Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 167

"My name is Lord Shadow. I am part of the Shadow of Light Guild "The young man answered the question of the young master of the Black Star Guild.

"Ohh ... So you are the young master of the Shadow of Light Guild ... You look different from the rumors"

"Star Killer, I thought you were already in the federation. What are you doing here? This queue is only for those who need to do the quest, "Lord Shadow commented arrogantly.

The two knew each other, as the two guilds were guilds of a large conglomerate of guilds under the name Shadow Stars. Even though there were always two main guilds, they did not have all the strength of the guild council. 

"I am here to help some of my subordinates to get the quest. Since you are someone who came from a powerful guild, you can stay in the same place and you don"t have to give me your place. " Star Killer commented arrogantly. He was showing the common players that he wanted to get in faster and that they need to get out of the way.

"If you want to pa.s.s, you will need to have permission from all of them first. They are in front of you in line "Lord Shadow was not like the young masters who used their influence to receive benefits. He waited in line because of that, he was being fair to others.

"If you say ... Attention everyone, if you don"t get out of the way, you will be considered enemies of my guild. But this warning will only serve those who are low cla.s.s like many of you. Those who are part of influential groups can stay in line "Star Killer spoke arrogantly and authoritatively. He didn"t care about players coming from common backgrounds.

For Star Killer, ordinary players were just insects and nothing much.

Hearing Star Killer"s arrogant and authoritarian words, ordinary players clenched their teeth and clench their fists in anger. It was very humiliating for them.

They all waited many hours in line to have a chance to get the federation pa.s.s quest. But now, they will have to wait for several more hours because someone in authority appears.

They were already at level 500, and did not have the luxury to create problems with players from influential groups, as they could be killed back up to level 1. That would be very tragic.

In the past, a level 500 player was doing the quest for the federation. But in the middle of the quest, he got in big trouble with a powerful guild. This player was killed to level 1. Since then, he has never been seen in the game again.

n.o.body wanted to be the next to suffer these consequences.

Ordinary players started to get out of line for the Star Killer"s group to pa.s.s. There were still many players in the queue, they belong to the influential groups, at least the main guild. They were not afraid to go against the words of Star Killer, he understood that and did not force things.

"You can keep walking," Star Killer said in an animated tone. He liked the feeling of superiority.

The line moved quickly. Of the several thousand people before, there were now only about three hundred people in the queue.

"Hey, who are you ?? Why are you in line? Identify yourself !!! " Someone shouted at a player who was wearing a mask to cover half of his face. He was Liu Yang.

Liu Yang didn"t get out of line, he pretended he didn"t even hear the words of Star Killer or people in his group.

"Hey!!! Are you listening to me??!!!!!" The players in the Star Killer"s group screamed again. They were angry about Liu Yang ignoring them. He continued to pretend he wasn"t hearing the screams.

Since his name was hidden and the masks were covering his face, no one would discover that he was Liu Yang or Ward in the game. Besides, his clothes were casual and he can sell at the store at any time and buy others. Anyone trying to chase him would be a huge waste of time.

Unless they had tracking skills like Little Thorns, the ability that revealed the player"s direction, but this only works if the player is within a certain distance.

Because of the departure of ordinary players, the line was extremely empty. Liu Yang managed to quickly enter the city hall while the Star Killer"s group was still shouting outside.

The group decided to wait for Liu Yang, as the humiliation they suffered would not be put aside.

"I want information about that player. I want to know everything about him. " Star Killer ordered authoritatively. He would not let this humiliation pa.s.s.

A narrow-minded person like him would never ignore such humiliation.

"Yes, young master. I"m going to ask some people inside to see if they can see that player"s face.

"You should be careful when you leave here. Star Killer is someone who will take revenge for anything that bothers him "Lord Shadow commented to Liu Yang. He found it interesting that Liu Yang ignored Star Killer"s words as if it was air.

"I don"t care about that. He won"t be able to do anything against me "Liu Yang spoke casually.

Liu Yang may have spoken that way, but Lord Shadow felt that he was being very arrogant speaking that way.

(Star Killer can"t do anything to you? Interesting. What is your ident.i.ty for speaking those words casually ??) Lord Shadow was curious as to why Liu Yang spoke those words. He didn"t know how Liu Yang could sustain his words.

(Your appearance is casual and he does not appear to be someone from an influential group. Could you be some hidden young master?) Lord Shadow was unable to think of a concrete choice about Liu Yang"s ident.i.ty. He could only be curious.

"I am curious as to why you are confident that they will not do anything against you"

"If you wait for me to leave, you will see what I mean" Liu Yang"s words attracted the attention of everyone within the prefecture. He had already attracted the attention of others after ignoring Star Killer. Now, he was saying that he had methods to deal with the Star Killer group, how could that not attract everyone"s attention?

(What will he do? Star Killer is not an ordinary young master. He is the beloved grandson of one of the former leaders of the Black Star Guild.) The others began to think of various possibilities about what Liu Yang would do.

Lord Shadow did not comment on Liu Yang"s words and was thoughtful. Depending on what happens, he would decide whether to make friends with Liu Yang or not, as it was better to have a friend than an enemy. Many other players had that same thought.