Pristine Darkness

Chapter 77

Jian Yao proves her mettle in a confrontation with the b.u.t.terfly Killer, although it causes Bo Jinyan no small amount of worry. Has the case really been solved so easily? This must be the quickest resolution to any of the cases our s...o...b.. Gang has handled so far! (Is that suspicious? Hmmmm.)

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Chapter 77

At the same time, the police forces launched a surprise raid on the apartment next door in Jiamei Mingyuan, Chen Jin"s home.

However, Chen Jin was not at home.

Bo Jinyan stood in the middle of the living room, listening to An Yan describe the entire apartment. An Yan"s description was very crude, totally without Jian Yao"s finesse and meticulous powers of observation, and his voice was also unpleasing. However, to Bo Jinyan, it was better than nothing.

A lot of planning and research had gone into the decor of the apartment, which was in the minimalist Scandinavian style. The furniture and home appliances were all of high quality. The books in the study were all specialised tomes on finance and economics, or data and information. Another room contained a treadmill and body-building equipment, giving proof of the occupant"s industrious and self-disciplined life. In the wardrobe, freshly washed western-style coats, shirts, trousers, and underpants, were all neatly folded and arranged.

In the bedroom, a b.u.t.terfly-patterned abstract painting hung by the side of the bed. The strokes were very messy and the colours were garish, and the painting was unsigned.

In the locked bedroom cupboard, the police found ropes, paint and blood-stained black clothes. There was also a cellphone with pictures of the scenes of Nie Shijun and the vagrant"s deaths. There were only about ten pictures of Nie Shijun, but, probably because there had been ample time, there were more than a hundred pictures of the vagrant, shot from different angles.

With respect to this, Bo Jinyan said unhurriedly to An Yan, "Have you come to your attention that it was as if I was standing right in front of him, painting his portrait*? As if I was seeing him with my own eyes?"

*T/N Bo Jinyan is referring to the accuracy of the criminal profile he previously drew up for the killer, as evidenced by the decor etc of the apartment.

An Yan said, ". . . . Indeed."

Bo Jinyan smiled faintly.

An Yan also smiled faintly. This man had always been so puffed-up, and after Jian Yao"s arrival, this conceited aspect of his personality had become more and more evident. It was so unlike what he had been in this past year, where he had occasionally strained to affect a profound and reserved aura. An Yan felt that the current situation was wonderful, really wonderful.

When the criminal investigators saw everything, they felt both exhilarated and chilled. Upon receiving the news from the front-line forces, Shao Yong asked his superiors to issue an order for the immediate city-wide manhunt for Chen Jin.

Because everything had transpired so suddenly, Shi Peng had been with the police forces as they ran hither and thither. He had heard some rough snippets of conversation and seen some clues, which led to his becoming shocked and silent. Never in a million years could he have imagined that his friend would be the prime suspect in a serial murder case. Now, his heart and mind were in tumult as he grappled with a plethora of thoughts and information and consequently, increasingly grew quiet.

As Chen Jin had not yet been found, Fang Qing felt a deep sense of unease as his subconscious kept prompting him that something important had been overlooked. However, because the current situation was chaotic, with so much to tend to, he just could not think of what it was.

At this point, Bo Jinyan walked over to Shi Peng who had been detained in the corner, and asked him directly, "Where do you think Chen Jin is most likely to be, now?"

A myriad of thoughts whizzed through Shi Peng"s mind. Finally, he asked, "Is it dangerous for Yuexi if she"s with him right now?"

Bo Jinyan simply replied, "Possibly."

Shi Peng gritted his teeth and said, "He"s rented an apartment for Yuexi in the Guangbo Road Housing Development, nearby. I"m not sure if he"s with her right now."

The criminal investigators immediately set forth. Fang Qing unexpectedly slapped his forehead. "This is not good! Just now, Jian Yao also said she would visit Feng Yuexi"s temporary accommodation!"

The expression on Bo Jinyan"s face had originally been calm and indifferent. On hearing Fang QIng"s words, he whipped his head in Fang Qing"s direction and asked, "What are you talking about?"

His face changed. Without waiting for Fang Qing"s reply, he turned and stumbled after the criminal investigators.

Jian Yao put on her gloves and took two steps into the room. The sunlight shone through the window, giving everyone a spa.r.s.e shadow. She suddenly sensed that something was wrong. When she looked back, she discovered that there was no one standing at the room door –  Chen Jin had disappeared who knows where.

She turned and headed out of the room, then heard the "bang" of a door closing; someone had fled the apartment. When she ran into the living room, she noticed straight away that Feng Yuexi"s bag was gone from the sofa and a pair of running shoes was missing from the entryway. She wanted to give chase, but someone walked out of the kitchen and his body blocked most of the sunlight from the window, so his face was somewhat shadowed. He simply stood there quietly. He had already shed his coat, so he was only wearing his shirt. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to the elbow. The financial expert"s slender hands held a rope.

Such a familiar rope.

Jian Yao stood where she was, unmoving, watching him approach step by step. There was a hint of a smile on his delicate face, but it could also have been sorrow.

"Was it for love?" Jian Yao asked.

He stilled for a moment and replied, "Yes."

He was just a few steps away from her, but Jian Yao appeared not to have noticed. Staring into his eyes, she slowly asked, "Then, why a b.u.t.terfly?"

Right now, he was the most well-behaved and gentle, yet the most brutal killer. Whatever she asked, he would answer.

"I always feel that I see it everywhere, and it"s always in my dreams, maybe it"s from my past life. I"ve seen b.u.t.terflies killing people."

It seems like he was most probably suffering from delusional paranoia.

Jian Yao continued to ask, in a calm tone, "Last night, you suddenly killed that vagrant, it was because Feng Yuexi was once again called in for questioning by the police . . . does it have to do with those luxury goods?" She cast her eyes on the items scattered randomly throughout the apartment.

Chen Jin unexpectedly smiled before replying, "Yes."

He was already standing right in front of her, all 175cm of him facing her pet.i.te frame. He looked fixedly at her, his gaze hooded and dim, difficult to read.

"You thought of making it look like a serial killer to mislead the police?" she asked.

He answered, "Yes. Did I make it look convincing?"

Jian Yao regarded him with eyes as still as water. She sighed as she said, "But you already are a serial killer."

Chen Jin started violently.

Like a scorching sun suddenly, ruthlessly, flooding the dark night with blazing light; Llike a long shackled, ice-bound river suddenly bursting forth from its restraints, the expression in his eyes shifted as his face turned malevolent, as if transforming him into another person.

Transforming into his true self.

The stairwell resounded with the hurried footsteps of the criminal investigators. Another team of criminal investigators and Bo Jinyan anxiously rode the elevator up.

Fang Qing"s face was ashen. Although he had said Jian Yao"s fighting ability was currently pretty good, she had never had to single-handedly face such a savage serial killer before. An Yan was also extremely jittery; he was repeatedly clasping and unclasping his fingers, all the while lowly muttering, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law . . ."

Bo Jinyan could only stand in a corner of the elevator, never loosening his death grip on his walking stick.

The elevator door "dinged" as it opened. The criminal investigators were all prepared to run out, but the frail criminal psychologist had already moved forward, blocking the door as he rushed out, his reaction faster than anyone else"s.

Fang Qing and the criminal investigators were momentarily taken aback by his extraordinary speed, but they naturally could not allow a blind man to take the lead. Exchanging swift glances, everyone moved quickly to outflank him on both sides and reached the door in a flash.

Contrary to everyone"s expectations, the door to 302 was unlocked.

Fang Qing took charge. He listened carefully for a second before gesturing with his hand. Two criminal investigators, handguns out, violently kicked the door open and charged in while hollering, "Don"t move!"

Many people rushed past Bo Jinyan and into the apartment, but the expected sounds of struggle or raised voices were absent. Bo Jinyan calmed himself and clutched his walking stick with what seemed to be all his available strength. Led by An Yan, he ran inside.

An Yan exclaimed, "Oh . . ."

Bo Jinyan looked up. His thin lips pursed slightly and he stood motionless for several seconds before shouting, "Jian Yao, Jian Yao?"

It was sunset. The suspect, Chen Jin, had already been knocked senseless and was lying unconscious on the floor. There was blood dribbling from the corners of his mouth, but his breathing was steady. The person who had beat him up had clearly been rather aggressive, for one side of his face was all bruised. His hands were handcuffed to the metal grilles at the window, and he could not have flown away even if he had sprouted wings.

Jian Yao stood framed by the glow of the setting sun. Her arms were crossed against her chest as she leaned against the wall, sipping from a cup of plain water held in one hand. A slightly frayed rope was neatly coiled on the table next to her. The originally indifferent expression on her face changed to a faint smile as she beheld the people entering the room, nodding slightly to them. When Fang Qing and the others took in the situation, they all laughed. Fang Qing even walked over to her and patted her on the shoulder.

Then, she raised her head and observed Bo Jinyan walking in.

He stood alone in the crowd of people, gripping his walking stick, face pale.

Jian Yao hardly paused before she set down the cup of water and walked to him.

His unbearably good hearing picked up the sound of her footsteps, and he turned towards her, slowly holding out his hand. Jian Yao grasped his hand and spoke so that only the two of them could hear. "Don"t worry, Jinyan. In the future, just let me deal with this kind of unqualified serial killer."

Translator: shl

Editor/ Proofreader: Summer