Pure Vampire

Chapter 28



"You can lie with your mouth but not your eyes. I"ve seen the way you two look at each other. At least Ana had the courage to face her feelings, which is more than I can say for my own brother" Marie ended leaving the room slamming the door behind her.

Seb stood in the semi dark room staring at the door his sister just walked through. There isn"t a word to describe the level of shock he"s in from their conversation. However her final words. .h.i.t him the hardest. Maybe he was denying what he felt.

If he really did love Ana, then he did make the biggest mistake of his life…

Talon Pov

"You realize Seb was involved in her escape?" Talon said to Marcos as soon as Seb left the office. Marcos was shuffling about gathering up papers he had thrown earlier

"Possibly" Marcos stated off handedly. He continued to furiously scan the doc.u.ments in his hands.

Talon really didn"t care that b.i.t.c.h escaped. The scars on his chest from their "encounters" never healed. Talon couldn"t believe Marcos was being such a moron about this whole situation. He knew Marcos was desperate for revenge on the king but he also knew Ana would never agree to that. Unless Marcos threatened her in some way.

Talon was still p.i.s.sed at Marcos for sending him away to protect the little brat. It"s okay because he was able to do some research on the girl while he was gone. Talon wouldn"t tell Marcos that he knew exactly where the girl would have gone. He was able to find out the girl was a runaway from Mercy Falls. Talon was sure that"s where she would go. It works out perfectly for him really.

His plan was to a.s.sist Marcos in the search and when the trail leads to Ana simply throw him off. Why would he do this? Because he wanted her dead that"s why! And if Marcos finds her that won"t be able to happen.

But if Talon finds her alone he can finally finish what he started. The best part is Marcos will never know, now that the dumb girl ran off. Marcos will just think she vanished. It"s perfect!

Talon tried to hide his glee as he followed a frantic Marcos outside. He saw Seb with the other guards at the front gates going over strategies. Talon knew without a doubt the love stuck idiot helped her escape. What Seb didn"t know was he only really helped put a nail in her coffin…


Ana Pov

Just walk in with you head high. These people can"t hurt you anymore.

I"m currently pacing on the roof of my old high school talking myself into entering. Last night when I got to town I got a motel room to stay in. From there I snuck into the school and registered myself for cla.s.ses. The reason I did this is because I miss Simon like crazy. School is the only way I can be around him without him thinking I"m some sort of stalker. Until he finds out I"m in all his cla.s.ses. Now if I could only get the courage to go into the building it might help.

I pat down my windblown hair and look around for any witnesses before jumping off the building. Luckily my stalling caused me to miss first period so everyone was still in cla.s.s.

As soon as I open the main doors the bell rings and the hallways flood with students. c.r.a.p! Stay calm Ana.

The crowd parts as I make my way through.

All the familiar faces of kids I grew up look at me without any hints of recognition in their eyes. I stand taller and add a smile to my lips. This is what I was hoping for. I begin to listen to the whispers they don"t think I can hear

"Who is she?"

"Is she new?"

"Wow she"s hot!"

"Her skin is flawless"

"I bet she"s a b.i.t.c.h"

"I want her hair"

"I want her body!"

"I want her!"





By the time I reached the end of the hall I was bursting with laughter from all the side remarks. That was funny. Most of those people wouldn"t even speak to me last time I was here but now all of a sudden they want me! That"s crazy! I feel well I guess it"s exciting to come back as a new person but I still have the day to get through.

Walking into the math cla.s.s I could tell I was early by the lack of students; all except one. Just like usual my best friend Simon is sitting in the back of the cla.s.s diligently talking notes he probably doesn"t need. My heart warms at the sight of him. Two years has been good for Simon. His ache is cleared and his hair has grown, it"s all curly and ruffled now.

My excitement gets the best of me and I accidentally use my vampire speed to dash into the seat next to him. Simon jumps from surprise and I beam at him

"Hi" I say a little too loud. Chill Ana, I mentally coach myself

"Uh hi" he says back looking at me like I"m a little crazy. A frown flashes my face but I quickly replace it. Okay so he doesn"t recognize me. It has been two years. Not to mention I"m sort of not human anymore.

"So what are you writing?" I ask desperate to talk to my best friend again. He turns to fully look at me. His eyes widen slightly

"Your eyes are really bright blue they remind me…" Simon starts to say with sad eyes. He shakes it away going back to his diligent note taking

"Simon, what"s wrong?" I gently ask. Its hurts to see that look on his face. I"ll do anything to take it away. Simon whips his head to me with a confused look.

"How do you know my name?" He asked suspiciously.

Oops! I can"t believe I slipped up so soon. If I keep this up I"ll blow my cover. Maybe I should tell Simon? But what if he freaks out about the whole vampire thing? Simon is practical; vampires don"t fit into his views of the world.

We stare at each other as he waits for my answer. I open my mouth several times.

"Alright cla.s.s let"s get started" The teacher interrupting saves me. I was coming up empty handed on how I knew his name. All I know is these type of slips will not happen when I run into she devil herself; my sister.

Thinking of her I look around the cla.s.s but of course she wouldn"t be in here. This is an advanced math cla.s.s; there is no way Kim could have tested into this.


After cla.s.s my dear friend Simon gathers his books as fast as he can, trying to get away from me; not likely. I easily catch up to him in the hall, ignoring all the stares.

"Hey, where you headed next?" I ask with a chipper voice. It"s hard to not be happy around him. I"ve missed him so much.

"Uh P.E. why?" Simon replies speeding up his pace.

"Me too!" I say excitedly as if I didn"t already plan this.

He turns the corner quickly but it doesn"t bother me. Simon has hard time adjusting to new people. I have no problem forcing my friendship on him until he admits defeat. Suddenly he stops in front of the gymnasium.

"Look I know you"re new but I"m a loser here. People like you don"t talk to people like me so just back off okay?" Simon ends his little rant and enters the gym.



