Pristine Darkness

Chapter 80

I don"t want to leave you anymore. 

Finally, Jian Yao succeeds in convincing Bo Jinyan that she is well able to hold her own, and take care of him if need be. All it took was a session of unarmed combat! And a precious moment together. Meanwhile, Feng Yuexi has been found, and a new threat emerges . . . (I knew this case was being resolved too quickly!)

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Chapter 80

In a rare occurrence for him, Bo Jinyan realised that the atmosphere had turned a little awkward. His fingers traced a line on the table, back and forth, several times, while he affected an indifferent tone to say, "Is your skill right now really that great?"

Jian Yao replied, "Yup."

Bo Jinyan pondered briefly before asking, "Can you tell me, to what extent?"

The tone of Jian Yao"s voice became even more indifferent. "Fang Qing says I"m probably about half his capability, now."

Bo Jinyan did not speak for a while.

This was because, a year ago, Bo Jinyan had also engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Fang Qing so they could learn from one another. At that time, Fang Qing had made the following a.s.sessment: Bo Jinyan was only at one-tenth of Fang Qing"s capability."

Jian Yao was obviously also thinking about the same thing. She laughingly said, "The thing about training combat skills is, they don"t develop at a constant rate. It"s possible that, when an ordinary person is just starting out, his skill level might only be one-tenth of Fang Qing"s. But, once he starts practising, one-tenth doesn"t become one-fifth, but goes directly to one-fourth or even half."

It was indeed fortunate that this husband-and-wife pair were able to talk about the process of learning and developing hand-to-hand combat skills so academically. Moreover, Bo Jinyan nodded cheerfully, signalling his acceptance of this explanation.

"Are you willing to try it out with me?" Bo Jinyan asked out of the blue.

Jian Yao looked at his thin and fragile figure and felt a lump in her throat. She wanted to refuse, but he grasped her hand and said, "It"s already been a year, and I haven"t yet succeeded in subduing my wife in unarmed combat."

The police team"s combat training room was one floor down, at the end of a secluded corridor. At the moment, there was no one else inside. Bo Jinyan locked the door and took off his coat, then proceeded to roll up his shirt sleeves. He stood under the light, a very cool and serene smile on his face.

Jian Yao also removed her coat. In truth, she was somewhat at a loss as to what to do. Previously, at home, she and Bo Jinyan had occasionally "engaged in combat". Naturally, since both of them were not very skilled, Bo Jinyan was still able to use his physical strength, height and advantages of his gender to subdue her each time. After that, he would suggest a few "penalty points", so there was simply no shame attached and no need to rage.

But, now, she was no longer the rookie she used to be. And he was all skin and bones compared to a year ago; the eyes beneath his were eternally closed.

She swung a punch in his direction, but she swung so slowly that Bo Jinyan naturally heard the swoosh of the swing. He grabbed her fist in a swift move and moved sideways to take her down. She was very flexible, and twisted so that she was behind him. She was about to strike, but stopped. On the other hand, he seemed to take their combat seriously; he once again seized her wrist and moved to throw her. However, she managed to free herself.

"Hey, you"re now as agile as a rabbit," he exclaimed.

Jian Yao felt warmth pool in the pit of her stomach, a sense of intimacy suffusing her being. She almost could not stop herself from smiling before she moved forward and hit him on the shoulder. He couldn"t catch her hand, so she hit him once more. This time, he managed to grab hold of her hand. One twist, and he would dislocate her shoulder. Jian Yao shrugged herself free. Right now, how could Bo Jinyan be considered a worthy opponent? She spun around so that she was behind him, and moved to subdue him. Who knew, his reflexes were still lightning fast. In the blink of an eye, he had also spun around and embraced her completely.

Jian Yao also opened her arms and held him tightly.

Beneath the light, neither moved a muscle.

Jian Yao was suddenly distracted, because her fingers had come into contact with the bones in his spine. One bone at a time, very hard. Like the sh.e.l.l of a tortoise. Like silence.

A thought rushed into her head. Why was it that this person could never be fattened up? He always lost weight so quickly. That was how it had been for so long, half a lifetime.

Jian Yao suddenly found her eyes wet.

In a split second, her world flipped over. Bo Jinyan had thrown himself down on the ground, still holding her. She lay on the mat, her hands and body totally encased by him. He looked down at her and smiled, unexpectedly. Just like a child who had won a fight of no significance.

He said, "Jian Yao, it seems that I"ve won; you can"t beat me. So, you are not allowed to take that risk with me."

Jian Yao"s heart lurched, and the ice-cold feeling of something desolate and unyielding was also aroused. She violently exerted her strength and pushed Bo Jinyan away. Before he could make any kind of counterattack, she had surged forward and employed some of the deadly hand-to-hand combat tricks Fang Qing had taught her. In a trice, she had pinned him down on the ground, with his hands and body firmly under her control, in true textbook style*.

*T/N 依葫芦画瓢 (yi hu lu hua piao) – literally, to draw (画) a gourd-shaped scoop (瓢) in the shape of a real gourd (葫芦).

He lay on the ground, still and silent.

Jian Yao said, "Jinyan, don"t be so stubborn."

Bo Jinyan remained silent. After a while, he reached out his hands and wrapped them around her waist. Jian Yao suddenly felt as if she had no strength left in her body. She lay on his chest, lowered her head and once again took off his before gently rubbing her face against his. The two of them kissed each other very quietly and thoroughly.

"You can"t see anymore. In the future, let me be the one who takes the initiative to kiss you," Jian Yao whispered. "I will kiss you every 10 minutes; I will accompany you to undertake any dangerous mission this world has for us."

Jian Yao"s tears flowed freely.

Bo Jinyan"s eyelashes also glimmered darkly. His lips twitched, then he said, softly, "Stubborn woman . . . my stubborn wife . . ."

My most beloved wife.

After that, there was no sound in the room.

There was no sound at all.

Only two people embracing in the quiet room, with the light as their companion, their breathing, the only witness.

In a haze, I recall each measure of our love, I think about our many infatuated moments of romance and times of laughter, as I remember our most sincere friends who have left us or accompanied us.

I also recall that year, that month, that day, in the midst of the lonely mountains, when I encountered you by accident. 

I have left you before. 

I have more pride than anyone else in the world, and I am more lonely. 

I don"t want to leave you anymore. 

The sun was in the west by the time Jian Yao held Bo Jinyan"s hand and pulled open the door of the training room. She had not expected that two people could fall asleep like that. One side of Bo Jinyan"s face bore the marks of Jian Yao pressing against him. His shirt was also in a mess.

"I"m sorry, does it hurt?" Jian Yao asked.

"According to my experience, this is nothing," he replied.

Jian Yao could not hold back her laugh. She held his hand tightly, not wanting to say anything else.

Once outside, Fang Qing came striding energetically around the corner of the corridor. When he saw the two of them, he rolled his eyes.

Bo Jinyan maintained his composure.

Jian Yao also remained calm.

Fang Qing said, " . . . Feng Yuexi has been found."

Jian Yao did not seem to care, but Bo Jinyan"s eyebrows twitched slightly, because Fang Qing had used the pa.s.sive voice.

"I think it"s best that we go and have a look right now," Fang Qing said.

That place was not at all hidden.

The trees by the national highway were spa.r.s.ely spread out in a long, unbroken line. However, it would have been hard to be discovered if the action had taken place in the middle of the night.

Bo Jinyan, Jian Yao and a group of criminal investigators hurried by, faces solemn. After walking for more than 10 minutes in the woods, Fang Qing"s cell phone rang abruptly. He accepted the call, which turned out to be from Shi Peng, whom they had interrogated earlier that day.

"What"s up?" Fang Qing asked urgently.

"Hey, police officer Fang," said Shi Peng hesitantly. "I suddenly thought of something. That kind of b.u.t.terfly pattern, I think I saw it with Chen Jin once when we were young. I don"t know if this is of any use to your investigation."

Fang Qing went blank for a second before immediately asking, "Where did you see it?"

"It was on a mountain in our old hometown, in a cave. It was so long ago that I forgot all about it. I only remembered yesterday after you showed me the photographs."

At this time, everyone had walked up a small rise. The person was hanging from a tree opposite them.

Fang Qing"s heart jumped in shock. Slowly, the hand holding the cell phone was lowered.

Feng Yuexi was naked, totally naked, with her long hair tossed over her shoulders. Only her feet were still shod in her branded red high heel shoes, suspended in mid-air. At this moment, twilight fell, and the open countryside was shrouded in mist. As a result, the scene was even more terrifying.

She had been "nailed" to the tree. It appeared that metal nails at least an inch long had been driven through her head, her limbs, and her waist . . . the killer was evidently skilled, as the sites where the nails had been driven through were still fairly intact. Blood seeped from her wounds and swirled around her torso and limbs. At first glance, it looked like a b.l.o.o.d.y, yet poignant painting.

The b.u.t.terfly wings were behind her.

Compared to the simple and soft papilio maraho which Chen Jin painted, this b.u.t.terfly looked much more savage and majestic. Huge and protruding compound eyes, black wings with intricate designs all throughout the wings, forming a dense and complex network. Only the wing tails were orange.

 Papilio Maraho

This b.u.t.terfly was painted on the tree. Even though the tree bark was clearly rough, the b.u.t.terfly was painted in an extremely vivid manner, showcasing outstanding and exquisite skill. It was really like a b.u.t.terfly, slightly concealed in the tree. And, Feng Yuexi"s blood-stained, pale body, was that soft and delicate insect body. She was the b.u.t.terfly, and the b.u.t.terfly was her.

All the criminal investigators were silent.

Chen Jin had already been arrested and brought to justice, having confessed to all his crimes. The evidence found in his home had been irrefutable, clearly proving that he was the true culprit behind those two murders.

But what was before them was like a silent provocation.

As if someone was telling them:

Do you all really think that you have seen b.u.t.terflies?

This is the real b.u.t.terfly killer.

Translator: shl

Editor/ Proofreader: Anks