Pure Vampire

Chapter 15



Seb walked away and was now leaning against the far wall of the room. Geez he"s so moody it"s annoying but at the moment I can"t focus on that. Choosing instead to listen to Talon teach me about vampires

"So you brought me here to tell me about vampires?" I asked looking around the empty room again

"No. I brought you here to kick your a.s.s until you show me your ability." He stated simply.

Wait, what?!

Before I had a chance to ask another question Talon swept by me in a flash. He was so quick I didn"t see him until it was too late; in the same move I used earlier he kicked my feet from underneath me effectively knocking me on my back. I jumped up quickly but he was on me, knocking me back down again and again

"Come on doll face thought you had more fight in you!" Talon teased seconds before kicking me in the stomach. I flew back into the wall, hitting it hard. d.a.m.n, being a vampire doesn"t mean you can"t feel pain.

As soon as I"m on my feet I see his fist hurtling towards my face. Instinctively I duck allowing his fist to crash into the wall next to my head denting it. Thank goodness that wasn"t my face.

He throws another punch and I block it with my forearm, and then forcibly kick him a few feet away. Talon was barely slowed. He was back on me quickly, using his speed to alter from punching me in the stomach and back. I could hear his laughter the whole time as I wheezed to catch my breath. He grabs the back of my hair yanking it back forcing me to look at him

"You"re not special. You were a pathetic human and now you"re a pathetic vampire" Talon taunts.

He lets go and I drop to my knees. A second later he knees me in the face, picks me and throws me across the room. I crash into the wall right next to Seb. I"m in so much pain but I don"t dare scream. Non sense making myself look anymore weak than I already appear.

As I"m lying on the ground listening to Talons laughter I catch Seb"s eye. He"s looking at me with so much raw emotion it shocks me. I thought he hated me but if I didn"t know any better I would say the way he"s looking at me it"s almost like he"s encouraging me to fight.

And he"s right!

Old Ana is gone that"s what I keep reminding myself.

And new Ana isn"t taking this s.h.i.t anymore!

Seb"s Pov

Seb watched in confined anger as Talon taunted then kneed Ana in the face. He was clutching his fist so tightly the nails were beginning to break through the skin.

Why the h.e.l.l isn"t she fighting back harder?! Seb knew he couldn"t help her but if she didn"t do something soon he knew he would interfere.

No matter how much he keeps his distance from the beautiful monster, he still desires her. Like a moth to flame Seb"s drawn to her fire and he can"t shake it off. G.o.d it"s frustrating!

Talon threw Ana into the wall next to him. She made a small grunt on impact but no other sounds left her. Blood gushed from her nose for a second before the wound healed.

She rolled over and slowly her eyes met his.

Seb poured all the will he could into his eyes.

d.a.m.n it Ana fight! He thought fiercely staring at her.

He couldn"t speak and he knew she wasn"t a mind reader but d.a.m.n it she had to understand. If Marcos doesn"t find her useful he"ll destroy her. Seb knew without a doubt he wouldn"t let that happen.

Ana"s eyes dawned with understanding and Seb almost sighed in relief of her finally reading his unspoken encouragement. Her bright eyes turned into a hard blazing crystal blue.

Seb even thought he saw a bolt flash through them. But thats not possible he thought. Talon wasn"t aware of the change in Ana, he was too busy laughing and teasing her for being weak.

Seb watched as she gracefully launched back onto her feet

"Ready for some more doll face?" Talon asked amused.

Ana smiled showing her long fangs. In the vampire world flashing your fangs is a challenge. Talon didn"t miss that. He too flashed his back accepting it. Only he was too stupid to see that Ana wasn"t the same. She stood taller, stronger and the look in her eyes was deadly.

A wind rushed into the room blowing her hair back in a elegant dance. Seb didn"t have to look around to know there weren"t any windows in here. Which meant Ana was generating the wind.

Seb"s mouth dropped with he saw Ana levitating at least three feet above the ground. Holy s.h.i.t! How is she doing that?! Talons face mirrored Seb"s stunned one.

Suddenly a crackling sounded the room. Talon and Seb looked around anxiously trying to locate the source. It couldn"t be Ana. Could it? Seb wondered. He looked back at the hovering beauty and this time was sure he saw lightning bolts flash in her eyes.

Talon took a step towards her and blue lightening flashed through the room. Seb had never seen anything so beautiful and terrifying in his life. He looked to Talon and for the first time he saw fear and uncertainty in the ruthless man"s eyes. Ana continued to hover above the floor and the wind and bolts increased.

"What"s happening?" Seb yelled over the static filled room. Talon took his frightened eyes off Ana for a second to look at Seb.

"The b.i.t.c.h is kinetic!" Talon yelled back.

Poor choice of words on his part. Seb didn"t know what kinetic meant but what he did know was that Ana was p.i.s.sed. Wind whipped around her faster and the bolts flashing through the room doubled.

She hissed loudly and a bright sizzling bolt shot into room hitting Talon in the chest. It was so powerful it caused the vamp to crash completely through the thick wall into the next room.

The energy was too much for Ana. After the last strike the room went deafly silent.

All the power left and Ana collapsed to the ground in an unmoving heap.

Seb immediately rushed to her side praying she was okay

All the while wondering what the f.u.c.k just happened…?!


Marcos Pov

Marcos sat in his oversized office chair in a daze.

He still couldn"t wrap his mind around the girl"s ability. Kinetic?! That just shouldn"t be possible! There hasn"t been a vampire around that powerful for at least a thousand years. So how is it possible she exists in the here and now?

Marcos fuming was interrupted by Talon barging into his office. It"s been two days since the girl almost killed him. Marcos still remembered the way his body shook as the blue lightning raked through him. Luckily they were able to get him when they did and pump large quant.i.ties of blood into him to speed up the healing. Even still Talon didn"t wake for two days.

"Nice to see you finally awake" Marcos stated as Talon approached his desk with purposeful strides.

"Where the h.e.l.l is that b.i.t.c.h?!" Talon demanded voice filled with so much anger even Marcos was slightly surprised.

"Calm down. The incident still has her unconscious and I haven"t authorized anyone to give her blood to help her heal" Marcos stated going through some files on his desk.

There has to be something in these records that could clue him in on the usual vampire he accidently created. Talon pounded his fist against the desk cracking it. Marcos looked up at the unstable vampire noting Talons black eyes staring at him in rage

"That"s not good enough! I"ll kill her!" Talon yelled viscously. Marcos had enough of this. He stood slowly never taking his eyes off Talon before flashing his own long fangs

"She belongs to me! And you will not touch her unless you want to die for good." Marcos ended in a low growl still showing his elongated teeth.

Talon has been his charge for a hundred years and he"s grown fond of the vampire he created. But he wouldn"t hesitate to rip his throat out if he under minded his authority.

Gradually the black left Talons eyes and his fangs receded. Good boy, Marcos thought.

"Now that you"re under control we can discuss the incident." Marcos said taking his seat. Talon sat at the chair across the desk pulling out a cigarette.

"Nothing to tell. I p.i.s.sed her off, she sent a bolt of electricity or something at me" Talon said taking a long drag of his cigarette. He was still beyond mad that girl was able to get the upper hand. No one makes a fool of him! He would find a way to make her suffer.

Marcos continued to go through his files but nothing gave him any information on the last known kinetic vampires" origin. All he could find was how rare they are and how dangerous. Apparently kinetic vamps powers are vast. This angered Marcos. The mere thought this newly changed vampire could be more powerful than he?! He needed more answers and he needed them now

"You know you could just ask your brother" Talon stated simply blowing smoke rings. Marcos immediately felt his eyes bled black at the mention of his brother. The traitor is the reason he was exiled to this mediocre life! Marcos forcibly threw the papers across the desk

"Never mention him in my presence ever again!" Marcos roared voice laced with hate and venom. Talon put his hands up in surrender

"Alright, relax I won"t bring up your family issues again" Talon said.
