Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 29

The mood tensed when w.a.n.g Jiang shouted, he put heavy pressure on his words.

"Those who have not been called should be quiet, if this happens again you will be punished"

All students began to sweat cold after hearing w.a.n.g Liang"s words, they knew that he will punish those who are causing trouble. Students who came from influential and powerful clans were feeling humiliated because they had never been treated this way before, they wanted to speak up but knew that the instructor would punish them.

"Very well ... Student Yao Mu, do you accept the challenge and fight against student Liu Yang?" w.a.n.g Liang asked Yao Mu this time.

"Instructor, I said before that would be a big waste of time"

"I will take that as a refusal. As student Yao Mu refused to fight, I will declare Liu Yang"s victory as he accepted the challenge while the other side declined. Then he will continue in the group ... "Before w.a.n.g Liang can finish speaking, he is interrupted.

"Instructor, I have an objection" Yao Mu suddenly spoke up.

"Student Yao Mu, what do you want?" w.a.n.g Liang was angry because he was interrupted.

"I would like to know why Junior Liu Yang will continue in my group?"

"As the group leader, you refused to fight for the expulsion of one of your members, does that show you want him to stay in the group, or am I wrong?"

"Instructor, can the challenge still be accepted?" Yao Mu regretted not having accepted the challenge before, he wanted to see if the instructor would still give him another chance.

"Student Liu Yang, student Yao Mu wants the challenge now, will you accept? If you don"t want to, you will still be part of the group, since student Yao Mu has declined before. "w.a.n.g Liang"s words made Yao Mu nervous, he didn"t want Liu Yang in the group, as he would stay with Liu Xia the entire trip. That was something he didn"t want. But Liu Yang"s response surprised everyone.

"Yes, I do," Liu Yang answered casually. Listening to Liu Yang"s response, many students began to wonder if he was some idiot. Everyone understood that Yao Mu was trying to get Liu Yang out of the group because of Liu Xia, but no one imagined that Liu Yang would agree to leave on his own because no one thought he could beat Yao Mu in a fight.

"As both parties have accepted the challenge, we can all start moving away." w.a.n.g Liang, his a.s.sistants, and students walked away, they were five meters away from Liu Yang and Yao Mu.

"The rules are simple, the one who becomes unconscious first is the loser, it is not allowed to cause heavy damage to the opponent, if anyone tries to do so, I will severely punish the one who does this. You can only cause minor injury to your opponent. Are you ready? "w.a.n.g Liang looked at both of them after explaining the rules. As students, they should not be killing each other.

"Yes," Liu Yang and Yao Mu nodded.

(This will be a very easy fight, a novice mage fighting an intermediate mage, this is very hilarious to talk about. Liu Yang, who do you think you are? I just need a breath to defeat him. Liu Yang, I"ll show Liu Xia how weak you are, she"ll rethink how weak and useless you are. To defeat you, I just need to activate my primary water element magic and explode in front of you, the impact will be enough to make you pa.s.s out. As an intermediate mage, my casting speed is much faster than that of a novice mage, this will be a piece of cake) Yao Mu ever thought of a perfect plan to beat Liu Yang, for him, this fight was useless and meaningless, as it would be unilateral.

"Get ready. I"ll count to three and you can start. "

Liu Yang and Yao Mu were looking at each other, Liu Yang had a casual look while Yao Mu had a look of disdain and arrogance.

"1… 2… 3… start!"

Yao Mu raised his hand and a blue light began to s.h.i.+ne around his body, seconds later a sphere made of water began to form, he smiled to see it. But before he could complete his casting, something amazing happened.

Wind, the wind began to circle at high speed around Yao Mu"s head, and it formed a whirlwind that completely covered his head. In less than a second, Yao Mu pa.s.sed out and his body fell to the floor.

Shock, this was what everyone was feeling when they saw this scene, no one believed what they were seeing. A level 5 novice mage defeating a level 5 intermediate mage.

If students were not seeing this scene, they would not have believed it if anyone had told it.

The only ones who think this scene is normal are Liu Xia, Xiao Mei, and w.a.n.g Liang, all three have a smile on their faces, while the rest have a shocked face on their face.

"What just happened ?? !!"

"How is this possible ?? !!"

"How could a novice mage defeat an intermediate mage ?? !!"

The students couldn"t stand it and disobeyed the instructor"s orders, they started shouting and commenting on the subject, the nine groups got into a buzz over this situation.

"Silence !!!" w.a.n.g Liang shouted again, this time he increased the pressure again and many students couldn"t stand it and eventually pa.s.sed out. The students fell silent again and dared not speak again. They were afraid of the instructor, but it was different for those who came from influential and powerful clans.

"Who do you think you are?!! Just because you are the instructor, do you think you have the right to yell at me? You are just a military instructor, you have no right to yell at us that we came from influential and powerful clans. We are not sc.u.m like these regular students. "One student shouted, he couldn"t take it anymore and shouted the words that were in his mind. That was what many meant, but lacked the courage.

"What"s your name?" w.a.n.g Liang looked at the student and asked.

"My name is Fang Jiang, from the Fang clan" The young man spoke with an arrogant tone, he believed that after hearing his name, the instructor would be afraid of him, but it was a pity that did not happen.

"Fang Jiang… You being Fang Qing"s son, right?" w.a.n.g Liang thought of something and asked.

"Yes, I am the youngest son of the current Fang clan leader, Fang Qing" Fang Jiang raised his voice and spoke more arrogantly than before, he guessed the instructor was afraid of him for discovering his background.

Contrary to everyone"s expectations, w.a.n.g Liang did something unexpected, he grabbed a cell phone and called someone. To let the students know who he was calling, w.a.n.g Liang left it on the speakerphone.

"Brother Liang, is there a problem? It"s rare for you to call. "A voice was heard from the other side. The students didn"t know whose voice that was, but it was different for Fang Jiang, he knew the owner of the voice very well. His face began to pale and sweat began to fall like a waterfall from his face. The voice on the phone belonged to his father.

"Brother Qing, I apologize for the inconvenience, but I wanted you to hear what a student said just now" w.a.n.g Liang spoke vaguely about what was going on.

"Okay, for Brother Liang to call me, this must be something important," Fang Qing said curiously, he wanted to know what the words the student said were.

"Student Fang Jiang, I would like to know if you could repeat the same words you just said" w.a.n.g Liang looked sharply at Fang Jiang and asked.

"I ... I ..." Fang Jiang didn"t know what to say, he was very scared of the events, he never imagined that the instructor would call his father. If his father listened to what he had said, he would be severely punished when he got home.

"Brother Liang, did my son say anything that offended you?" Fang Qing heard when w.a.n.g Liang called Fang Liang, he never imagined that his son might offend the person he considered a brother.

"Useless son, did you do something that offended Brother Liang ??? !!!! Apologize immediately !!!! "Fang Qing shouted angrily, he would not allow anyone to insult w.a.n.g Liang, especially his son, if it were not for w.a.n.g Liang, Fang Qing would not even be alive.

"Father... I…"

"Apologize now !!!"

"I"m sorry" After hearing his father"s scream, Fang Jiang bowed and apologized quickly, he knew he was humiliating himself by doing this, but if he didn"t do that, his punishment would be much greater when he returned home.

"Brother Liang, I apologize if my son said something he should not, I will punish him properly when he returns home."

"Brother Qing, you don"t have to worry about that, he"s young yet"

"If it"s alright for you, I won"t go through with it. Brother Liang, I need to hang up, I have a meeting soon, it was nice talking to you. "

"The same for me. Someday we have tea like before "

"If time permits, I"d would like to remember the old days"

After they both finished talking, they hung up the phone.

"Student Fang Jiang, do you still have something to talk about?"

"Non-instructor" Following this humiliation, Fang Liang dared not be disrespectful to the instructor. No other student spoke up about the case, as they did not want to suffer a humiliation like Fang Jiang.

"Since this matter is resolved, let"s end this other boring subject." w.a.n.g Liang turned and walked over to Yao Mu pa.s.sed out"s body, he had already verified that he wasn"t dead or anything, just pa.s.sed out.

"I know this is a little late, but student Liu Yang wins"