Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 77

Publishedat 27th of June 2019 03:08:44 PMChapter 77

As Rhys examined her, though, he noticed that her balance seemed unsteady . Sure enough, she came stumbling forward, Rhys quickly broke Lyn"s fall, "Easy there," he said .

Lyn thanked him, "Thank you," before she pulled back . Rhys frowned slightly, "does she hate me that much?" He shook his head, this isn"t the time for that .

He nodded and turned to the man on the ground, "Your sisters, men?"

"Yes, there should be a mark on the cloak he"s wearing . "

Rhys, however, couldn"t care less about that, just now - the bow she used . It was covered in darkness, and seemed to wrap around her arm, "That bow?" he muttered .

"I"ve seen it in my nightmares lightly, and when I woke up just now because of the noise . When I pictured it, it appeared in my hands," Lyn trailed off, "And then, it happened again, what happened earlier in the bath . "

Recalling something Rhys read before, his gaze dimmed more . This girl, it really is a curse after all . When he first started to investigate her, he wasn"t actually sure whether it was true or not . But after much observation, and after he started training her . Rhys noticed it, once in a while when Lyn displayed more power, and strength beyond her usual, the mark on her arm would glow . But this was the first time hearing of it grow all over the girl"s body .

"You didn"t freak out this time?"

"I did, but," Lyn paused, "Then I hugged Kazuya and felt better . "

That"s where that idiot went . He left the investigation to get ahead start . Rhys sighed, head star? It"s not like he is competing with Kazuya . In fact, Kazuya acting like a love-struck idiot like this is good for him . If he continues this way when the Sound Kingdom elders come by and visit, or when they return and he gives the report, then things will turn in his favor . For sure Kazuya will mess up the report, then this mission will go back to him .

"Rhys, could you take me to Kazuya now? I still feel sick; I want to rest," seeing that she was on the ground . He paused, if she"s going to rest, she should sleep on a bed . Not like there isn"t enough . He crouched down and carefully slipped his arms under her and pulled her close . Lyn was light, and it was easy to pick her up . Still, he made sure that she was secure in his arms . Lyn snuggled her face against his chest, her head just under his chin . Rhys walked down the hall, deep in thought .

Though this trip is to fetch a valuable item, Rhys actually had other plans, "Get closer to Lyn," was one of those things . Honestly, this was the best opportunity for him to get closer to her .

If he bent his head to breathe her scent and perhaps kiss her lips in the process, well, no one was there to see, and the hall wouldn"t talk .

After walking for a few minutes, eventually, he stopped at the sliding door to the inn room and stared at it . If he left her here, he wouldn"t be able to stay with her . Rhys wanted to make sure that there were no more enemies around . If he brought her to Kazuya, she would most likely sleep peacefully in Kazuya"s arms till morning . However, Rhys shook his head . He isn"t going to waste this good chance . When she gets better, she would probably kill him, hit and scream at him and call him a pervert . However, as of the present moment, Lyn can"t do anything .

"My bed it is," he left the light on, the bed was messy Rhys laid her down on . For an eastern style inn, why do they have western beds? Well, he supposes its better for this occasion . He ran his hand through his hair as his gaze flickered on to the woman on his bed . She just looked so dammed perfect, for a spilt moment all sorts of things appeared in his mind . This was far too easy, getting her here . If he knew things would be this simple, he wouldn"t have had to struggle this whole time .

Kazuya"s words from the baths echoed in his mind, and he clenched his fist . No, way . He isn"t becoming soft . If he wanted to, he could take her right here - it"s the perfect situation after all . She"s fast asleep, and he doubts Lyn would wake up anytime soon .

He tried to distract himself if he thought about what he did with other girls . Perhaps he wouldn"t think of Lyn anymore . But it did little good; it made things worse for him . All Rhys could think about was how Princess Lyn would look like when he did those things to her . How would Lyn taste as he sucked on her pale neck and shoulders? How would Lyn feel if he stroked her skin? What sounds would she make as he entered her?

Rhys looked away and clicked his tongue, "d.a.m.n," this girl is driving him crazy . Maybe Kazuya is right, and something has changed . If it were in the past, would he even bother thinking about these things? If it were the him of the past, he would have touched her already . He wouldn"t have had to consider anything .

His thoughts broke off when he saw the girl"s face break into a sweat . Is she having a nightmare? Rhys frowned and reached over to loosen her blouse . Catching a glimpse of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s; however, he paused and covered it up slightly, for a sixteen-year-old girl to make him feel this way, oh how times have changed .

If she"s awake, he won"t do anything right? Rhys made his mind up and stirred the girl"s shoulders; it did not take long before her eyes opened, "Rhys," Lyn murmured . She looked around, "Kazuya?"

Rhys shook his head, "Just rest here, and let that idiot get some rest," while his main intention was to get her alone with him . Rhys was worried about his friend too . Kazuya has been overworking himself too much, the last few days before the trip especially .

"Rhys, what are you doing?"

"Loosening your clothing," Rhys murmured, "You need some air . "

"Rhys, don"t touch me, please . "

Rhys smiled, "I won"t do anything," or maybe he could . It"s not like Lyn would be able to fight back, then again, "It"s a pity you aren"t naive . "

"Don"t be cruel; you"re usually so kind . "

He stared at the girl dumbfounded, "Kind? Kind?" Rhys repeated those words in his head . Him? Lyn must have seen his troubled thoughts, since light laughter past her lips, "Um, you don"t have to be that surprised . "

"Sorry, but, I"ve never heard that before," Rhys sat up and got off her, "It"s a first for me . "

Lyn nodded, "I see, but I genuinely do mean it . Thank you, Rhys, you"ve done so much for me . I know you"re only by my side because Kazuya asked you to protect me when he isn"t around . But I like your company . "

Rhys is utterly speechless at this stage, what on earth is this girl blabbing on about?

"Princess Lyn, you should probably get some sleep," she definitely needs rest immediately since she is talking crazy now . To his surprise, when he turned away, Lyn reached over and grabbed hold of his wrist, "What?"

"Rhys, don"t go anywhere . I"ll be lonely . "

What . . . what is this adorable creature? d.a.m.n, he"s never had to deal with this situation before . Then again, most girls he a.s.sociates with aren"t exactly the innocent type . Rhys ran his hand through his hair, "I"ll stay . "

The girl"s eyes brightened at his words, "Un, thank you . "As Rhys examined her, though, he noticed that her balance seemed unsteady . Sure enough, she came stumbling forward, Rhys quickly broke Lyns fall, Easy there, he said . Lyn thanked him, Thank you, before she pulled back . Rhys frowned slightly, does she hate me that much? He shook his head, this isnt the time for that . He nodded and turned to the man on the ground, Your sisters, men? Yes, there should be a mark on the cloak hes wearing . Rhys, however, couldnt care less about that, just now - the bow she used . It was covered in darkness, and seemed to wrap around her arm, That bow? he muttered . Ive seen it in my nightmares lightly, and when I woke up just now because of the noise . When I pictured it, it appeared in my hands, Lyn trailed off, And then, it happened again, what happened earlier in the bath . Recalling something Rhys read before, his gaze dimmed more . This girl, it really is a curse after all . When he first started to investigate her, he wasnt actually sure whether it was true or not . But after much observation, and after he started training her . Rhys noticed it, once in a while when Lyn displayed more power, and strength beyond her usual, the mark on her arm would glow . But this was the first time hearing of it grow all over the girls body . You didnt freak out this time? I did, but, Lyn paused, Then I hugged Kazuya and felt better . Thats where that idiot went . He left the investigation to get ahead start . Rhys sighed, head star? Its not like he is competing with Kazuya . In fact, Kazuya acting like a love-struck idiot like this is good for him . If he continues this way when the Sound Kingdom elders come by and visit, or when they return and he gives the report, then things will turn in his favor . For sure Kazuya will mess up the report, then this mission will go back to him . Rhys, could you take me to Kazuya now? I still feel sick; I want to rest, seeing that she was on the ground . He paused, if shes going to rest, she should sleep on a bed . Not like there isnt enough . He crouched down and carefully slipped his arms under her and pulled her close . Lyn was light, and it was easy to pick her up . Still, he made sure that she was secure in his arms . Lyn snuggled her face against his chest, her head just under his chin . Rhys walked down the hall, deep in thought . Though this trip is to fetch a valuable item, Rhys actually had other plans, Get closer to Lyn, was one of those things . Honestly, this was the best opportunity for him to get closer to her . If he bent his head to breathe her scent and perhaps kiss her lips in the process, well, no one was there to see, and the hall wouldnt talk . After walking for a few minutes, eventually, he stopped at the sliding door to the inn room and stared at it . If he left her here, he wouldnt be able to stay with her . Rhys wanted to make sure that there were no more enemies around . If he brought her to Kazuya, she would most likely sleep peacefully in Kazuyas arms till morning . However, Rhys shook his head . He isnt going to waste this good chance . When she gets better, she would probably kill him, hit and scream at him and call him a pervert . However, as of the present moment, Lyn cant do anything My bed it is, he left the light on, the bed was messy Rhys laid her down on . For an eastern style inn, why do they have western beds? Well, he supposes its better for this occasion . He ran his hand through his hair as his gaze flickered on to the woman on his bed . She just looked so dammed perfect, for a spilt moment all sorts of things appeared in his mind . This was far too easy, getting her here . If he knew things would be this simple, he wouldnt have had to struggle this whole time . Kazuyas words from the baths echoed in his mind, and he clenched his fist . No, way . He isnt becoming soft . If he wanted to, he could take her right here - its the perfect situation after all . Shes fast asleep, and he doubts Lyn would wake up anytime soon . He tried to distract himself if he thought about what he did with other girls . Perhaps he wouldnt think of Lyn anymore . But it did little good; it made things worse for him . All Rhys could think about was how Princess Lyn would look like when he did those things to her . How would Lyn taste as he sucked on her pale neck and shoulders? How would Lyn feel if he stroked her skin? What sounds would she make as he entered her? Rhys looked away and clicked his tongue, d.a.m.n, this girl is driving him crazy . Maybe Kazuya is right, and something has changed . If it were in the past, would he even bother thinking about these things? If it were the him of the past, he would have touched her already . He wouldnt have had to consider anything . His thoughts broke off when he saw the girls face break into a sweat . Is she having a nightmare? Rhys frowned and reached over to loosen her blouse . Catching a glimpse of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s; however, he paused and covered it up slightly, for a sixteen-year-old girl to make him feel this way, oh how times have changed . If shes awake, he wont do anything right? Rhys made his mind up and stirred the girls shoulders; it did not take long before her eyes opened, Rhys, Lyn murmured . She looked around, Kazuya? Rhys shook his head, Just rest here, and let that idiot get some rest, while his main intention was to get her alone with him . Rhys was worried about his friend too . Kazuya has been overworking himself too much, the last few days before the trip especially . Rhys, what are you doing? Loosening your clothing, Rhys murmured, You need some air . Rhys, dont touch me, please . Rhys smiled, I wont do anything, or maybe he could . Its not like Lyn would be able to fight back, then again, Its a pity you arent naive . Dont be cruel; youre usually so kind . He stared at the girl dumbfounded, Kind? Kind? Rhys repeated those words in his head . Him? Lyn must have seen his troubled thoughts, since light laughter past her lips, Um, you dont have to be that surprised . Sorry, but, Ive never heard that before, Rhys sat up and got off her, Its a first for me . Lyn nodded, I see, but I genuinely do mean it . Thank you, Rhys, youve done so much for me . I know youre only by my side because Kazuya asked you to protect me when he isnt around . But I like your company . Rhys is utterly speechless at this stage, what on earth is this girl blabbing on about? Princess Lyn, you should probably get some sleep, she definitely needs rest immediately since she is talking crazy now . To his surprise, when he turned away, Lyn reached over and grabbed hold of his wrist, What? Rhys, dont go anywhere . Ill be lonely . What . what is this adorable creature? d.a.m.n, hes never had to deal with this situation before . Then again, most girls he a.s.sociates with arent exactly the innocent type . Rhys ran his hand through his hair, Ill stay . The girls eyes brightened at his words, Un, thank you .