Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 341

So, they even sent a Prince out as a hostage? What kind of deal did they strike? Zepher had to admit that he was curious. Over the last few years, he has built up his reputation and a name for himself. Back then, they chased him out with absolutely nothing. But now things are different. At first, Zepher did all he could to survive. The thought of revenge didn"t cross his mind. Nor did it occur to him to search for the culprit, he just wanted to live.

However, he kept up with the news in the Mist Kingdom... He didn"t want to return to the palace; he liked his new life. But, he didn"t erase the place entirely from his heart because of his sister. He wanted to come back for her.

"Why are you trying to protect Lyn? Aren"t you the enemy?"

Though Rhys words are very vague, Zepher understood it right away. This man is trying to protect Lyn. "Heh, haven"t you figured it out yet?"

His gaze dimmed. It did not occur to him that other men would fall for his sister. The security around her is tight, after all. She was seldom able to go out. That"s why Zepher wasn"t worried about her falling in love. If Lyn was going to fall for

"I"ll cooperate with you. But tell me about Lyn."

Rhys nodded, "Sounds fair. Follow me."

Zepher turned to his men and gave some instructions, before following Rhys.

It was quiet between them for a few minutes. Zepher didn"t know what to say. This guy admitted that he likes Lyn. What"s more, it seems like this man is aware of his own feelings towards the girl. Then again, it"s not like this is rocket science.

"How did you meet her?"

"It was my companion who introduced - no, I met her when we were younger. When she was in Junlan church, she snuck off to town one time."

Zepher nodded. He did hear that Lyn became acquainted with the man Andrew was after. But there was also this kid too? He was still having a hard time adjusting. If this guy likes Lyn, then, "Does...does she have a lot of male friends?" Zepher asked warily.

"The girl is surrounded by guys. I"m surprised you didn"t know."

Surrounded by guys? Then again, Andrew or Mother has most likely picked out candidates for her. She"s already sixteen; it"s the perfect age to introduce the other candidates. But, even then, Zepher didn"t think anything would happen. After all, those men don"t truly like Lyn. He knew how slow the leading candidate Prince Allen was too. So, Zepher was not worried about him. However, from the looks of it, other guys have appeared in Lyn"s life since then. If he isn"t careful, one of them could take Lyn.

It"s a good thing he sent that letter. This timing is perfect, even if she has other men. Nothing irreversible should have happened yet. Things are still okay.

"But you, huh, seriously like her?" Rhys questioned.

"Of course I do," Zepher is embarra.s.sed at how quickly he responded.

"I know you"re not blood-related. But, you still treated her as your sister for so long…"

A deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips. "I don"t know what you heard. But I didn"t exactly treat her as my sibling," he trailed off. "Not like I treated her as a woman or anything. Since she was still a child, the last time I saw her. We were more like good friends."

"Friends.h.i.+p that turned into love, huh?"


"But you know something Prince Zepher; there are a lot of people who misunderstood you."


"Rumors like how you two are lovers and all that."

There were rumors like that?

Rhys sighed, "You didn"t know?"

"No, I didn"t."

So that"s why other men stayed away from Lyn back then? Now he gets it. Even the fiance seemed to back away in those days.


Meanwhile, Lyn was having a hard time staying conscious.

"Lyn, Lyn. Stay awake; don"t close your eyes."

Lyn laughed softly, "It"s difficult to do so." She felt so tired and drained of all strength. She wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. The two of them were hiding in one of the abandoned buildings. But, it"s just a matter of time before those people find them.

She extended her hand out and caressed Kazuya"s pale cheek. "They poisoned you too, why didn"t you drink Rhys antidote?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Unlike yourself. I wasn"t injured. The injury will speed up the rate of the poison in your body. That"s why it"s better for you to take it."

Well, that explanation makes sense.

"Still, this isn"t exactly a nice situation to get romantic," Kazuya mumbled quietly, but she heard him loud and clear.

"You were planning too?"

"I thought it would lighten the atmosphere."

Indeed, he certainly is an unusual person. Lyn leaned forward and rested her head on his shoulder. "As far as affectionate goes, this will have to do."

Kazuya smiled and grabbed hold of her hand. "I think we can add to that."

"Honestly, what kind of situation is this?"

"A romantic date inside some abandoned ruins," Kazuya joked.

Lyn rolled her eyes, "If you"re well enough to crack such stupid jokes, then.." Her sentence fell short when she examined Kazuya"s expression. His face was a ghostly pale color, her eyes wide end horrified. "Kazuya?!! Kazuya?"

"I"m fine, Lyn.."

But he looks so pale.. It must be the poison. Lyn didn"t feel the effects too much since Rhys gave her the antidote right away. She wrapped her arms around him and clung to him tightly.

"Pfft," he chuckled. "What are we doing in a time like this?"

"I won"t ask you to talk about anything now. But, since we"re going to be stuck with each other for a while."


But somehow isn"t this embarra.s.sing? What are they doing flirting like a new couple amid danger? Then again, whenever she is with Kazuya, she feels like a child. She feels carefree when she is with him.

"It"s bizarre that Rhys left us alone. We"re both hurt."

"Yeah, why would he leave?" Rhys is normally so overprotective over her. Usually, he would never leave her alone with Kazuya, so how come?

Lyn thought for a moment before she eventually came to a conclusion. Rhys trying to send her to brother, and get rid of Kazuya? He wouldn"t do something like that, right? As far as she knows, Kazuya is his main pri- Lyn stopped in mid-sentence. That"s right, Kazuya is his main priority.

"Kazuya, I"m going to check the situation out."

Kazuya hugged her again, "Don"t go, Lyn. I"ll be cold."

She laughed softly, "You"re so silly. I"m ice cold too. I"m not warm."

"No, you"re warm, so warm, Lyn."

Hearing his voice turn weak, Lyn bit her lip. "Stupid Rhys, he"s doing this on purpose." But, she does understand where he is coming from. Kazuya is too distracted around her. For Rhys, her going with brother for awhile is good because it means Kazuya can focus. She doesn"t want to leave his side; she wants to be with him all the time. But… that is not possible.


Suddenly Rhys stopped walking, causing Zepher to examine his surroundings. They hadn"t left the area yet, no they went around in a circle?


"Your subordinates should have Lyn by now. You can head back."

Huh? What? Just as Zepher was about to question him, he hears the sound of his messenger crystal. Frowning, Zepher picked it up.

Boss, we found her! Were already escorting her back to the base.

This guy, did he do it deliberately? How come? "Are you sure? What will you do if I don"t give her back?"

"I will think about it then, so go."