
Chapter 13

Wando Palace was designed to suit the nature of the land it sat upon, mountainous terrain that lifted and dipped. It was built in complicated levels connected by flights of stone steps to a hallway that led to the grand paG.o.da. At the foot of the palace, their horses and Jindo were led away and they parted from the captain, who would return to his men.

Entering the magnificent building, Kira gazed about her. Multicolored tiles covered the entire length of the hallway, while intricately patterned ones adorned the ceilings above. Within the paG.o.da, the large, well-lit room had but one simple throne on a raised dais. To either side were corridors leading east and west. The wall behind the throne was a painted mural from floor to ceiling of what appeared to be a great battle on one side and a triumphant ceremony on the other.

A voice boomed from their left. "Welcome, my young clansmen!"

They bowed at the arrival of a tall, armored man with a large entourage of soldiers and advisers. The king removed his gold-inscribed black iron helmet. He wore long vest armor over a black jacket. An ornate jeweled sword was strapped securely to his left side. Except for the mustache and trim beard, the handsome man bore a strong resemblance to Queen Ja-young.

The king came to stand directly before the prince, placing his hands on Taejo"s shoulders.

"It"s incredible!" King Eojin said. "No one can doubt your heritage!"

Eojin then turned to Kira. "I"ve heard so much about you. And now I see you in the flesh. The girl warrior who kills demons." He laughed. "You are not as fearful as the rumors make you out to be, but you are as beautiful as your mother."

Embarra.s.sed, Kira flushed and looked down.

The king greeted Kwan with a broad smile. "Now, you are very much like your father!"

Kwan bowed, a look of pleasure on his face.

"Come, let us walk!" Eojin said, steering them down a s.p.a.cious corridor. "It"s been over twenty years since I"ve seen my beloved sisters, Yuwa and Ja-young." He paused and faced them. "My heart is heavy, as your arrival here confirms the news that I"ve just received from Hansong. I didn"t want to believe it. I thought my sisters would be safe. How foolish I was. No one is safe now that the war has begun."

They followed him down a long corridor that led to a large inner room with a thick rush matting. Kira was relieved to see that it was an ondol room, with under-floor heating. She sighed with pleasure to sit on the warm floor, letting the heat soak into her chilled bones.

Eojin sat in the middle of the room with his legs crossed and his back perfectly straight. "We"re so far north that word reaches us much slower than it should," he said. "Only recently did we hear of the fall of Kaya and the danger to the Jinhan Kingdom. I was worried for Hansong and thought to send an envoy down, but the Khitans have kept us busy."

"Who are the Khitans?" Taejo asked.

"Nomadic barbarians from the north that keep raiding our villages. They get bolder every year," Eojin said. "I myself have just returned from an extended tour of our northern borders. But before I could send anyone to Hansong, I heard the news. I would like to hear what transpired from the three of you directly."

Kira told their uncle of their return to Hansong and Taejo"s rescue. Her throat closed up when she got to her father"s death.

"Your Majesty? Will you help me rescue my mother?" Taejo asked.

Eojin patted Taejo on his shoulder. "Do not fear for your mother, my young prince. She is a strong Guru woman; they cannot break her. And this Lord Shin is smart enough to recognize her political importance. An alliance with your mother would mean an alliance with Guru. They won"t harm her."

Eojin rose to his feet. The others followed suit.

"All of you must be very hungry. Let"s get you some food."

"Your Majesty, is Brother Boyuk here?" Kira asked. "We were told to seek him out."

Eojin shook his head. "He was called away to his temple many days ago. I don"t know when he"ll return."

Disappointment rushed over Kira. What were they supposed to do now?

Their uncle took good care of them, providing them with luxurious rooms; new, warmer clothes; and even jasmine-perfumed bathing cakes from Cathay. After several hot baths, Kira finally felt human again.

A few days later, at their next meeting with Eojin, Kwan mentioned continuing Taejo"s military training.

"Yes, this is very important," Eojin agreed. "In fact, I would like to take over his training."

Kira and Kwan looked at each other in astonishment, while Taejo beamed in excitement.

"If you have the time, Your Majesty," Kwan said.

"I will make the time," Eojin said. "Come, princeling, show me your bow skills!"

Taejo frowned. "I am not very good with a bow. I"m better with a sword," he admitted.

"In Guru, archery is our most prized skill," Eojin said. "Remember, only the G.o.ds are perfect, young one. For all others, practice brings mastery."

Kira watched as king and prince left together, easy in each other"s company. "He seems to really like Taejo," she mused.

Kwan shrugged. "I think it"s because Taejo reminds him of his son who died."

Eojin"s first wife was a princess of Oakcho who died in childbirth, along with the baby. Then he married a Jinhan princess who bore him two sons and a daughter, but an influenza epidemic killed them all three years ago, along with the king"s younger brothers. The king was spared because he was away battling the Khitans at the time. He returned home victorious, six months later, only to find his entire family gone. His oldest son was only ten years old when he died.

Kira liked her uncle, sensing his sharp intelligence and his aura of power. He was a mix of her aunt"s a.s.sertiveness coupled with her mother"s kindness. But once in a while, she sensed a cold ruthlessness in him. She didn"t necessarily think it was a bad thing. After all, he was ruler of the largest kingdom in the peninsula. And it was clear that Taejo already idolized their uncle.

If she were to be completely honest, some of her uneasiness stemmed from jealousy. She felt supplanted by Eojin in Taejo"s affections and she didn"t like it.

Kira shook off her discomfort and asked Kwan to spar with her.

"I have a better idea," Kwan said. "Let"s go train with Captain Pak."

Outside Wando, a huge tent city had been constructed. They found Captain Pak in an open field, where he had set up makeshift training grounds. Soldiers wearing a myriad of colored uniforms representing their different kingdoms sparred and trained in organized groups in every corner of the area.

Catching sight of Kwan and Kira, Captain Pak walked over to greet them.

"As you can see, I am keeping these men busy and ready for battle. We await the day that we march against the Yamatos. Do you bring any word from the Guru king?" Captain Pak asked.

When Kwan shook his head, Pak"s face fell with disappointment.

"Well, we will continue to train hard and be prepared," he said. "I see you"ve both brought your bows with you. Care to train with us?"

Kwan nodded eagerly. "That"s what I came down for. I feel like I"m getting soft without daily training. I"d ask to come stay here, but I fear my uncle wouldn"t approve."

"That"s as it should be," the captain replied. "Come then! You both will be a great help keeping our soldiers fit."

As they walked toward the training ground, Kira stopped.

"Aren"t you coming?" Kwan asked.

She shook her head. "I think I"ll go look around."

Kwan arched an eyebrow at her. "You mean you"ll go looking for someone."

Captain Pak seemed amused. "If you mean your two friends, then I will show you where they are."

Walking to the edge of the field, the captain pointed to a large tent near the forest. Kira thanked him and hurried down, eager to see Jaewon and Seung again.

Inside, the tent reeked of the twenty-odd unwashed bodies packed close together around a small table where a baduk game was in progress. Kira pulled the brim of her nambawi low as she pa.s.sed empty tables littered with tins of half-eaten food and joined the large group. Jaewon sat with Seung close by his side, both staring intently at the board.

Kira pushed her way to the front, where she had a clear view of the game in progress. As if sensing her presence, Jaewon looked up and caught Kira"s gaze. A slow smile spread across his face. She was surprised by how much she enjoyed the play of dimples on his cheeks.

A pile of captured white stones sat at Jaewon"s side. His opponent was a wiry man with a long, thin face and hooded eyes, wearing the green-and-black uniform of a Jinhan soldier.

The stench of the tent became overpowering. She was relieved when the Jinhan man conceded the game. Standing, he tossed a small rope of coins onto the table next to the baduk board.

"You are indeed a master-level player," the Jinhan man said with a slight bow. "Where did you say you hailed from?"

Jaewon didn"t respond right away.

"Kaya," he finally said.

"Who was your teacher?" the Jinhan man asked.

Jaewon didn"t respond. He pa.s.sed the coins to Seung, who placed them in a small leather pouch that hung close to his body.

"Thank you, Officer Cho. I have enjoyed our game. Please excuse me," Jaewon said with a courteous bow.

"I know of only one great baduk player of your caliber in Kaya. Chief Kim Jaeshik of Wagay," he said, folding his arms across his chest. "I recall he had a son. One he bragged about all the time. Claimed his boy would surpa.s.s him."

Jaewon remained impa.s.sive, but Kira could see his fist clenching.

"We have been playing for nearly five hours, and I have studied your face as much as I have studied the board. It"s been years since I played Chief Kim Jaeshik, but I have no doubt you are his son," Officer Cho said.

Kira didn"t like the tension between the two men. Glancing over at Seung, she could see that he was anxious also.

"There have been rumors about you, young master Kim. Disturbing rumors."

Something about the Jinhan man"s sly eyes and secretive manner bothered Kira. She moved up next to Jaewon, almost touching him. His tension was palpable.

"I have heard all sorts of terrible things. That you are a murderer and a thief. That you are a coward. It is hard to distinguish fact from fiction," Officer Cho said.

Kira was shaken by his words. She remembered Jaewon"s whispered admission of guilt and loss: His blood is forever on my hands.

"But one thing I know to be true," Officer Cho said. "Your father is still looking for you. And there is a reward for information about you."

At these words, Kira whipped out her bow and an arrow, pointing it straight at the other man. Surprised, Officer Cho raised his hands in mock surrender.

"No, you have it wrong; you need not fear me," he said with an amused expression. "I have no desire to turn him in. But it is my hope that one day I will see Chief Kim Jaeshik again. And if that day comes, I will tell him I had the pleasure of playing his son and that his son was indeed a master baduk player."

Jaewon placed a tense hand on Kira"s arm, forcing her to put away her weapon. He then bowed and walked off, not waiting for Kira or Seung. As he reached the entranceway, Officer Cho spoke again.

"Strange, you don"t strike me as a murderer, but I"ve been wrong before," he called after him.

Not responding, Jaewon exited the tent. Kira hurried after him, but the baduk player had already disappeared into the crowd.

Kira stopped Seung before he could chase after his master.

"Is it true?" she asked. "Did he kill someone?"

"No!" Seung trembled with anger. "It was an accident, a terrible accident. My master is an honorable man. He never meant to hurt anybody."

Seung took off after Jaewon.

"I believe you," she shouted. "Tell him, I trust him."

Seung turned and waved and disappeared into the woods.


When she and Kwan returned to the palace, it was in an uproar. Taejo looked relieved as he bounded up to them.

"Where"ve you been? The Oakcho and Tongey diplomats have arrived and are asking Guru for military aid. I spent the entire day pleading with our uncle to save my mother. This should help our cause," he said in an excited babble. He led them to a separate building from the main palace while senior Guru military officers and advisers raced through the hallways to join the heated discussions.

The rectangular chamber held several long tables and chairs set along the length of the room, parallel with the walls. A raised dais stood at the front of the room with a formal table for King Eojin and his advisers.

Eojin had not yet arrived, but nearly all the spots on the long tables were filled by the military, diplomats, and their staffs.

Several heads turned sharply at her entrance.

"What is she doing here?"

"Since when have women been allowed in military meetings?"

"It"s disgraceful. Get her out of here!"

Kira caught the glare of Lord Yu, the ill-tempered senior diplomat of Tongey.

"Who do you think you are? Away with you, ignorant wench! You have no business here," Lord Yu shouted, pointing his finger at her.

She heard Kwan cursing, ready to confront the amba.s.sador. Kira stopped him with a shake of her head.

"It"s all right, Oppa," she said.

Kira fixed Lord Yu with a hard glare. "It seems you believe that you have some authority over me. I fear you are mistaken."

"How dare you! This is a man"s world and you do not belong here," Lord Yu shouted. "Guards, remove this creature!"