man approach.

"Who are you?" Zepher questioned.

The man looked him up and down and put down his weapon. "Peace. I"m Lyn"s acquaintance. You"re her brother, right?"

Zepher couldn"t miss how the man referred to his sister by her first name, instead of her t.i.tle. Has the situation at the castle gotten that bad? That even normal subordinates are

"That"s right."

"I"m Rhys."

He immediately recognized the name. The Prince they sent over from the Sound Kingdom? Well, he supposes that explains the name thing. Zepher nodded, "Where is she?"

"Currently, she is fending off the remaining pursuers with my companion. But due to her injury, it is mainly my companion fighting."

His eyes widened in alarm. "She got hurt?"

"I"ve treated her. But she does need urgent medical attention. You"ll have to listen to me; you can"t go to her right away."

"Why not?" Zepher snapped. After hearing something like that, how could he possibly stand still and wait. Lyn is hurt.

"Because right now, Lyn badly injured the one who they sent after her. So the rest of his lackeys are after her. Considering her state, it would be difficult for her to move around. The other guy was poisoned too, so those two are both defenseless."

"If you know that, then why did you come here?"

"Since I"m the only one who can negotiate with you calmly."


"Lyn, keep her by your side for a while."

"Even if you don"t say that, I will. I don"t intend for her to return there. War is about to start; right now, the Mist Kingdom is in conflict with..." Zepher trailed off as he realized something. The country that the Mist Kingdom is on the verge of war with is the Sound Kingdom.

To delay things, they sent a group of people from both sides to scout the situation. More like those people were used as hostages.