Pristine Darkness

Chapter 9

Hey everyone! Your second volare chapter will be coming out tomorrow, but in the meantime here is the scheduled chapter for the week! ?

The secrets of the Yao family are revealed, revealing such a stark contrast between the way Jian Yao initially saw the inn, and what goes on inside it.

Chapter 9

Ming Lan parked her Audi in the garage behind the house. As she picked up her bag and looked up, she saw Zhang Jufang"s room, with its light still on, and she could vaguely hear bits of chatter and laughter.

Ming Lan gracefully walked toward her own room in her high heels. The courtyard was very calm and quiet, just the way it had been every day for the past few years. The room beside hers belonged to her younger sister Ming Yue. Faint sounds floated out from the room as she taught her son how to read. Zhao Xia was probably in bed already, her room entirely silent, but because of her husband, she did not dare close the lights yet.

Music sounded from Chen Mei"s room. Chen Mei was also someone who made her worry. But Ming Lan did not regret letting her husband marry her. Otherwise, who would fight against Zhang Jufang for her?

Ming Lan drank some water as the servant, Tong Jie, brought the warmed dinner to the table. Actually, if one looked at their ages, Tong Jie was not much older than Ming Lan;  only, she hadn"t taken care of herself as well.

Ming Lan ate her meal under the light. When she lifted her head, she saw Tong Jie"s stooped silhouette. Ming Lan said nastily, "Go away! You made Old Third mad again today? All of you cause me so much trouble." As she finished speaking, she reached out her hand and pinched Tong Jie. Her pinch was pretty harsh, and Tong Jie let out a moan. Ming Lan then reached out her hand to caress her face. She smiled, "This face doesn"t look that old, and you"re one of the only servants who has actually worked here for a long while. You"re just greedy for the wages, eh? Where else are you going to earn a few thousand a month with no educational background and your old age?"

The servant lowered her head and began retreating outside. "Missus, I"m going."

Ming Lan smiled, and didn"t pay any more attention to her.

This night, seemed to last forever.

Ming Lan lay on the bed for a little bit, listening to pop music, then lifted her head to gaze outside the window. Outside  was a quiet and peaceful field, and in it there was a lone-standing little house. The bright full moon hung in the sky making everything feel extremely lonely.

Ming Lan suddenly felt her chest tighten with an almost oppressive yet provocative feeling. She wanted to cry a little, but she felt like her brain was in chaos. She was 45 years old this year, and it had already been two years. Thinking about this made her feel irritated and after awhile , she ultimately traced her anger to Zhang Jufang.

Thus, she steadily walked out of her room and arrived in front of Zhang Jufang"s room. Through the door, she could clearly hear Yao Yuange"s and her laughter.

Ming Lan knocked on the door, the corners of her mouth curved in a smile. "Yuange, there are some things at the bar that I want to talk to you about."

Yao Yuange responded with a "Sure", and could be heard getting up. After a little bit, the door opened. Zhang Jufang would not dare publicly go against her and could only smile coldly at her. Ming Lan acted as if she didn"t see anything, and returned to their room with Yao Yuange.

That night, Yao Yuange slept in Chen Mei"s room. Although he was almost 50, his body was still strong and he had taken good care of it. Thus when the desire arose, he could still handle these women in bed. It was only when the light in Chen Mei"s room went out that, according to the rules that Yao Yuange had set, all of the other rooms could turn off their lights. Yao Yuange felt that this was best because it gave the image of one big family.

Over the past few nights, the one that slept the best was probably Second Wife Ming Yue. She held her own son, laying on the large bed, softly and gently telling him bedtime stories.

She was 20 years old that year when she married Yao Yuange. She was at an ignorant age, with a personality that had always been naive. At the time, her family hadn"t been doing so, and their factory was always losing money. She had gone to her brother-in-law"s factory to work, and in coming and going, had seen him a few times. She had also developed some feelings towards this mature and stable brother-in-law, but she didn"t dare have any other thoughts. However later on, it was her sister who finally brought it up with her.  Their parents then sighed and actually said to her, "Yuange"s properties now are worth no less than a couple of hundred thousands. You sister hasn"t been able to give birth to any kids, and your educational background is not high, your looks are not as good as your sister"s, you don"t have any abilities, and you would probably only be able to marry some undependable young man. Wouldn"t it be better if…"

Everyone thought this was fine, so Ming Yue also accepted it. The day of the marriage, Yao Yuange laid out two tables for a feast in his home, but they didn"t invite any outsiders nor  was there a marriage certificate. Her only worry was whether or not her older sister would be angry.

But at the feasting table, her sister only laughed and said, "Silly younger sister, why would I be angry?"

Afterwards, there was one time when she saw red and purple welts on Ming Lan"s arms where she had been hit, but did not dare ask more.

In a flash, so many years had pa.s.sed.

She seemed to be living well: she didn"t have to go to work, Yuange gave her a lot of money, he had taken over her family"s factory and saved it, and she had given birth to his only son. In the future, everything in the family, would it not all be her son"s?

But the one thing that she didn"t predict, was that after her, there would be others.

The more money that Yao Yuange earned, the more power he had in the house. In the beginning, they only heard that he was often staying over at Zhang Jufang"s place, but later he actually let her move in.

That day, Ming Yue cried for some reason. But so what? The man was everything in the family, and she didn"t dare, nor could she fight back.

Later on came Zhao Xia and Chen Mei. The two women worked for him and both were from the countryside.

Actually, if one thought about it, there was not much difference between any of the women. They once had nothing, and he gave them everything they wanted: money, stability, family, a dependable husband. And his only request to them was that they share him.

But eventually, Yao Yuange didn"t marry anyone else.

No matter how much he played outside, he no longer kept them at his side. He was probably a little old for that now.

Although Ming Yue was now only 30 years old, now she didn"t fight with the others for anything, and no longer cared. She only yearned for her son to grow up healthy, and thus no longer thought about what was going on between the other women.


It was on the dawn of the second day that the police came knocking on their door. A servant went to open the door, and a plainclothes policeman entered along with a few medical personnel in white lab coats. He politely smiled and said "h.e.l.lo, we are from the Dunhuang police department. We need you to cooperate with our investigation of the murder case that happened a few days ago."

Chen Mei gently pushed Yao Yuange awake, and said, "Hubby, the police have come."

Yao Yuange was curled up in the very middle of the large bed. He opened his eye to ask, "Why are they here?"

"They said that it has to do with the death of that customer."

Yao Yuange was quiet for a little bit, then sat up. "Did they say what happened?"

Chen Mei nodded, showing an odd expression "They said that the victim may have had an infectious disease, so they would like to test everyone in the inn and disinfect everything."

"Do they want to enter the courtyard?"

Chen Mei smiled a bit and shook her head, "No need, we can all just go to the front."

"Sure," Yao Yuange nodded, "You go deal with it first, then let the other ladies follow the police"s instructions. I will come in a little bit."

Out of all the police officers in Dunhuang, Fang Qing was probably the only one rogue enough to accomplish such an overt operation. The Yao family had to fill out a form. Then, the doctors took their temperature, listened to their lungs, and asked them to use hand sanitizer to disinfect both of their hands. Everyone cooperated, including Yao Yuange. The officers on duty were also especially friendly, and Yao Yuange always treated others warmly, so everyone smiled as they shook hands before they left their fingerprints.

As for the 5 servants in the courtyard, three had gone grocery shopping. To avoid seeming overly impatient, the police said that they would come back after they came home, and continue to "disinfect" their home.

Fang Qing ordered his subordinates to hurry and compare the fingerprints. At the same time, he urged the officers in charge of the weapon, the footprints, and the links to Fu Wei, to continue to investigate deeply.


Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao had a duty to help with the case, but now they didn"t have anything to do. Jian Yao casually asked him, "Are you certain?", but immediately after asking, she regretted it.

Sure enough, Bo Jinyan faintly smiled. "My wife"s question is not an easy one to answer, since I do not know what being "uncertain" feels like."

"… pretend I said nothing." said Jian Yao.

The weather in the afternoon was great so Bo Jinyan took her out to enjoy the area. The sky was high above them, and the clouds were big and broad, with the ancient city in the distance. The two of them walked halfway around the city along the city walls. After sweating all over, they ate a small meal in a small store by the city walls.

Then they went to the lakeside, found a bed of reeds, and rented a few fishing poles to fish. Bo Jinyan only sat under the shadow of the tree to read, with the air of a n.o.ble scholar. Jian Yao kept a close eye on the surface of the water and when she saw the fishing float sink, she immediately began reeling in her line. A large beautiful fish came flying out of the water. She reached out her hand to grab it, while Bo Jinyan clasped his hands in praise "My Jian Yao is so talented."

Jian Yao glared at him "Stop talking and come help me catch the fish."

Bo Jinyan reached out his hand with the intention to catch, but this was not something that the ingenious detective was good at. The fish was really slippery, and began jumping in its place. Jian Yao also immediately chucked the fishing rod to the side and  rushed over to help. The tail ridge on the sh.o.r.e was already pretty narrow. Since Jian Yao wasn"t stable, she almost fell into the water. Bo Jinyan reacted quickly and immediately caught her, while she caught the fish.

Jian Yao gave a sigh of relief. However, he didn"t let go of her. He only faintly let out an "oh". Under the waves of light given off by the setting sun, he lay his head on her shoulder.

"What"s wrong?" Jian Yao sweetly asked.

"Jian Yao, in this moment, I feel so blessed," he said lowly.

Jian Yao"s heartstrings trembled, and lightly replied, "I feel the same way."

"Sometimes, I feel like time is flying by too quickly, but other times, I feel like it"s moving too slowly," he said, "There is something I don"t understand – people"s emotions always have highs and lows, peaks and valleys. This is a natural psychological pattern. When Fu Ziyu and I interact for a long time, I feel vexed. But why is it that over the last two years, every second that I am with you, I always feel overwhelmed by my emotions?"

Jian Yao gazed at his handsome young face under the sunlight, and answered, "Because…"

This ingenious detective who knew everything, but still could not figure out the mysteries of love.

She tossed the fish onto the muddy ground, lifted her head and kissed him.

Because, you are the world"s one and only Bo Jinyan. Only you, could be like a child your whole life, to love what you love.

I am so thankful, that I am your love.

When the two returned to the inn, it was already night. Many of the rooms had already turned off their lights, and the front desk receptionist was relaxedly curled up in a corner playing on his phone .

Just as they entered the courtyard, Jian Yao received a phone call from Fang Qing. His voice sounded emotionless.

"The fingerprint-matching results have come out."

Translated by clue

Translation checked by tranzgeek

Edited by Ely