Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 429


"I can"t believe this, why did you enter without knocking?" Lyn had quickly gotten changed. Since she did not have time to dry herself, the clothes ended up sticking to her body. She wrapped a towel around her knowing this would at least help cover her body up. "Are you a pe-"

Rhys interjected and she saw his expression, he looked conflicted. A mixture of annoyance or was it confusion? "What on earth are you talking about? I came here because you called for me?"

"What are you talking about, I didn"t call for you."

Rhys sat down on the edge of her bed. "Are you sure? I can show you some evidence."

At that comment, Lyn covered her mouth. It"s true she called for help earlier, but she didn"t mention any specific names. Could it be that she unconsciously called out Rhys name? It wouldn"t be the first time that has happened. But even then, Lyn didn"t think he would be able to detect it.

"Using magic, I noticed it," Rhys mumbled. "Are you going to hide over there forever?"

Lyn still stood at the bathroom door, and while it was opened slightly so she could see him. He couldn"t see her very well. Her thoughts broke off when Rhys stood up and walked over.

"Well whatever, I know what I heard. But you," Rhys trailed off. "If I wanted to see your figure less body, I would have done so a long time ago. I"ve had plenty of chances."

Indeed he makes a point there, but does he have to talk like that for?

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright Lyn. Sorry for being awkward about it."

"He seems sincere…" Lyn awkwardly opened the door. It shocked her when he saw him standing directly in front of her. Lyn averted her gaze and looked down on the ground.

Rhys, however, cupped her cheeks, "I brought you something, the herbs I mentioned last time. Lately, you can"t sleep right?"

"Rhys, I"ve also got something for you," she pointed to her desk on the side. There were several scrolls in a row.

"Why? Knowing it would not benefit you?"

That"s true.

It"s human nature to be selfish, to desire something after you"ve done someone a favour. But even so, despite that being the case… "Because I"d want to," Lyn replied vaguely.

Why would you want to?"

"I"m not entirely sure. This situation has a lot of a.s.sumptions. I"m obviously not your friend and I obviously can"t help you with your work. There is nothing I can do for you," she trailed off when she realized something. Something weird has been happening to her chest. It felt warm and constructed before and now there is nothing but pain. Her eyes widened when his grip on her waist tightened.

He didn"t need to say anything, it"s obvious what he was thinking. Rhys is a fool, how can this be enough? When he has done so much for her sake? Even though he is in such a bad condition. He went ahead and did something reckless for her again. " He was carrying medical herbs when we found him". Medical herbs...for her condition, he went all the way out there and exposed himself to danger.

If this was someone she didn"t care about, none of this would affect her. But still.., " You are not defined by your power". That one line. It felt like it saved her. Lyn reaches over and placed her hand on his face, brus.h.i.+ng his red locks with her fingers in the process. " Can you see right now?"

"No. But I can feel your warmth."

"Is this request something that"s difficult to accomplish?" Lyn wanted to ask him something else. Is there anything she can do? Can she help him?

"It"s nothing major, it will be done soon".

"I see that"s good."

Rhys bent down, "So, can I kiss you now?"

She shook her head, "I"m tired, I want to go to sleep," Lyn pulled away from him and walked over to the bed. She heard Rhys quietly following behind her. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I always visit you, why are you surprised?"

"Because earlier--" Lyn stopped herself from saying those words. Earlier Rhys was with a girl… Lyn, however, knew better than to say those words. She has no right to act jealous for. At the end of the day, her relations.h.i.+p with Rhys is weak. Even though he is the closest person to her right now.

"Earlier?" Rhys repeated.

"It was nothing," Lyn mumbled. But Rhys didn"t believe her. "I didn"t see anything."

At that comment he raised his eyebrows and sighed. "You saw that huh?"

"She was very pretty, was she your girlfriend?"

"No, she was a toy," Rhys looked her up and down. "Is that why your not looking at me? Are you jealous again?"

"I"m not je--" Lyn quickly realized what Rhys said. What does he mean by again?

Before Lyn knew it, Rhys had her pinned down on the bed. "Rhys…"

"Whatever your thinking, get rid of that thought now. Do you know how much I want you Lyn?"

"Want? Then…"

Rhys placed his fingers on her mouth. "Why I did that? You want to ask? I don"t think you will like my reasoning."

"Rhys, will you let me go?"

"I came here to spend the night with you," Rhys admitted.

Spend the night sounds misleading… Lyn didn"t agree and just looked at him. Didn"t he touch another woman? Why does he act this way? Then again, she doesn"t understand men very well. Her thoughts broke off when Rhys loosened his clothing. She spotted marks across his chest and sighed.

"You want to get in the mood looking like that?" Lyn commented dryly.

Rhys bent down and kissed her neck, "So you know what that means?"

"I"m not 100% oblivious," she reached over and ran her hands through his hair. "Rhys, are you actually going to do something?"

"No, I can"t," Rhys said half annoyed. "I want to though, and I want you to know that."

"I already know, so what are you going to do to me?"


This person is so hopeless, she never saw a person as hopeless as him before. He"s usually so cold hearted and honestly he"s a jerk. If she compared him to Kazuya, Rhys is the complete opposite. He is a jerk who doesn"t care about her feelings at all.

"You know, I told you already not to wear this," he pointed to the bracelet, "And this dress, isn"t it something Kazuya gave you?"

Ah -- Lyn glanced down at her clothing. Indeed it was a dress Kazuya gave her before. But did that matter? Clothes are clothes. At the end of the day, they don"t have a special meaning. Before Lyn could explain this though, she found herself laying down on the couch in seconds.

Rhys loosened his clothes, revealing his muscular body. Lyn completely froze, "What is this idiot trying to do? He won"t right?" Rhys bent down and Lyn immediately flinched. She closed her eyes shut, he won"t right? Please tell her no. Does she have to stab him? Lyn didn"t want to resort to that.