Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 46

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:09:19 PMChapter 46

If Lyn really does have a greater power than both her Mother and Prince Andrew, then it will be a problem .

The atmosphere in the air was clearly tense, Kazuya, however, didn"t break it like he usually would . He knew better than to act like a fool during these times . He ensured though that Lyn remained firmly in his arms . He didn"t want her to do anything stupid . This is awkward . Kazuya heard rumors that Prince Andrew and Princess Lethia actually get along quite well, despite their fractions being at each other"s throats .

However, from their exchange just now, Kazuya could tell there was an air of hostility between them . To his surprise though, something flashed by him and broke the crus.h.i.+ng auras from Prince Andrew and Princess Lethia . Kazuya"s eyes widened when he saw who it was .

King Daichi . . .

"Now, now my kids . Let"s not cause trouble . Our guest is wondering where you all went . It took Kotaro to distract him with random political talks to not come out here," King Daichi said . He wore his usual calm smile on his face, but Kazuya is sure everybody sensed the warning on his tone .

Andrew nodded, "My apologizes father . "


"I"m leaving; I feel sick . Tell King John I"ll pay a courtesy visit another time," Lethia said and walked away .

King Daichi looked over at their direction; their gaze met briefly, "Lyn, ask Kazuya to take you back . You"ve done enough for today . "

Lyn nodded, "Okay, thank you, father . "

It seemed like a natural concern after all that happened . However, Kazuya couldn"t help but suspect something . This man, surely he knew about the incidence that happened with Lyn? And just now his powers, was that sound?


Kazuya turned around, "Join me for a quick snack later . "

He nodded in understanding .

. . .

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom - Kazuya"s quarters, rooftop-

Kazuya opened his eyes and looks around at his surroundings, right he fell asleep on the rooftop . He placed his hand on his forehead; it really hurt . But this pain is probably nothing in contrast to what Lyn after what happened earlier .

In contrast to Lyn"s pain, this is nothing . In the past Kazuya didn"t think much about whether he was happy with his life, sure he got out of the establishment - but Kazuya knew something was missing . Yet he didn"t think about whether he was happy or sad . He lived his life with no particular emotions at all .

Until that day when he met her, he bought in emotions Kazuya thought he would never have again . That day when they met at the park, he was sat there on the swings all by himself, lost in thought . When he got off the swing, it surprised him to find a young girl around his age staring at her with those with eyes .

Her startled look when he used his powers to get off, those bright and young eyes filled with curiosity . Back then he told her she was being rude staring, but the reality was he was the one staring at her . Kazuya didn"t know what it was, but something immediately attracted him to her .

He could see it in her eyes; the girl wasn"t afraid of him at all . But he feared her; she scared him . She scared him because of the feeling he got the moment he saw her . The moment Kazuya saw her, he felt a tug in his chest . It was a strange meeting . Back then he snuck out of his Kingdom successfully and somehow bypa.s.sed the Mist Kingdom security . The place he stayed in was small but there was a beautiful park nearby, that was the place where he frequently met with her .

The girl admitted to sneaking away; it was only later when he learned who she was . A princess, he didn"t know her circ.u.mstances . But the knowledge she was a member of royalty, made him feel disgusted . He didn"t want to have anything to do with anybody from royalty . He came to the Mist Kingdom to see why the Sound Kingdom Elders were so fixed on this place .

Kazuya did not intend to stay long; he just wanted to see the place and then head back . As long as he laid low, he wouldn"t get caught, and if worse came to worse - well, he already had a solid excuse . He didn"t intend to stay long, and when he discovered she was royalty; it disgusted him . So why did he keep returning to the park? It didn"t make much sense to him .

He visited every day without fail, and whenever he came there, she would talk to him every single time . They spent many days together, countless days . And then the time came where she stopped showing up . Kazuya realized something was wrong and went to see her himself .

It was the first time for him, visiting the Mist Kingdom palace . But Kazuya quickly maneuvered through the place . He found her easily; she was spending time with her family . When he saw her in those plain clothes, alongside her family members who wore such a luxurious garment, Kazuya connected the pieces right away, "they must not treat her well" is what he thought . Kazuya watched for a while and waited for a moment to speak to her, but couldn"t find one . Just when he was about to surrender, that accident happened .

It all happened in a flash; he didn"t hesitate to intervene and kill those who opposed her . But even then Lyn had to shed blood, she used her powers, and the girl"s aide got possessed by a demon . If only he used his powers properly then, then Lyn wouldn"t have had to fight . That incidence wouldn"t have occurred . He could have easily dealt with that situation, but he didn"t . Instead, he held his powers back . The moment Kazuya used more power than necessary, is the moment somebody discovered his ident.i.ty . If that happened, he could no longer see Lyn anymore .

In the end, Lyn lost her memories, so there was no use in him staying, anyway . Rhys eventually found him and dragged him back . The Sound Kingdom elders knew nothing of this visit since Rhys made up an excuse for his absence . Whether they believed it, Kazuya wasn"t sure .

Kazuya placed a hand on his forehead, "Idiot," he mumbled .

What is he doing? The flood of memories and emotions came unexpectedly, but he didn"t need to dwell on it . What"s done is done, that"s already a matter of the past, and he honestly forgot some parts . There"s a gap in his memories; he doesn"t remember what happened after he knocked out Lyn . It felt like he spoke to somebody and then . . .If Lyn really does have a greater power than both her Mother and Prince Andrew, then it will be a problem . The atmosphere in the air was clearly tense, Kazuya, however, didnt break it like he usually would . He knew better than to act like a fool during these times . He ensured though that Lyn remained firmly in his arms . He didnt want her to do anything stupid . This is awkward . Kazuya heard rumors that Prince Andrew and Princess Lethia actually get along quite well, despite their fractions being at each others throats . However, from their exchange just now, Kazuya could tell there was an air of hostility between them . To his surprise though, something flashed by him and broke the crus.h.i.+ng auras from Prince Andrew and Princess Lethia . Kazuyas eyes widened when he saw who it was . King Daichi . Now, now my kids . Lets not cause trouble . Our guest is wondering where you all went . It took Kotaro to distract him with random political talks to not come out here, King Daichi said . He wore his usual calm smile on his face, but Kazuya is sure everybody sensed the warning on his tone . Andrew nodded, My apologizes father . Lethia? Im leaving; I feel sick . Tell King John Ill pay a courtesy visit another time, Lethia said and walked away . King Daichi looked over at their direction; their gaze met briefly, Lyn, ask Kazuya to take you back . Youve done enough for today . Lyn nodded, Okay, thank you, father . It seemed like a natural concern after all that happened . However, Kazuya couldnt help but suspect something . This man, surely he knew about the incidence that happened with Lyn? And just now his powers, was that sound? Kazuya, Kazuya turned around, Join me for a quick snack later . He nodded in understanding Year 4014 Mist Kingdom - Kazuyas quarters, rooftop- Kazuya opened his eyes and looks around at his surroundings, right he fell asleep on the rooftop . He placed his hand on his forehead; it really hurt . But this pain is probably nothing in contrast to what Lyn after what happened earlier . In contrast to Lyns pain, this is nothing . In the past Kazuya didnt think much about whether he was happy with his life, sure he got out of the establishment - but Kazuya knew something was missing . Yet he didnt think about whether he was happy or sad . He lived his life with no particular emotions at all . Until that day when he met her, he bought in emotions Kazuya thought he would never have again . That day when they met at the park, he was sat there on the swings all by himself, lost in thought . When he got off the swing, it surprised him to find a young girl around his age staring at her with those with eyes . Her startled look when he used his powers to get off, those bright and young eyes filled with curiosity . Back then he told her she was being rude staring, but the reality was he was the one staring at her . Kazuya didnt know what it was, but something immediately attracted him to her He could see it in her eyes; the girl wasnt afraid of him at all . But he feared her; she scared him . She scared him because of the feeling he got the moment he saw her . The moment Kazuya saw her, he felt a tug in his chest . It was a strange meeting . Back then he snuck out of his Kingdom successfully and somehow bypa.s.sed the Mist Kingdom security . The place he stayed in was small but there was a beautiful park nearby, that was the place where he frequently met with her . The girl admitted to sneaking away; it was only later when he learned who she was . A princess, he didnt know her circ.u.mstances . But the knowledge she was a member of royalty, made him feel disgusted . He didnt want to have anything to do with anybody from royalty . He came to the Mist Kingdom to see why the Sound Kingdom Elders were so fixed on this place . Kazuya did not intend to stay long; he just wanted to see the place and then head back . As long as he laid low, he wouldnt get caught, and if worse came to worse - well, he already had a solid excuse . He didnt intend to stay long, and when he discovered she was royalty; it disgusted him . So why did he keep returning to the park? It didnt make much sense to him . He visited every day without fail, and whenever he came there, she would talk to him every single time . They spent many days together, countless days . And then the time came where she stopped showing up . Kazuya realized something was wrong and went to see her himself . It was the first time for him, visiting the Mist Kingdom palace . But Kazuya quickly maneuvered through the place . He found her easily; she was spending time with her family . When he saw her in those plain clothes, alongside her family members who wore such a luxurious garment, Kazuya connected the pieces right away, they must not treat her well is what he thought . Kazuya watched for a while and waited for a moment to speak to her, but couldnt find one . Just when he was about to surrender, that accident happened . It all happened in a flash; he didnt hesitate to intervene and kill those who opposed her . But even then Lyn had to shed blood, she used her powers, and the girls aide got possessed by a demon . If only he used his powers properly then, then Lyn wouldnt have had to fight . That incidence wouldnt have occurred . He could have easily dealt with that situation, but he didnt . Instead, he held his powers back . The moment Kazuya used more power than necessary, is the moment somebody discovered his ident.i.ty . If that happened, he could no longer see Lyn anymore . In the end, Lyn lost her memories, so there was no use in him staying, anyway . Rhys eventually found him and dragged him back . The Sound Kingdom elders knew nothing of this visit since Rhys made up an excuse for his absence . Whether they believed it, Kazuya wasnt sure . Kazuya placed a hand on his forehead, Idiot, he mumbled . What is he doing? The flood of memories and emotions came unexpectedly, but he didnt need to dwell on it . Whats done is done, thats already a matter of the past, and he honestly forgot some parts . Theres a gap in his memories; he doesnt remember what happened after he knocked out Lyn . It felt like he spoke to somebody and then .