Pure Vampire

Chapter 20



*2 years later*

September 28th

Ana Pov

"Get her!" A deep angry voice shouts. I hold back a laugh as I dash through the manor. I wonder what most teenagers do on a Friday night. For the last year this is what I do; attempt to escape. Marcos has almost tripled security because of my attempts. Now every guard is armed with platinum filled guns.

It doesn"t help them any.

In past two years Seb has trained me to fight with skill. Now I"m so good and fast the only time they catch me is when I want them too.

I make it to the back door and kick it open. The wood shatters with force.

The cool night air surrounds me.

The gra.s.s feels soft on my feet.

I stand in the back yard enjoying this for a second.

The guards are still inside but getting closer to me.

This is the part I hate; the part where I allow them to catch me.

According to Seb this method will be the most effective when the time comes for my real escape.

I slow my run to a jog. Stupid guards will never get me if I run full speed, not even the vampire ones I think.

"There she is! Shoot her!" A man yells.

Several rounds go off behind me. I don"t even have to turn around to dodge most of them. I sense a bullet coming toward the back of my leg and I don"t dodge that one. Last week I took a chest shot and that hurt like a b*tch. Not doing that again.

This bullet hit my calf causing me to tumble to the ground. The freezing burn was instant. No matter how many shots I take it still hurts. It"s just I"m stronger and heal faster now. Another thing Marcos can"t know.

Okay time for some Oscar winning acting.

I roll on the ground shaking and screaming. Don"t get me wrong it hurts but my body has built up somewhat of immunity to platinum. Another part of Seb"s master escape plan.

Shortly after screaming my head off a couple of guards came and picked me up. They carried my trembling body down to the cellar that hosts me every Friday.


*3 days later*

October 1st

Seb Pov

It"s been three days since the last failed escape plan. Everything is going accordingly. Marcos is losing his patience and running out of ideas on how to keep Ana contained. After the first year of searching for answers Marcos quest to find out what Ana truly was stalled. Seb knew Marcos was hiding his real reasons for stopping the search. A reason he"s still searching for...

Ana was released from her cell this morning. If Seb knew Ana then he knows exactly where she would be at this time. The same place she goes every time she"s released from her cell; the gym.

Seb quickly made his way up the stairs to the indoor gym. Outside the door armed guards stood looking anxious. They are afraid of her. Most of these new men are humans with no experience with vampires. The only reason they were chosen was because of their military background. Even that doesn"t help them with Ana. When they saw Seb approached the relief was clear on their face. Hurriedly they stepped aside to allow him in.

Seb silently entered and his breath caught in his throat at the sight in front of him; Ana. There she was looking magnificent. The streams of sunlight hitting her pale skin gave it a beautiful glow. Her small frame was barely covered in the black spandex shorts and sports bra she was wearing.

Ana spun around and smoothly kick the punching bag she was taking her frustrations on. Even watching her beat the c.r.a.p out of the large red bag turned him on. The way the curves of her body moved. Even her long dark hair pulled into a ponytail that flowed gracefully with every strike had his heart skipping in his chest.

"Do you plan to stare all day? Or are you here for something of importance?" Ana asked irritably punching the bag once more. Seb knew she was upset. She usual is after taking a platinum shot.

"I just came to check on you." Seb replied after shaking off his slightly aroused state. Ana grunted in response and continued to ignore him as she repeatedly hit the bag. Seb wanted to comfort her but he didn"t. He waited patiently for her to get it out of her system.

"I just don"t understand why we are doing this!" She yelled finally turning to face him. "Why the entire fake escapes? At this point I could have gotten away dozens of times!" She said rapidly pacing the room.

She was moving so fast her image was nothing more than a blur to him. Still his eyes tried to follow her fast pace as he prepared himself to explain for the hundredth time his master plan.

"Ana." He said slowly trying to get her attention. She ignored him, again. "It"s important that Marcos believe you are getting closer to actually escaping. His paranoia will cause him to eventually want you by his side at all times." Seb explained.

"Why does that matter?" Ana questioned coming to an abrupt stop directly in front of him. Her blazing blue eyes sent a chill down his spine.

"Because the house is on lock down. There are guards at hidden posts throughout the lands. Even I don"t know their locations. So if you were to make it out the house you would be caught easily. The reason I need you at Marcos side is so he can take you with him when he leaves. That way you"ll have fewer guards to worry about and they will be as unfamiliar with the new area as you." Seb finished looking right into her eyes. Her small shoulders deflated as they always do when he sums up the plan.

"I know Seb. I"m just ready for this to be over. I have a bad feeling" she said trailing off at the end. Seb understood exactly what she meant.

Marcos has been acting rather strangely lately. He is much nicer to Ana and has taken an interest in her abilities. Marcos has her training almost every day. It"s like he"s trying to turn her into a weapon.

"Don"t worry Ana. I"ve planting the seed in Marcos mind for a while now to take you with him. I"m certain it"s working." Seb stated running his fingers through his messy hair. Ana"s bright eyes followed the movement.

"Have you changed your mind about letting me take Marie?" Ana asked hopefully. Seb sighed. He hates when she asks this question. But she knows Marie can"t come with her. Marie would only slow her down

"No. She"s not going with you Ana. I will get her out when I can." Seb informed her as gently as he could.

He knew she had become very close to his little sister over the last two years and it would hurt both women when Ana leaves. Ana huffed angrily and swept out of the room. She knocked down a few guards on her way out. Seb was sure that wasn"t an accident. He had to hold back a laugh as the men clumsily fell over each other trying to get up.

Oh Ana, what will I do with you? Seb thought bending to help the new guards.

Ana Pov

I know it was rude to take off from Seb like that but I couldn"t help it. When he told me again Marie couldn"t come and gave me those puppy dog eyes, I nearly lost it. I was a minute away from jumping him then and there.

All the time we spent together has only increased my feelings for him. I wish I knew if he felt anything for me? His heart rate increased when he stepped into the gym. That could mean something.

I zip through the large house making my way to my ugly room. Standing outside of my door like flies is more new security guards

"Stop there demon!" One man shouted at me holding his hand out in a stopping motion.



