
Chapter 15

"Please, Uncle, it is imperative that I speak with Sunim." She spoke while still bowing, her eyes trained on the tips of Eojin"s black boots.

"Would you allow me a few moments with your niece, Your Majesty?" Brother Boyuk asked.

As Kira straightened, she caught sight of her uncle"s scowl.

"This is an inopportune time. Especially when we are on the eve of going to war," Eojin replied, waving her away. "Kira, you and your brother will refrain from bothering Brother Boyuk. That is an order."

Kira bowed to hide her frustration and her anxiety. She was tired of waiting. She was tired of playing it safe.

Regardless of what the king said, Kira couldn"t sit and do nothing.

She would find a way to save her mother, even if it meant taking on the Demon Lord himself.


Two more nights found Kira dreaming of the same large room where she"d met the shadow of her mother. But no one was there. Anxious and scared, Kira felt her resentment against the king growing. She needed to do something, anything, to help her mother.

"Oppa!" Kira found her brother out in a small courtyard, taekkyon training alone.

"I think I should return to Dragon Springs Temple and speak directly with Master Roshi," Kira said.

"Don"t be ridiculous," he cut her off. "It"s too dangerous."

"It doesn"t matter, I have to go see him," she said.

"Eventually we"ll be able to meet with Brother Boyuk," he said. "Just be patient."

"We don"t have time!" Kira sighed and explained her dream to him.

Kwan was quiet. "Why didn"t you tell me this before?" he asked.

"I didn"t want to grieve you more."

"Don"t do that again," he said. His response was mild, but Kira knew he was upset.

"I"m sorry."

He wiped his sweaty face on a small towel. "Let"s wait a little longer, and if nothing changes, then we"ll all leave," he said.

Before she could respond, a guard arrived and informed them that the king required their presence immediately. Outside the king"s quarters, they found Taejo waiting for them.

Eojin sat on luxurious silk cushions on the ondol-heated floor, surrounded by a few of his closest advisers.

"Young clansmen!" Eojin said. "Come before me. We must talk."

The three of them bowed and moved to kneel in front of the king.

"The army you have brought to our gates has grown greater in size since your arrival. Now there are approximately three thousand men. Those that came from different kingdoms have given fealty to me and accepted me as their king. But your Hansong men claim they serve only you, Prince Taejo! They pledge their swords, they pledge their support and their service, but their loyalty lies with you," Eojin said.

Kira felt a surge of pride for the prince and their soldiers.

"I admire loyalty," Eojin continued. "However, your men are already running out of supplies and getting soft without proper training. So I ask you, young cousin, a very difficult question. I know you may hope for the return of your lands and to be king one day, but in these times we must put individual desires aside to focus on the good of the people. What we need is a unified army, strong in mind and body, united under one cause and one king. I ask you, will you pledge your men to me and accept me as your king?"

Even though his request was reasonable, Kira could feel her hackles rise. He was asking Taejo to give up his men and to give up all chances of recapturing his kingdom and throne. If they were able to drive the Yamatos out of his homeland, Taejo could never be king. Hansong would be no more. They faced the same troubling dilemma that the Tongey diplomat, Lord Yu, was so upset about.

But Hansong was lost already. Perhaps there was no choice. Taejo looked young and unsure about making a decision that would change the course of his life. Her father"s voice slid into her head: Advise him, guide him. Help him grow into a great king.

She faced Eojin once again. "Your Majesty, you have no heirs, and Prince Taejo has lost his father. Will you make him your heir?"

Kira ignored the outraged disapproval of the king"s advisers. General Kim rose up to his knees and raised his arm, preparing to strike her. The king caught his arm. He regarded Kira with a look of respect and approval.

"Kira, your loyalty to the young prince and Hansong is truly admirable. I will consider your request."

Kira bowed and gave Taejo a slight nod. There was no real choice here. Taejo"s refusal would cause irreparable harm in his relationship with the Guru king.

Casting one last sidelong glance at Kira, Taejo faced Eojin.

"I pledge my loyalty and that of my men to you, my king," he said. He bowed, his forehead touching the firm matting of the floor. Kira and Kwan quickly followed suit. Kira said a quick prayer to the heavens, asking that all would work out favorably. The three cousins rose in unison to face the king.

"Excellent," he said. "Now, let"s prepare for war!"

Later that same afternoon, Kira stood outside the city walls with Kwan and Taejo. The army of displaced soldiers that Captain Pak commanded stood at attention, joined by the Guru cavalry and the divisions of the Guru army currently stationed within the city.

Walking around the perimeter of the crowd, her nambawi pulled low over her face, Kira searched for Jaewon and Seung. She found them following three shamans who patrolled the area. Seung"s face lit up when he saw her, while Jaewon greeted her quietly. With all that had transpired, she"d nearly forgotten about the altercation in the baduk tent, but it didn"t matter. In her heart she knew that Jaewon was not a murderer.

"Young mistress, what are the shamans carrying?" Seung asked.

The shamans held bra.s.s bowls filled with a milky substance in their left hands and chains of bells draped around their right. They sprinkled the area with the milk, the bells ringing with the movements of their arms. From a tree, Kira saw the flash of several silvery-gray imps fleeing into the woods. She whistled under her breath. The power of the three shamans together made for strong magic.

"They call it earth"s milk, and it is a secret substance that only shamans know how to create. But it is the basis for all their power," she said. "They use it to commune with the spirit world, exorcise ghosts, find treasures, raise the dead-"

Seung gasped. "They can"t really raise the dead, can they?"

Kira smiled. "No, but unscrupulous ones have been known to raise demons who masquerade as the recently departed in order to gouge their families of money."

"That"s terrible!" Seung looked scandalized at the revelation. "I"ve always revered our shaman. He would never do anything like that."

Kira shrugged. "Shamans are good and bad just like all other humans. But the reason I don"t completely trust them is because their magic is too closely tied to demon magic. Even that earth"s milk they use-I can smell a slight demon stink to it."

"Young mistress, you are frightening me," Seung said with a shudder. "I may never be able to face our village shaman again."

At that moment, the city gates began to open. King Eojin had arrived, mounted on a beautiful white stallion with an elaborate golden bridle that matched his gold armor. As the sun forced its rays through the overcast sky, it shone down on Eojin as if the G.o.ds themselves were blessing him. Kira rolled her eyes at the awed whispers of the crowd.

She made her way to the front where her brother and Taejo stood next to Captain Pak.

"We have received word that Tongey is in danger of collapsing under the Yamato siege," Eojin said. He cast his steady gaze across the field of soldiers before him. "With no king and tremendous infighting between the remaining heirs, the Tongey are ill prepared for this onslaught. In desperation, they come to us, mindful of what it will cost them, but prepared to do what is necessary to save their lands. Oakcho and Tongey have pledged their armies to Guru also. So today we fight as a united nation. Today we fight for Tongey, which is now part of the Guru Kingdom. They have pledged fealty and accepted me as their king. Their fate is now tied to ours. And what is ours, remains ours!"

The men stamped their feet and pounded on their chests as they chanted his name. Suddenly, General Kim stepped forward to stand at Eojin"s side. Throwing up his arms, he bellowed for their attention.

"The Dragon King"s prophecy has come true. Seven have become three. Three have now become one. One will save us all." He faced Eojin and bowed deeply. "King Eojin, you are the one that the prophecy speaks of-the Dragon Musado. All hail King Eojin!"

The ma.s.s of soldiers went wild, and shouts changed from "Eojin" to "the Dragon Musado." Kira was stunned. They hailed Eojin as the "one" of the prophecy. She could see Taejo"s look of relief along with a glazed, starry-eyed hero worship that she was becoming familiar with.

Kira gritted her teeth, overcome by irritation. It vexed her to see how easily people believed Eojin was the Dragon Musado. She turned to her brother and could see his own conflicted emotions. Catching her eye, Kwan shrugged.

"He"d make a better Dragon Musado," he said. "And at least now we"ll fight those Yamato b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!"

Kira"s lips tightened as she felt the throbbing of a headache. It was bad enough knowing they"d given up Taejo"s throne to Eojin, but for him to also fulfill the prophecy was too much. She wanted Taejo to have this future before him. She didn"t want that stolen from him also.

Her gaze swept up to meet Jaewon"s. His eyebrow arched in question. She shook her head and pushed her way through the throng of soldiers. She needed to get away from the screaming crowds around her.

She cut through the left side, shoving past shouting men all the way to the edge of the crowd, and stomping toward the forest. From behind, she heard Jaewon calling her name, but she didn"t stop until she reached the protection of the trees. Sitting on a fallen log, she waited for him to arrive.

He collapsed at her feet on the leaf-covered ground. Rolling over to his side, he gazed up at her. "What is troubling you now?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

She laughed at his silliness but didn"t respond. She didn"t feel up to talking about Eojin.

Kira realized that they hadn"t spoken since the day he"d rushed away from the baduk tent. Regardless of what Officer Cho had said, she knew Jaewon was not a murderer. She didn"t know how to raise the issue nor did she want to pry, no matter how curious she was.

"I have something for you," he said. He sat up and rummaged within his inner pockets. "I won it at a game a few nights ago and have been saving it."

He pulled out a small cloth and unwrapped it. Within were several small, hard b.a.l.l.s covered in sesame seeds.

"What are they?" Kira asked.

"They are a sweet from Cathay. Made from toasted sesame seeds and honey. Here, try one." He pressed one to her lips. Her eyes widened in delight at the combination of the sweet honey and the nutty flavor of the sesame seeds.

She watched him as he enjoyed his sweet. She liked the way the muscles of his jaws moved, flashing the deep dimples in his cheeks. The way a lock of his hair fell out of his braid and waved over his brow. The way he crinkled the bridge of his nose in enjoyment.

He caught her peeking at him and grinned. Affection and something more glinted in his eyes. Embarra.s.sed by her awareness of him, she moved back, feeling warmth creep up her cheeks.

"Why are you still here?" she asked. "I thought you and Seung would have continued north by now."

"Brother Woojin said our fates are intertwined."

"Brother Woojin"s not here," she said. Her voice was harsh as she held in the guilt and grief that always came with thoughts of the little monk. "Nothing is holding you back now."

"You asked me to stay. I will always do whatever you ask."

"I didn"t actually ask you to stay," she said. "You and Taejo tricked me into saying that."

Jaewon patted her on the head. "That counts for me."

With a shrug, Kira pulled her knees up, wrapping her arms around them.

"I don"t know what to do anymore," Kira said.

Jaewon"s eyes narrowed in concern. "What is it? Is something troubling you? Please, tell me."

It felt good to unburden herself, releasing all the frustration, fear, and anger that had built up inside. Jaewon listened intently as Kira described the shadow land and her mother"s suffering. When she explained the situation with Brother Boyuk and how the king refused to allow her to meet with him, Jaewon"s eyes narrowed, but he remained silent until she was done.

She shuddered at the end of her tale, bereft of emotions. It was a long moment before Jaewon finally spoke.

"I"ve no doubt that you are right about the king. But if his intent is to keep you from the monk, then there must be some reason for it," he said.

"I know his reason: to keep Taejo from becoming the Dragon Musado," Kira said bitterly.

Jaewon put a comforting arm around her. "Maybe," he said. "Or maybe he just wants to protect the prince."

She shrugged and tried to pull away, but Jaewon made her face him.

"You may not trust his motives completely, but you know he wouldn"t harm your cousin."

"I don"t know that!" she snapped.

"Yes, you do," he said, shaking her gently. "If you"d thought for even a moment that the prince was in danger, you would have dragged him away at your first opportunity."

Kira knew Jaewon was right, but she didn"t want to admit it.

"Get off me," she groused, slapping his hands away. "Regardless of what the king does, I"m going to see Brother Boyuk and I"m going to help my mother. I have to."

Jaewon nodded. "And I"ll help you. No matter where you go or what you have to do, I"ll be there for you."

"Why?" she asked bluntly.

"Because I"m your friend," he replied.

Taken aback, Kira was silent.

"What, am I not good enough for you?" he asked.

"No, don"t be silly," she said with a wide smile. "You"re a good friend."

His words warmed her inside-she felt happy. In seventeen years, no one had ever called her friend, although she"d always wished for one. She hoped that he would never regret his words.
