Pristine Darkness

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

The sky had not yet brightened when Jian Yao suddenly jolted awake from her slumber on the couch of the police station lounge . The room was dark, save for the table lamp on the desk that was still on . She was in a daze for a bit, then turned her head and gazed over at Bo Jinyan who was rested against another sofa, sleeping soundly .

She got up lightly, washed her face, came back to see that he was still not moving, and even though he was on a small and narrow couch, he still slept completely straight . His long hands and feet seemed like they had no place to go, and extended outside the thin blankets .

Jian Yao smiled, walked over, put his hands under the blankets, and made sure his feet were well-covered .

“You are really like a little wifey…” someone mumbled lowly .

Jian Yao asked quietly, “You’re awake?”

He reached out and pulled her into his arms, holding her as they both lay on the sofa .

“It’s so crowded,” she said .

“Theoretically, it’s not crowded,” he said, “Because you are lying on top of me . In an overlapping state, we’re always like this . ”

“Go away!” Jian Yao laughed .

He also laughed, burying his face in her long hair, as if he was really sleepy, and didn’t move again .

She turned her face over, reached her hands out to hold his face, her fingers finely tracing his eyebrows and eyes . Every time her fingertips lightly brushed over his delicate, soft brows, and the cold and hard brow ridge, the adoration and pity in her heart for this man seemed to always increase a little .

He didn’t move, as if he didn’t notice, or like he was feeling all of this . After a little while, he grasped her fingers and lightly kissed them .

“I love you,” he said, his voice soft and low .

“I love you,” she buried her head into his arms .

“Dong, dong, dong —” someone knocked on the door .

He pulled her to a standing position, neatened his shirt, and then went to wash his face while she went ahead to open the door .

In the middle of the night, the office only had a dim light . An Yan’s face was dark and solemn as he stood outside, “Jiang Xueran is dead . ”

Jian Yao’s heart shook .

At this point, Bo Jinyan had already walked out from behind her, his appearance grave and stern . “Didn’t we dispatch some people to protect him?”

An Yan replied, “The criminal had a key, opened the door, and entered the Jiang home, and the surveillance camera was purposely blocked by Jiang Xueran . When he was discovered, it was already too late, Fang Qing was right downstairs, he immediately went to give chase, but was unable to catch the killer . ”

Bo Jinyan lightly knit his brows together, “Oh? Even Fang Qing was unable to catch the killer?”

Bo Jinyan lightly knit his brows together, “Oh? Even Fang Qing was unable to catch the killer?”


When she stepped inside Jiang Xueran’s home, Jian Yao didn’t feel too comfortable .

Every person who saw the murder victim with that appearance would feel uncomfortable . It was a form of expression, a form of catharsis, with death as the ultimate means .

The process of Jiang Xueran’s death had been investigated clearly .

In his bedroom, they found a box of sleeping pills, and they had confirmed that in the last half year, he had the habit of taking sleeping pills with his food .

Not only did the killer have keys to his house, but also knew his habits . So, he stealthily entered the house around 2a . m . .

In terms of the fact that the surveillance camera was blocked, it was truly Jiang Xueran’s fault . Otherwise, Fang Qing would certainly have had time to save him, and been able to catch the murderer .

It was already confirmed through investigation, when the police previously exploratorily examined the apartment, they had not found the feminine white muslin clothing . Thus, the clothing, wig, and dagger, were all brought by the killer . After he entered the bedroom, he first changed the clothing for the soundly sleeping Jiang Xueran, then did his makeup and put on the wig . He was transformed from a refined and slender man into the appearance of a male crossdresser .

Afterwards, he killed Jiang Xueran stab by stab . Letting him die with this appearance .

Fang Qing and the others could hear the blood-curdling screams through the surveillance camera, they were made by Jiang Xueran at the time – he was being killed while he was in his dreams .

Fang Qing and the others could hear the blood-curdling screams through the surveillance camera, they were made by Jiang Xueran at the time – he was being killed while he was in his dreams .

“Can we confirm the suspect now?” Bo Jinyan asked .

“Yes we can . ” An Yan replied, he took out a hand-drawn portrait, and said, “This was from the night before the case of poisoning, the witness, Gu Fangfang, saw the appearance of the person who entered the studio . She draws pretty well, she drew it herself . Through her confirmation, it was definitely one of the original founders of the studio, the sixth member, Ke Qian . ”

Fang Qing nodded and said, “It’s a pretty good drawing . Last night, although I only saw a silhouette, but the shape shows that it is the same person . And when we previously conducted an in-depth interview, we found out from the outer circles about Ke Qian’s existence . It was only in the last six months that he no longer partic.i.p.ated in the activities of the society . Moreover, this industry has a lot of personnel turnover, that’s the reason no one had mentioned him . ”

“I already a.s.sembled the footage from the surveillance cameras near the Jiang home, at the time when Fang Qing was pursuing, Ke Qian had taken the road to escape, and two surveillance cameras captured him . ” An Yan said, “We can 100% ascertain that the killer is him . ”

Bo Jinyan only coldly smiled, looking at the corpse in front of his eyes, seemingly in deep thought . Jian Yao took the drawing and other information from them, and when she saw Ke Qian’s image, her heart shook .

The boy was tall and skinny, 178 cm in height, short hair, his face was very delicate and pretty, his eyes slender, the bridge of his nose exquisite and tall, his mouth small . He could be called handsome and beautiful .

It could not be denied, the drawing of the witness was vivid . Ke Qian had a pair of extremely melancholic eyes, put on a piece of paper, it was as if one could feel the stream of stillness in his eyes .

He’s 23 years old this year, and last year, he graduated from Nanhua University . Back then, he formed the Yueying Animation Studio with Jiang Xueran and Rong Xiaofeng . The “in-depth investigation” that Fang Qing just mentioned was that they had found some experienced people who had been in the industry two years ago, who had already graduated and started working, and by interviewing them, they discovered Ke Qian’s existence . But it didn’t matter how much Jiang Xueran and the others tried to cover it up, with the degree of meticulousness that the police took in their work, Ke Qian’s discovery was a matter of sooner or later .

The information included a few pictures, which were provided by Gu Fangfang; back then, she and Ke Qian had partic.i.p.ated in the same Cosplay compet.i.tion, so she had saved some photos .

However, every person who looked at the photos would probably feel stunned .

It could only be seen that the Ke Qian in the picture, was in a full body of red clothing or white clothing . His hair long and black like satin spread over his shoulders, a small red mole between his brows, his eyes were like a deep and misty, his smile like a child, his white hands like jade . If one said that the cosplayers they had seen before were so beautiful that they made people’s eyes light up, then Ke Qian’s beauty and disposition was enough to immediately stun anyone into silence .

However, every person who looked at the photos would probably feel stunned .

It could only be seen that the Ke Qian in the picture, was in a full body of red clothing or white clothing . His hair long and black like satin spread over his shoulders, a small red mole between his brows, his eyes were like a deep and misty, his smile like a child, his white hands like jade . If one said that the cosplayers they had seen before were so beautiful that they made people’s eyes light up, then Ke Qian’s beauty and disposition was enough to immediately stun anyone into silence .

“Fangfang said, in that annual cosplay compet.i.tion, she won first place, and Ke Qian was second,” An Yan added .

Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao both didn’t seem to notice, and Fang Qing glanced at him .

“There seems to be no information about him after his graduation . ” Jian Yao said, “Where did he go, what kind of job did he do? Why did he leave the (animation) society? And why did he return now?”

An Yan shook his head, “Gu Fangfang also never heard any news about him . Said that it has been a good six months since he disappeared . ”

“It is time that we invite in those two people, to return here again for a chat . ” Bo Jinyan lightly said, “This society, exactly what kind of secrets does it hide?”


Inside the interrogation room:

After being informed of the news of Jiang Xueran’s death, Xu Sheng’s face seemed to have whitened by another degree .

“Who killed him?” she finally became a little emotional, “How did he die? Wen Xiaohua? Was it Wen Xiaohua? But he… how could it be him…”

As she was mumbling to herself, Fang Qing put a photo of Jiang Xueran’s dead body in front of her .

The sky had not yet brightened when Jian Yao suddenly jolted awake from her slumber on the couch of the police station lounge . The room was dark, save for the table lamp on the desk that was still on . She was in a daze for a bit, then turned her head and gazed over at Bo Jinyan who was rested against another sofa, sleeping soundly . She got up lightly, washed her face, came back to see that he was still not moving, and even though he was on a small and narrow couch, he still slept completely straight . His long hands and feet seemed like they had no place to go, and extended outside the thin blankets . Jian Yao smiled, walked over, put his hands under the blankets, and made sure his feet were well covered . You are really like a little wifey someone mumbled lowly . Jian Yao asked quietly, You re awake He reached out and pulled her into his arms, holding her as they both lay on the sofa . It s so crowded, she said . Theoretically, it s not crowded, he said, Because you are lying on top of me . In an overlapping state, we re always like this . Go away Jian Yao laughed . He also laughed, burying his face in her long hair, as if he was really sleepy, and didn t move again . She turned her face over, reached her hands out to hold his face, her fingers finely tracing his eyebrows and eyes . Every time her fingertips lightly brushed over his delicate, soft brows, and the cold and hard brow ridge, the adoration and pity in her heart for this man seemed to always increase a little . He didn t move, as if he didn t notice, or like he was feeling all of this . After a little while, he grasped her fingers and lightly kissed them . I love you, he said, his voice soft and low . I love you, she buried her head into his arms . Dong, dong, dong someone knocked on the door . He pulled her to a standing position, neatened his shirt, and then went to wash his face while she went ahead to open the door . In the middle of the night, the office only had a dim light . An Yan s face was dark and solemn as he stood outside, Jiang Xueran is dead . Jian Yao s heart shook . At this point, Bo Jinyan had already walked out from behind her, his appearance grave and stern . Didn t we dispatch some people to protect him An Yan replied, The criminal had a key, opened the door, and entered the Jiang home, and the surveillance camera was purposely blocked by Jiang Xueran . When he was discovered, it was already too late, Fang Qing was right downstairs, he immediately went to give chase, but was unable to catch the killer . Bo Jinyan lightly knit his brows together, Oh Even Fang Qing was unable to catch the killer When she stepped inside Jiang Xueran s home, Jian Yao didn t feel too comfortable . Every person who saw the murder victim with that appearance would feel uncomfortable . It was a form of expression, a form of catharsis, with death as the ultimate means . The process of Jiang Xueran s death had been investigated clearly . In his bedroom, they found a box of sleeping pills, and they had confirmed that in the last half year, he had the habit of taking sleeping pills with his food . Not only did the killer have keys to his house, but also knew his habits . So, he stealthily entered the house around 2a . m . . In terms of the fact that the surveillance camera was blocked, it was truly Jiang Xueran s fault . Otherwise, Fang Qing would certainly have had time to save him, and been able to catch the murderer . It was already confirmed through investigation, when the police previously exploratorily examined the apartment, they had not found the feminine white muslin clothing . Thus, the clothing, wig, and dagger, were all brought by the killer . After he entered the bedroom, he first changed the clothing for the soundly sleeping Jiang Xueran, then did his makeup and put on the wig . He was transformed from a refined and slender man into the appearance of a male crossdresser . Afterwards, he killed Jiang Xueran stab by stab . Letting him die with this appearance . Fang Qing and the others could hear the blood curdling screams through the surveillance camera, they were made by Jiang Xueran at the time he was being killed while he was in his dreams . Can we confirm the suspect now Bo Jinyan asked . Yes we can . An Yan replied, he took out a hand drawn portrait, and said, This was from the night before the case of poisoning, the witness, Gu Fangfang, saw the appearance of the person who entered the studio . She draws pretty well, she drew it herself . Through her confirmation, it was definitely one of the original founders of the studio, the sixth member, Ke Qian . Fang Qing nodded and said, It s a pretty good drawing . Last night, although I only saw a silhouette, but the shape shows that it is the same person . And when we previously conducted an in depth interview, we found out from the outer circles about Ke Qian s existence . It was only in the last six months that he no longer partic.i.p.ated in the activities of the society . Moreover, this industry has a lot of personnel turnover, that s the reason no one had mentioned him . I already a.s.sembled the footage from the surveillance cameras near the Jiang home, at the time when Fang Qing was pursuing, Ke Qian had taken the road to escape, and two surveillance cameras captured him . An Yan said, We can 100 ascertain that the killer is him . Bo Jinyan only coldly smiled, looking at the corpse in front of his eyes, seemingly in deep thought . Jian Yao took the drawing and other information from them, and when she saw Ke Qian s image, her heart shook . The boy was tall and skinny, 178 cm in height, short hair, his face was very delicate and pretty, his eyes slender, the bridge of his nose exquisite and tall, his mouth small . He could be called handsome and beautiful . It could not be denied, the drawing of the witness was vivid . Ke Qian had a pair of extremely melancholic eyes, put on a piece of paper, it was as if one could feel the stream of stillness in his eyes . He s 23 years old this year, and last year, he graduated from Nanhua University . Back then, he formed the Yueying Animation Studio with Jiang Xueran and Rong Xiaofeng . The in depth investigation that Fang Qing just mentioned was that they had found some experienced people who had been in the industry two years ago, who had already graduated and started working, and by interviewing them, they discovered Ke Qian s existence . But it didn t matter how much Jiang Xueran and the others tried to cover it up, with the degree of meticulousness that the police took in their work, Ke Qian s discovery was a matter of sooner or later . The information included a few pictures, which were provided by Gu Fangfang back then, she and Ke Qian had partic.i.p.ated in the same Cosplay compet.i.tion, so she had saved some photos . However, every person who looked at the photos would probably feel stunned . It could only be seen that the Ke Qian in the picture, was in a full body of red clothing or white clothing . His hair long and black like satin spread over his shoulders, a small red mole between his brows, his eyes were like a deep and misty, his smile like a child, his white hands like jade . If one said that the cosplayers they had seen before were so beautiful that they made people s eyes light up, then Ke Qian s beauty and disposition was enough to immediately stun anyone into silence . Fangfang said, in that annual cosplay compet.i.tion, she won first place, and Ke Qian was second, An Yan added . Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao both didn t seem to notice, and Fang Qing glanced at him . There seems to be no information about him after his graduation . Jian Yao said, Where did he go, what kind of job did he do Why did he leave the animation society And why did he return now An Yan shook his head, Gu Fangfang also never heard any news about him . Said that it has been a good six months since he disappeared . It is time that we invite in those two people, to return here again for a chat . Bo Jinyan lightly said, This society, exactly what kind of secrets does it hide Inside the interrogation room After being informed of the news of Jiang Xueran s death, Xu Sheng s face seemed to have whitened by another degree . Who killed him she finally became a little emotional, How did he die Wen Xiaohua Was it Wen Xiaohua But he how could it be him As she was mumbling to herself, Fang Qing put a photo of Jiang Xueran s dead body in front of her .