Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 468


Lyn examined the item again, could she be wrong? Why would a third cla.s.s family have one of the Mist Kingdom treasures? Only people among the royal family should have it or the royal family mages. How strange…

"Lyn, I am glad you"re here. Do you recognize this?" Kazuya suddenly asked.

She blinked realizing something. So he stole this knowing what it is right?

"The fourth treasure, the jade bracelet."

Rhys raised his eyebrows. "The fourth treasure is jewelry?"

"It isnt normal." Lyn pointed to the center where the jade was very dark. "When this jade lits up, a large amount of magic leaks out. The user can transfer the magic over to their bodies. But it is a double edged sword, anybody can absorb the magic as long as they stand in the light." 

That is why those who absorb the magic make sure to do so in a secluded place. 

"Cant people just absorb the magic before heading out onto the battlefield?"

She shook her head. "No, because the jade has to light up. The jade lights up when the person is in the middle of the fight. It only activates when it detects physical activity involving using a sword or magic. But that would also mean, those who train intensely can activate it too."

Rhys sighed. "Why did you steal this Kazuya? Return it already."

"No." Lyn interjected. "I am glad he did it. The Kingdoms treasures cannot be given to just anybody. There is n.o.body in this place with a higher level magic than me or has special abilities. So there is a high likely hood that this is stolen."

At that comment Rhys looked very troubled. "Lyn, your sick, leave this to us."

Her gaze softened when she heard those words. So that"s why he kept playing with her hands. For the past few minutes he kept squeezing her hands. 

"I understand. But you two have to discuss things here right? I will listen if you don"t mind."

Kazuya who was quiet the entire time looked at the item curiously. "I wonder if this is it. But it would be too simple…" He mumbled.


"No, can"t be." Kazuya mumbled. "Alright, lets come up with a plan."

In the next few minutes the two quickly pulled out some scrolls and started to discuss things. Lyn silently watched them from the bed. Now that she thought about it, when was the last time these two worked together like this? The situation with her clearly made it awkward for Kazuya and Rhys to talk.

Kazuya was supposed to go back to the Sound Kingdom. But he has yet to leave, Lyn wondered if something happened. Why is he still sticking around here?

Whenever it comes to the man called Kazuya, she could not help but be curious. She has met so many people gradually over the years, but none of them have interested her this much. None of them -- Lyn caught Kazuya looking at her and immediately hid behind the blanket. She needs to stop staring at him so much. It would be bad if he misunderstood her.

For the next few minutes she was too caught up in her own thoughts that she did not realize that Rhys had left, until Kazuya sat down on the chair by the bed. She got a glimpse of his profile as he read through some reports.

This is a very strange situation. Since they broke up, things have been very awkward between them. Kazuya understood her intentions and did not blame her. He still addresses her as Lyn and did not revert back to being formal. She thought he would act weirdly around her but it was not like that at all. The only thing different is Kazuya does not hold her whenever they meet nor does he stay over, other than that everything is normal.

Normal huh? What is normal? Lyn no longer understood. Ever since Kazuya and Rhys came here, everything has changed for her. She is living a different sort of lifestyle now.

"So I know you"re awake."


"You don"t have to talk to me, but listen to me ramble on for awhile will you?" Kazuya mumbled. "You see Lyn, I think I made a huge mistake when I asked you to break up with me. I mean, it was all for the sake of the plan and people were watching. But I regret it a lot. I am not very good with words and I know I will have a hard time winning you back now. I regret it a lot."

Lyn struggled to keep her emotions in check hearing Kazuya say this stuff. She doesn"t want to hear this from him. She does not want to listen to him say he regrets it. This entire time she has built up her resolve, she worked hard on building up these walls. So for him to say this stuff now..

"But even if I regret it, I knew I could never tell you. Rhys treats you very well doesn"t he, unlike before he does not do anything to you."

Now that Kazuya mentioned it, that was true. Since this entire arrangement started, Rhys has not done anything to her since this entire arrangement started. 

"I can tell that you two are getting closer and closer. From now on there will no longer be any room for me." Kazuya laughed weakly. "I guess I will help out when you cancel your engagement and then ---"

She could no longer take all of his rambling. He was clearly struggling to speak and was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. Lyn immediately sat up and edged closer to him. Kazuya looked at her briefly but kept his head down.

She weakly extended her hand out. "Something else has changed, you do not look me in the eye anymore. Is it that hard for you to see me?"


His response pained her in more ways than one. But Lyn kept her composure, it would be bad if they both had a breakdown. She took a deep breath before she caressed his cheeks. "Kazuya, I have missed you greatly."

Whenever Rhys hugs her, something is missing and something is wrong. Lyn understood the reason better than anybody. A part of her still belongs to Kazuya, she could not let him go. But for the sake of her goals and ambitions, she had no choice but to let him go. Even if Kazuya didn"t mention it, she would have eventually said something to him.