Pure Vampire

Chapter 10



a.n.a.lise POV

"Ha! That"s funny." I say walking and sitting back on the ugly bed. It gave a little squeak when I flopped down.

He watched me the whole time; actually now that I think about it he hasn"t taken his eyes off me. I wonder who he is or better yet why I"m not afraid of him.

Taking a moment to a.n.a.lyze his features I come to the conclusion he"s hot. He"s tall and muscular in an athletic way. The stubble on his jaws coupled with his dirty blonde hair falling over his eyes definitely added to the hotness.

He slowly raked his hands through his hair still keeping his light brown eyes on me. My stomach clenched with a desire I"ve only felt for one other person; Jace. His name in my head immediately brought me back to the problem at hand. Oh right I"m in a strange room with a hot guy in some else"s body. Well make that crazy hot guy because he did after all just say I"m a vampire.

"Okay" I say standing back up breaking eye contact. "Here is what I think happened. The last thing I remember was walking on that dark creepy road. It was really b.u.mpy so I must have fallen and hit my hard. Voila! Here I am now in some weird dream. Sounds good right?" I finish waiting on him to agree with my theory since his was ludicrous.

He steps closer to me shaking his head. He doesn"t stop until he"s right in front of me. His strong masculine scent washed over me making my mouth water and my eyes close in delight. Mm he smells delicious.

"You need to feed" His deep voice snapped me out of it and I took a step back to clear my head

"You just said I smelled delicious and your fangs extended." He continued.

Oops didn"t mean to say that out loud; how embarra.s.sing. I catch the rest of what he said and I touch my finger to my teeth but they feel normal to me. What is with this guy, he"s totally loopy.

"Look umm..." I say holding my hand out to get him to offer up his name. "Seb" he says when he catches on

"Okay Seb, I"m Ana and you need to stop with the crazy talk. Vampires don"t exist!" I end throwing my hands ups. Geez this guy is going to give me a migraine in my d.a.m.n dream.

"First they are real. Second your theory is wrong. And third I believe because your transformation was so unusual your memory of the incident is taking longer to come back." He says summing it up so nicely he should have put a bow on it I think sarcastically.

However, I"m not in the mood to argue this anymore so I change the subject.

"Seb how about you smack me so I can wake up and get my fat ugly body off the ground and figure out what"s next in my runaway plan" I say pinching the bridge of my nose to calm myself.

"Fat and ugly?" he asked with his brows furrowed in confusion. I sigh dramatically. I forget he doesn"t know what I really look like

"Yes. My true body is fat and ugly so don"t get used to this. Wait what I"m saying once I wake up you"ll be gone anyway" he opens his mouth to reply but the door bursting open ended that.

The door banged against the wall with a loud boom!

In waltz the c.o.c.kiest guy I have ever seen. How can I tell this? Well he doesn"t make it hard with the lazy smirk he wears. He walks in like he owns the place. Although he isn"t bad to look at with his dark eyes, buzzed cut hair and neatly shaved face. He is about the same height as Seb but Seb is slightly bigger. Not by much though. He walks right up to me and slowly rakes his eyes up and down my body. The way they travel my body make me feel very exposed in this thin gown.

"Excuse me? Can I help you?" I ask growing irritated by his eye banging

"Oh I can think of a few ways you can help me" he replies still staring at my fake body.

At this moment though this body I"m in feels very real to me.

"Talon! Enough" Seb said with a blank expression. Talon slowly turned from me to face Seb instead

"Watch your mouth human" Talon spat venomously.

This dream is getting stranger by the moment. Does this guy believe in vampires too? Oh gosh! He probably does. Leave it to me to dream up two equally crazy s.e.xy guys. The two men faced off waiting for the other to make a move. I could tell they were both strong but something about Talon put me on alert.

"I"m starting to think I"m in a coma. This is too much for a normal dream" I say aloud more to myself than anything.

Somehow it cuts the tension and both men separate and turn to me. Great all eyes on me. Talon gives me a questioning gaze before looking at Seb expectantly.

Seb shook his head "She thinks this is all a dream and vamps aren"t real. Apparently her final memories haven"t surfaced" he offered as an explanation.

Talon turned back to me with an amused smile on his face before he burst out laughing. Both Seb and I watched him laugh like a mad man. Did I miss something here? Ugh I hope I wake up soon before this gets any weirder.

"That. Is. Perfect. Marcos is going to love breaking the news" his tone still hints at laughter as he walks back to the door. He gets the entrance before looking over his shoulder at me "Well come on he"s expecting you" he says giving me his back again disappearing through the door.

I look to Seb but he just nods his head to the door for me to follow that Talon guy. This is the worst dream ever I think angrily stomping from the room.

The hall is enormous. The walls are decorated with various old paintings and the floor is carpeted in a deep red color. I see Talon at the bottom of the staircase watching me tapping an invisible watch. Man this guy is an a.s.s. How did I dream up something so bizarre? I begin my descent down the stairs. I feel Seb behind me matching my slow pace.

We reach the bottom and Talon leads us to a big office. The desk is split in half but other than that everything looks perfectly in order. The way a big city CEO office would look except the shades are drawn and I have no clue if its day or night lights outside.

We stand in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes. Talon has that smirk on his face again leaning against the far wall of the office. It"s really starting to p.i.s.s me off. He looks like he knows something I don"t. He has three seconds to wipe that smug look off his arrogant face before I do it for him.

My emotions seem so heighted in this dream. Literally it seems as if I"m on edge and the smallest of things set me off. First my instant desire for Seb when I smelt him and now my simmering anger towards Talon. He continues staring at me and I narrow my eyes and glare harder. Three...two ...one... times up pretty boy. I take a step in his direction when the office doors open wide behind me. d.a.m.n he got lucky this time. I give him a promise with my eyes that this isn"t over and the hole smiles at me.

A cold chill creeps down my spine. I stiffen knowing it was caused by the presence at the door behind me. For the first time since this dream began I feel fear. A part of me doesn"t want to turn because the moment I do everything will change. Another part wants to know what"s happening.


