Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex

Chapter 35

35. Humiliation interview.

…It seems to be Munch’s(ムンク) 『p.u.b.erty』

The naked girl sitting on the bed had a look of despair in her eyes.

The picture of that munch…Yukino’s eyes looks just like the girl in the picture…

Inside the princ.i.p.al’s office…Yukino sits down like a schoolgirl taking an interview.

Yukino sits on the pipe chair that’s in the middle of the room.

At the wooden desk in front of her are Geropa, Yuzuki-sensei and Katsuko-san…

I…shrink next to Katsuko-san, watching

Yukino’s half naked.

Her blouse is opened…her bra is rolled up exposing her pretty b.r.e.a.s.t.s and nipple to the eyes of the people.

The lower half had her skirt tucked up, as she show her genital in between her M-legs.

Dyed with despair and shame…a sorrowed face.

Tears collect in her eyes.

「Well done!」

Katsuko-san sets up her camera to capture.

「Katsuko…use the camera」

「Yes, Ojou-sama!」

Following Yuzuki-sensei’s orders, Katsuko-san started capturing.

The red lamp in the camera is lit up

「Please start, princ.i.p.al」

Yuzuki-sensei grinned and ordered the princ.i.p.al.

The fat princ.i.p.al talks to Yukino…!

「…Then, we’ll begin the interview. Please answer my questions with the truth and nothing but the truth. …Are you ready?」


Yukino is forced to answer in her shameful figure while crying…

The ugly dark skinned middle aged teacher…Geropa-kouchou’s 『Shame Interview』begins…!

「…Your name please」

「…F-First year, Shirasaka Yukino, seventeen years old」

「Shirasaka-san…are you a virgin?」


「Do you have experience in s.e.x…?」


「Please answer concretely」


「I want to hear a report form your mouth saying 『I’ve had s.e.x, I’m no longer a virgin』」

「I-I have experienced s.e.x. I…I am no longer a virgin…」

「…How many people have you done it with?」

「O-Only one person…」

「…How many times you had s.e.x with that person so far?」

「I-I think it’s twenty times」

「…Who’s your s.e.xual partner?」

Yukino’s eyes looked at me with hatred.

「My cla.s.smate…Yoshida-kun…」

「Are you going out with him?」


「…Did you seduce him?」

「…There’s no way I will!」

「I heard from Yuzuki-sensei that you sold yourself though?」


「It seems that there’s money transferred to your bank account…?」


「Isn’t that money earned from s.e.x?」

「…No it’s not!」

「Then, why are you having s.e.x with a schoolboy you are not going out with?」

Yukiuno’s eyes had tears collecting in them…!

「I…I was raped…Yoshida-kun has raped me…again and again!」

「…Did he use any contraceptives?」


「…I’m asking whether he has used condoms or not」


「…Did he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e outside your v.a.g.i.n.a?」


「I’m asking whether the s.e.m.e.n was released outside your body」

「No…It’s always inside me…!」

「…You’re saying that it’s intrav.a.g.i.n.al e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n?」

「That’s right…Uuu!!」

Unable to endure, Yukino’s tears leaked out

「…How does it feel to receive sperm in your womb?」

「I-It feels disgusting. I thought that I wanted to die…」

「I’m not asking about your feelings…I’m asking you to explain the situation when s.e.m.e.n is poured inside your uterus」

「It feels like hot water is poured in my deepest part…!」

「Have you felt your womb swallowing the s.e.m.e.n rhythmically after you get the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n?」


「Please answer. Is there…or is there none?」

「…There is」

「Your body has accepted his sperm then」

「No…There’s no way…!」

「Do you love s.e.x?」

「…I hate it」


「…There’s no way I’d love being raped!」

「But…you got used to s.e.x already?」


「You had s.e.x with him a lot of times right?…Don’t you think your body has gotten used to s.e.x already?」


Yukino falters then Yuzuki-sensei spoke from the side.


「I-I think…I got used to it…!」

「Have you experienced s.e.xual climax?」


「Please answer…Have you c.u.m when you had s.e.x with him?」


「To be clear, say it properly…who had s.e.x with whom and what happened?」

「I…Yukino, had s.e.x with Yoshida-kun…and came…Aaah…I don’t want it…Even though I hated it!!」

Between Yukino’s crotch that’s shaped M…

Yukino’s crack became loose before one’s aware…!

The inside is moist…!

「When did you lost your virginity?」

「…Last night before yesterday」

「Please speak what kind of situation it was concretely」

「…I was bound on a chair on Yuzuki-sensei’s house…then I was raped」

「Please say it clearly…who raped whom?」

「Y-Yoshida-kun…raped…raped Yukino…」

「What’s your impression when your hymen was torn…?」

「I-It was painful…It’s like a burning iron stake was shoved into my body…!」

「Please be clear…」

「My legs were opened…opened wide like a frog then…Yoshida-kun forcibly went inside my body! It was painful, it huts a lot…!」

「Were you not happy?」

「…Why?! There’s no way I would!」

「…Haven’t you thought of 『I want my first experience to be rape』when you were a child?」

「No! I’m not such a child!」

With Yukino’s objection…the s.e.x beast Katsuko spoke.

「Say that you’re glad you were raped!」

「…N-No way!」

「Say it!…Do you want to experience something scarier?」

Yukino can’t go against the s.e.x beast.

「I-I was glad being raped!」

「Please answer concretely…Be raped by whom?」

「Yukino…is glad to be raped…by Yoshida-kun…I was glad…aah no I’m not…this is ridiculous!」

The light reflects between Yukino’s legs.

I saw it…!

Yukino’s love nectar…is dripping from her v.a.g.i.n.a!

「Please remember…the moment Yoshida-sama’s p.e.n.i.s entered Yukino-sama for the first time! Remember the moment when your hymen was broken!」

「…No that was so…painful…scary…miserable…!」

「You were glad aren’t you?」


「Say that you’re glad…say that you were overwhelmed with happiness when your hymen was torn…!」

「There’s no way I can say that!」

「Say it! You toilet!」

「…Uuu…I-I was glad, I was glaaaaad…!!」

「Remember that moment in your head!! Say it properly while remembering…hurry up!」

s.e.x beast Katsuko has trained Yukino’s 『Mind』!

「…Y-Yoshida-kun’s…p.e.n.i.s…entered inside me, forcibly, pushed itself in…it hurts…At first, it didn’t come too deep but…suddenly, it broke through…went deeper…it hurts like I was. .h.i.t by a lightning…like my body’s being pulled out…the pain hurried…perhaps at that time…my hymen was broken…」

「…You were happy that it was broken right?!」

「…I-I was glad…!」

「…Then, what happened after that?」

「Y-Yoshida-kun…e-e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed…inside me…!」

「…Were you happy?」

「There’s no way I am!」

「Then, how did it feel…?」

「I look forward pale…I’m scared, I’m fearing that I might get pregnant…disgusting…I feel hopeless…!」

「Please remember that moment well…look, inside Yukino-sama’s stomach is hot liquid poured in…spreding out」

「I don’t want to remember…noooo…!」


「I’m scared…I feel disgusted…Help me…!」

Yukino’s falling into Katsuko-san’s dark suggestion further…!

The effect of aphrodisiac shows up I guess…

Yuzuki-sensei intervenes from the side.

「Your feeling right now…that is 『Happiness』…!」


「Right now, the gloomy feeling swirling inside Shirasaka-san, say that it’s 『Happiness』…!」


Katsuko-san further spurs Yukino’s heart…!

「Now, you hopeless girl…say it…You’re 『Happy』!」

「…I-I’m happy…!」

「How does it feel getting e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside?!」

「…Uuuu, Happiness」

「How does it feel being embraced by Yoshida-sama?!」

「I’m glad…I was happy」

「Yukino-sama loved being raped by Yoshida-sama right? You’re glad aren’t you?」


「Answer properly you toilet b.i.t.c.h!」

「…I-I’m happy!」

Yukino’s crotch is soaking wet.

Her genital is dripping with love nectar!

Her whole body is sweating hard.

Her flushed body…is so lewd!!!

「Shirasaka-san, did you notice it?…Your p.u.s.s.y has become a disaster」

Yuzuki-sensei laughs maliciously

「Certainly…it’s a really terrible state」

Geropa-kouchouo is having a vulgar smile.

「Yukino-sama…please explain to everyone what’s happening to your p.u.s.s.y…!」


「…Do it!」

Yukino looked up and reported!

「…It’s wet」

「Who’s wet?」

「Y-Yukino’s p.u.s.s.y…My p.u.s.s.y is w-wet…!」

First, Yuzuki-sensei cross-examines it…

「Why is Shirasaka-san’s p.u.s.s.y wet? Is there a reason behind it?」

「…That’s, I don’t know」

Following, Geropa-kouchou…

「You, want to do it right now, don’t you?…s.e.x…!」

「No…I’m not…!」

Lastly, s.e.x beast Katsuko…!

「Your body wants to do it that you can’t endure it anymore right?…You want it right? A man’s p.e.n.i.s…?!」

「That’s…not…that’s not what it…」

The s.e.x beast gives her next order to Yukino.

「Stand up you s.e.m.e.n toilet!…Stand up and lie down on this desk…!」


Yuzuki-sensei smiles coldly…

「Shirasaka-san…it’s rape time again…!」

Yukino’s attacked by strong adult glances.

Yukino…can do nothing but follow.

Yukino lied on her back on top of the princ.i.p.al’s desk…

Yuzuki-sensei and the princ.i.p.al looks from around he…

Katsuko-san took off the camera from the tripod and records Yukino by hand.

Yukino…seems to be a sacrifice on an altar.

「…We maid you wait, Yoshida-kun. You can do what you want now」

Yuzuki-sensei…called me.

「Now, Yukino-sama, beg Yoshida-sama…『My body’s aching so much it can’t be helped…please violate me like usual』…!」

「…There’s no way I can say that」

「Say it!」

The s.e.x beast’s scolding is sharp!!

「Hiii!…Y-Yukino’s…body…Yukino’s body is aching so much it can’t be helped…R-Rape me! Please violate Yukino like usual!」

I take off my belt and dropped my pants.

My p.e.n.i.s is already frozen solid…

「Ooh, this is envious」

Geropa saw my erection and muttered…!


Yukino felt fear from the p.e.n.i.s approaching her body!

「Yukino-sama…have this」

Katsuko-san showed a small table to Yukino.

「You want this right?」

That’s the fake contraceptive.

The false drug Yukino took from Iwakura-kaichou, 『Three e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n contraceptive』

It’s actually an aphrodisiac that provides arousal…!

「…I-I wan it! P-Please give it to me!!」

Yukino shouted

「Take out your tongue」

Hearing Yuzuki-sensei…Yukino took out her red tongue.

「…Here you go」

Katsuko-san put the tablet on her tongue.

「…Drink it」

Just like a computer swallowing a disc…Yukino’s red tongue with the tabled on it entered her mouth.

She swallowed it along with her saliva!

「Then you’re save with this Shriasaka-san…safe to be raped!」


「That’s right, Katsuko, give that to Shirasaka-san」

「Right away!」

Katsuko-san took out something black.

「Use this…you’d feel more with this」

Katsuko-san handed Yukino a…black eye mask.

「…It’s a blindfold」


Yukino’s frightened.

「Don’t worry. Have you ever heard of Blindfold play? This’ll create the atmosphere」

When Yuzuki-sensei explained that, Yukino stared at the mask given to her…

「…Hurry up」


Urged by two beauties, Yukino finally prepared herself.


Yukino put on the eye mask…

She can’t see anything…

「Open your legs wide…then prepare yourself to accept Yoshida-sama…!」

In front of me…the blindfolded Yukino’s, opened her legs wide…!

On top of the princ.i.p.al’s desk , Yukino’s lying down making an M legs.

Her pubic hair under her genital is already wet.

「Touch yourself with your finger and confirm your own state…!」


Yukino’s white thin fingers…caresses her own slit.

「…Yukino-sama what’s going on there?」

「I-It’s wet…it’s wet」

「…Yukino-sama, where do you feel it the most?」


Yukino’s finger opens up the fold with her finger and exposes her c.l.i.toris…!

The small bean…is already enlarged!

「…Touch it with your finger and show it properly」


Yukino caresses her own c.l.i.toris!

Love nectar oozes out again from her crack due to pleasure…!

「Does it feel good when you touch it there…?」


Yukino kneads it with her finger.

「Araara…your crack’s open completely right now」

Yukino’s genital that should be closed intact is slowly loosening.

Her half naked skin is dyed pink…

…She’s craving!

While being in an abnormal blindfold state…Yukino’s heart is completely caught by Katsuko-san!

「Spread it yourself and show it…present Yukino-sama’s genital to everyone」


Yukino opened her crack with both of her hands…

I can see clearly from the entrance to deep inside.

Her hymen…is no longer there.

「As expected, a first year’s hole is beautiful…there’s no distortion」

Geropa states his impression

「It’s already used to Yoshida-sama, it already changed to a wonderful sperm toilet…Yoshida-sama, are you ready?」

I can’t endure this anymore.

My erect p.e.n.i.s approached Yukino’s v.a.g.i.n.a…!

「Now…Yoshida-sama’s going to rape you again…are you happy?…Say that you’re happy…go」

The wet slit is inviting me…!

「…I-I’m glad」

「Yukino-sama, beg Yoshida-sama…『Please ravish me…please dirty Yukino agian with Yoshida-sama’s p.e.n.i.s』…!」

「…P-Please rape Yukino…please soil Yukino’s body with Yoshida-kun’s p.e.n.i.s!…I want to be soiled again!」

At that moment she shouted, hot liquid dripped from Yukino’s v.a.g.i.n.a again…!

…I’ll thrust it in!!

Jupuri, my p.e.n.i.s entered her wet honey hole…!

The wet v.a.g.i.n.a flesh met my glans!!

「…Aaaah! It came! It’s coming inside Yukino again!!」

I turn my hand on Yukino’s back…then hugged her thin body tightly!

My glans made a kiss on her uterus immediately…!

The insides of the melting v.a.g.i.n.a, is so slimy, wet…and hot!!

「…How far, how far is it going in?」

「D-Deep…It’s coming in the deepest part of me!」

「That’s the entrance to Yukino-sama’s womb, isn’t it?! Yukino-sama’s being violated until her womb!」

「…I’m being raped…n-Noo…aahn!」

「You’re glad aren’t you…?!」

「…There’s no way…I’d be happy with this…!」

「No…even if your mind says no, Yukino-sama”s body is this glad…please try saying that you’re glad…」

I slowly begin my piston…!

Zun!…I pierce Yukino’s deepest part!


Once again…Zun!

「…Aah…I’m happy」


「I’m happy…I’m glad…Aaahn…It feels good…!!」

Yukino’s being raped.

Once again, I’m having s.e.x with Shirasaka Yukino!!

「How’s it…s.e.x feels good doesn’t it?…Your body feels glad doesn’t it…?」

Katsuko-san whispers at Yukino’s ears like a magic incantation…

「…Pleased…I’m feeling pleasure…my body…feels good…It feels good…this is pleasant!!」

I use my waist hard…then rub Yukino’s walls with my p.e.n.i.s.

「Aaaaaahaan…it feels gooood…!」

Yukino who’s raising a lovely voice…is already indulging herself from the pleasures of s.e.x.

「This first year is amazing…「」」

「…As you can see, she’s pleased, a perverted girl」

The princ.i.p.al and Yuzuki-sensei are having such a talk…!

「…How is it?…Having other people watch you have s.e.x feels good doesn’t it?…Yukino-sama, say 『Look at me more』…『Everyone, please take a look as Yukino’s being ravished』…『Watch Yukino being raped and m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e』…!」

Katsuko-san’s finger is already between her crotch.

Katsuko-san’s coveting Yukino’s’ mind while masturbating…!

「Aaahn…Look…Please take a look…Everyone, please take a look as Yukino’s being ravished…! Everyone m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e while Yukino’s being raped…!!」

Aah…I kissed Yukino while swinging my waist.

Yukino opened her mouth immediately and intertwine her tongue.

The blindfold…interrupts Yukino’s repulsion to me

She’s allowing my lip just for the sake of pleasure!!

「Yukino-sama…it’s no good if you’re just being ravished…please wiggle your waist too…Have the p.e.n.i.s. .h.i.t the places inside your body that feels good…!」

The s.e.x beast gives a new instruction…!

「…L-Like this?!」

Yukino’s waist pushed up and down…!

My p.e.n.i.s is rubbed recklessly!

Kui, kui…my glans is rubbing on folds that”s been different so far…!

「…Think on how to feel more pleasure…and move your body according to your body’s desire!」

Yukino’s body…shakes…tangles, moves up and down…!

Her c.l.i.toris and pubic bones is rubbed to me steadily…!

She’s already leaving everything to the pleasures of s.e.x…!

「What’s this…it feels goood! This feels gooood…!!」

「Try tightening your a.n.u.s then loosening it…!」

Ah…Yukino’s p.u.s.s.y tightens!

My erect p.e.n.i.s is being strangled!

「Good…this is great!」

「What does Yukino-sama want?…What does Yukino-sama’s body wants…?」

「I…my body…my breast…please hold Yukino’s breast tightly…!」

I gripped Yukino’s breast with my right hand!

I gripped it!

「Stronger!…Squeeze it…Suck it out!」

I gripped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s tightly!

Does she feel it when I crush it with all my might?!

「M-My nipples…pinch my nipples…stir it with your fingers!!」

Yukino’s firmly erect nipples is pinched by my finger!

I knead it with the pulp of the finger…!!

「G-Good…That feels goood!!」

Aah…This feels good!

Yukino’s body drowning in s.e.x is great!!

「Place your hands on Yoshida-sama’s back…embrace him…that feels even better!」

Yukino’s thin arms embraced me tightly!

Her white fingers cuts into my back!

Her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s presses against my body!

I can feel her nipples with my skin!

Aah…I’m embracing Yukino…!!

Yukino’s embracing me!

I…Embraced Yukino hard too!

Gatsun, gatsun, my waist thuds!

It’s pushing up inside Yukino…!

It’s stirring her up…!

Ravish!…Ravish!…I’m ravishing her!!

Yukino’s body shakes freely…it’s wriggling!!

「Aah…It’s coming…it’s coming…It’s coming again!!」

Yukino’s climax is close…!

Me too

「Yukino-sama…are you c.u.mming? If you’re going to c.u.m, then shout 『c.u.mming』『It feels good』『I’m glad』…!」

Katsuko-san’s instructing Yukino while comforting herself…!

「aaah…It’s coming…it’s coming…It’s coming!!c.u.mming…c.u.mming, c.u.mc.u.m, I’m c.u.mmiiiiiiing…It feels goood!!!」

Yukino’s body convulsed.

Her back bent like a bow while still embracing me…She’s pressing against my crotch!

The inside of her v.a.g.i.n.a is tightening so hard!!


…Dobyuu! Dobyuu!!

I began e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. inside Yukino.

「T-The hot stuff is coming in!!」

Yukino’s arm embraces me stronger…!

Her uterus wombs rhythmically!

Gokuri, gomari…it’s drinking the s.e.m.e.n in…!

「…It’s coming out…it’s coming out…It’s drinking it in…!」

Yukino’s climax continues!

She’s already half frenzy

「Yukino-sama…are you happy having e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed a lot? Say that you’re happy…!」

「…I’m glad…I’m happy!」

「What are you happy about?」


「Does s.e.x feels good?」

「…s.e.x feels gooood!」

「Do you love being raped?」

「…Love! I love it!」

「You’re unbearably glad from being violated right?!」

「Aaaahn! Being ravished feels good…I’m glad! c.u.mming! I’m c.u.mming again…I’m glad…I feel happyyyyy!!!」

Yukino’s hand hugs me tightly again…!

Once again, Yukino convulsed.

It seems that she came again…!

Her shrinking v.a.g.i.n.a squeezes out my s.e.m.e.n until the last drop…!

「…Hmm, is that so?!」

Yukino’s hand stretched towards Yukino’s face…

The eyemask…is removed smoothly…


What’s there is…Yukino’s face that’s engrossed in s.e.x…

Eyes melting in pleasure…and skin that’s completely flushed.

There’s no feature of a cute intellectual girl at all.

A lewd woman’s face that’s drowning in pleasure of s.e.x…


Yuzuki-sensei lightly slapped Yukino’s cheek!

…At that moment!

Yukino’s vigor returned!


Yukino’s embracing me voluntarily, half naked.

While our lower half is still connected…!

Wet from the sweat, love nectar and s.e.m.e.n…!

「…What’s this…Why am I…?!」

She’s suddenly pulled by to reality from the s.e.xual pleasure suggested by the effect of the aphrodisiac…

Yukino’s petrified…!

Yuzuki-sensei sharply whispered in Yukino’s right ear…!


On her left ear, Katsuko-san…!

「…Perverted s.l.u.t!」

Yukino’s face sinks in despair…

Tears spill out of her eyes…

I licked those tears…


Yukino’s tears is salty…and a bit bitter

I mutter while I lick Yukino’s face.

「…I love you…I love Yukino’s despaired face the most…!」

Yukino answered while loosening her arm.

「I hate you…I hate Yoshida-kun so much…!」

Geropa-kouchou, slowly clapped his hands…

「Bravo, Bravo! That’s wonderful! What a beautiful rape! I was moved!!!」

Yuzuki-sensei answered Geropa coldly.

「…It’s too early to give an applause!」

「…Yes Yoshida-sama’s stamina isn’t like this !」

…That’s right.

My erection still hasn’t lost it’s strength inside Yukino!

Rather, it got even harder after tasting Yukino’s tears!!

Once again…I moved my waist!

「…Nooo…No more…please stop this…Ahn, ahn, aaaah!!」

I didn’t stop my waist until I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside Yukino again…!!