Pristine Darkness

Chapter 5.1

Bo Jinyan is so funny lmao. Still as sharp-tongued as ever! Anyhoo, new developments on the case, thanks to our genius here! There’s also a still going on, for those of you interested in unlocking new chapters!

Also, hint hint: Don’t be fooled by the p.r.o.noun usages! ?

Chapter 5.1

Every police officer had taken a course on the psychology of committing crimes at some point when they had been through the police training academy. When cracking cases in the real world, sometimes they would have to a.n.a.lyze the thoughts of a criminal and this criminal"s actions as a speculative means to a.s.sist them with the case.

But Fang Qing really had never seen an expert in this field at work before.

For the time being, he decided he would just observe and see how it would go. Fang Qing and a few other officers exchanged some meaningful glances. However, that Bo Jinyan lad continued sitting down, as he drank his tea in a calm manner. It was as if he had experienced too many of these types of scenarios and interacted with too many police officers like them.

The midnight wind was extremely quiet. As they waited, everything seemed particularly quiet. Fang Qing noticed that Jian Yao had already seated herself next to Bo Jinyan and opened her laptop. Bo Jinyan slightly lowered his head and said something to her. Jian Yao nodded and resumed a focused and indifferent manner that was no different from that of Bo Jinyan. The way the two of them interacted suddenly made Fang Qing think of a phrase: A pair of ideal lovers.

In fact, in the past, Fang Qing had also antic.i.p.ated this type of love, with a sweet tempered and gentle woman by his side.

However, in the end, the person whom he fell in love with was a cunning hawk.

Fang Qing laughed at himself mockingly.

Then, Bo Jinyan spoke, "This person is someone from the area, and has probably lived in the area for a very long time. Moreover, the perpetrator  has committed this crime independently, and is more than twenty-years-old.

"He is either someone Fu Wei, the victim, knew, or he is at least someone who interacted with Fu Wei before in the ancient city.

On the night of the incident, he was wearing a thick jacket which he later abandoned.

"He possesses the ability to fool a lie detector, as well as a variety of counter-interrogation techniques. He seems to be quite familiar with the way the police handle their cases. He may have clashed with the police once because of a different case. For example, the perpetrator may have been a suspect, or someone related to the suspect, and undergone a full police investigation.

"He lives no more than a few streets away from the crime scene, and does not have the prerequisites to live alone.

He is either unemployed or working a lower level job.

He usually handles matters audaciously yet meticulously. His plans are impenetrable, but his character is extremely depressive with some signs of split personalities, but in his professional life, he is extremely automated, and this secret is unknown to all. There must be something in his surroundings that impacted his life so dramatically that would lead to his long-term pressure that he stifles inside him.

Your focus should be to find someone who fulfills the requirements that I have just listed out for you from the people you have already investigated who directly interacted with Fu Wei once he entered the ancient city. Examine their alibis and find witnesses. You will be rewarded very soon."

The police officers all went quiet. Fang Qing was also in deep thought.

He had come to some similar conclusions as Bo Jinyan. However, most of Fang Qing"s reasoning came from the intuition of being an experienced officer, so he wasn"t as confident as Bo Jinyan.

Bo Jinyan paused, his manner unaffected by the police officers" silence. In a calm tone that was neither obsequious nor supercilious, he began to calmly explain, "When the crime occurred, it was already deep in the night, and there was a heavy downpour of rain. We all know Fu Wei returned late at night, and the crime scene did not have any type of shelter. Thus, we know the criminal waited there for him.

A thick jacket was only sufficient enough to conceal a knife 20-30 cm in length.

Fu Wei was killed about four meters away from where he was standing, and he left half of a palm print. His palm is distinct. He used force on his palm, and the depth of palm print is even on all sides. Moreover, there is no blood nearby. Thus, this means this is a mark he left when he was still living. That day, he went to the bar and drank wine. In the midst of such a heavy downpour, why would he stop suddenly in the middle of the path and leave a palm print on the wall? This is because, he saw someone he knew, or at least seen before in the ancient city.

“The other person was not a stranger. If one sees a stranger in the middle of a raining night, one won"t feel it"s strange. Instead, one would pa.s.s by, but he stopped.

“Fu Wei"s wrists had traces of a struggle. The murderer"s wrist, face, and other areas that are exposed, may have been injured by Fu Wei by means of scratching or clawing.

“The murderer was extremely familiar with the surveillance cameras on this path, the path itself, when the shops close and open, and even the abandoned elementary school. This means, he has lived here for a period of time. He did not have any accomplices. If there were two people, taking into account the murderer"s meticulousness and audacity, he would have executed the case in a more efficient fashion, and he would not need to run to the elementary school to change out of his b.l.o.o.d.y clothes, or leave any traces behind.

“He treated the corpse extremely cruelly, almost losing control, as he slashed at the corpse more than forty times and the knife met the bone. Moreover, these actions were not necessarily executed to hide the body"s ident.i.ty or crucial distinctive traits. This calm yet angry and restrained yet frenetic manner, originates from long-term repressed emotions that have led to extreme distortion in his mind. His life is not going the way he would like it to go. Killing someone in such a crude and simple manner shows that this is his primal instinct. This type of a person probably would not get a complicated intellectual job or an interpersonal job in real life. According to his mental state, he couldn"t do it either.

“After he changed into different clothes at the school, he quickly left. He did not stay longer because of his caution. If he were to stay, he would have definitely discovered the bloodstains and cleaned them. However, just now, I asked those on your team to go through the security footage from up to an hour after the incident occurred. The person I just described to you – a hasty person with a bag, drenched hair, and of medium build coming from the direction of the elementary school – did not appear on the streets, which means that he must live within the vicinity of one of these streets. Now, you can begin asking questions."

An officer said, "Professor Bo, I feel you described this person a bit contradictorily. His plans are meticulous, he is an expert in crime, and he seems like someone who is cultured. However, he is also very crude, and he even has a menial job …"

Bo Jinyan laughed, "Yes, contradictory. Doesn"t crime come from contradictions that are unable to be reconciled?"

This sentence made the police officers fall silent as they thought about it. Another officer asked, "Why are you so sure he wore that thick jacket to conceal the knife? He could have had a bag for that purpose, and the bag would have also been somewhere to place his change of clothes."

"Put the knife in his bag? Do you really think that when the target arrived, he would first unzip the bag, then take out the knife, then stab the person? Moreover, the victim could have used the backpack strap as a weapon to counterattack. No, would our murderer be so dumb?"

After he finished speaking, the police officer"s face went red. Bo Jinyan"s eyes were bright as he spoke. When Jian Yao softly coughed, he paused and went silent for a moment. Then, he said to that officer, "I am speaking objectively. I am not mocking you."

Officer: "…"

Jian Yao: "…"

Translator: Tranzgeek

TLCer/Editor: clue_96

Proofreader: Librismuse