Pure Vampire

Chapter 36



Ana Pov

"Ana you"re not my daughter..."

The words just kept repeating in my head over and over again

"Ana you"re not my daughter..."

It was like when you scratch a cd and one line keeps jumping back repeating itself.

Repeating itself... Repeating itself....

My mind was spinning out of control. It was as if the ground from underneath my feet had been ripped away.

I was falling...

Words refused to leave my mouth. I had questions for this strange woman that pretended to be my mother but I couldn"t say them. I gazed up at Lucy Walker taking in all her features that didn"t resemble mine in one way. It was like I was looking at her yet seeing right through her.

"Ana?" She whispered in a soft voice. For some reason that bothered me. This woman lied to me my whole life and she what feels bad now? I jumped up from the bed and peered down at her.

"Tell me everything" I snapped.

Tears fell from her face. I could tell she was genuinely upset. She should be. How could she do this to me? Is this why Kim was able to get away with giving me s.h.i.t all these years?! That"s a question I wasn"t ready to hear the answer to.

"Oh Annie, honey I"m so sorry but I love you so much" Lucy blabbered on wiping her tears. I hated to see her this way. However my still stunned mental state wouldn"t allow me to console her

"I guess I"ll start from the beginning... Twenty years ago before I was married I worked at a library in small town named chance harbor. " She said sniffing.

Chance Harbor? I thought. The place Verna sent me where I died. There has to be another connection here. My mother continued

"One day an older woman came in asking to see our archives. She was a fair skinned woman with white hair. She reminded me of a sweet old grandmother. I didn"t think much of it and simply showed her the old records. The woman began asking me for anything related to the earth and moon. Still I didn"t think much of it and gave her all the information on it we had. Every day for a month this woman came in sat in the same seat and read. Then she stopped coming." My mother said eyes staring off in the distance.

Her story was p.i.s.sing me off mainly because I don"t see how any of it was relevant to me

"Mo- I mean Lucy what"s this have to do with me?" I questioned. A look of hurt flashed her face when I called her by her name. She failed miserably trying to cover it up.

"I"m getting there honey." She said before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"Time pa.s.sed as always and I met Frank got married and pregnant with Kim all in the following year. My pregnancy was unbearable. After I had Kim the doctor said I wouldn"t be able to carry another child. Frank was angry. He wanted a son. I was afraid he would leave me if I didn"t give him another child. So I pretended to be pregnant. It was a horrible thing to do but I was desperate. Losing my husband was too great a fear for me. For months I padded my stomach and refused to let anyone touch me. Frank was happy he thought he was getting a son.

As time pa.s.sed I began to panic. Then the old woman came in again. She was more frantic this time. She kept talking to herself about "the rising" and the black moon and the infant. The woman flipped through books like mad trying to find the location of where the baby would "rise". My desperate state made me latch onto her words. I became overly curious about what she was going on about. The look in her eyes was fierce and knowing. Sometimes she would look at me and I felt like she knew my whole life story.

That night after closing I looked up her address and went to her home. I had a hunch and wanted to follow it. She lived in the middle of the woods in a small cottage. I watched from behind the trees as she exited the house in a cloak carrying a candle. The woman walked for a few miles. I"d almost given up following her until she ended up in a clearing. There were two others there dressed the same with candles. They formed a wide circle and began chanting. I hid behind the shadows of the forest and watched. One by one they sliced the palm of their hand. The blood hit dry earth and sizzled. I was so puzzled by that.

Then suddenly a strong wind picked up. It blew the candles out and was strong enough to knock me over. I had to hold onto the tree for safety. Out of nowhere a huge lightning bolt struck the center of the field. After that everything stilled. Not a bird chirped or even a cricket. The black sky was unmoving and the wind no longer howled. My heart pounded against my chest. A roaring boom! sounded all around. The earth jumped and cracked open and a blinding blue light sprang from spilt. The power of it blasted everyone a few feet away. Luckily I was far enough not to be harmed.

When I stood up everyone was still unconscious. That"s when I heard it. The small whimpers of a baby. Slowly I made my way to the center following the sounds. And there you were such a tiny thing. Lying there making coos and small whimpers. I gazed around at everyone else not sure what to do but they were all still knocked out. When I looked down at you those bright blue eyes stole my next breath. At that moment I fell in love with the beautiful baby lying on the ground. I took you in my arms and never looked back." She ended her story staring at me with hopeful eyes.

What did she expect me to say "oh mom what a great story". No way! I threw my hands a laughed a roaring dry laugh. I held my head to the ceiling and laughed until it became hysterical

"You expect me to believe you kidnapped me from some creepy cult that raised me from the earth in a lightning storm?!" I asked incredulously. Was this woman is crazy! She basically said I was a freaking zombie! Or something. Okay so I may be a little judgmental considering I am a vampire but geez that story seemed as farfetched as they come.

"It"s true. I tried to find the woman weeks later but her home was empty. I checked missing persons for weeks and no one reported a baby missing" my mother explained reaching for my hands. I jerked back ignoring her tearful gaze

"How did you pa.s.s me off as yours? You went to work pregnant and came home with a baby?" I asked finding holes in her story

"Your father was out on business for the week and Kim was with my mother. I left town after I took you to figure out a plan. When I came home people a.s.sumed I had complications and didn"t want anyone with me during the birth" Lucy said watching me closely.

This is so unbelievable!!! My whole life was a lie. Not that I"m buying her story but I do believe one part. She stole me.

"You selfish woman!" I yelled "You kidnapped me to cover up your own lies! You continued to lie to everyone! You claim to love me but for years you did nothing but stand by while your cheating husband neglected me and your b.i.t.c.h daughter abused me!" My voice was beyond uncontrollable

The windows in the room began to shake. I knew the storm wasn"t causing it. I could feel the power coursing through my body. I fought hard to contain it but my heightened emotional state was making it difficult.

"I"m sorry honey. I wanted to defend you but I just didn"t have the courage" she said wiping her tears. I closed my eyes tightly. I was certain they were glowing.

"Tell me the truth. Where did you really take me from? Was it a hospital or orphanage?" I questioned barely keeping the disgust out of my voice

"I promise I told you the truth-"

"Don"t. Just get out" I said cutting her off. I just couldn"t look at her for another minute.

"I can"t change the past but even if I could I wouldn"t. You were and will always be the light of my life. I love you Ana honey" she stood and moved slowly towards the door. I wanted to shout I still loved her too but the funny thing about anger is it doesn"t allow you to see reason

"Wait" I said as she touched the door handle "You never said how you knew I was here and recognized me?" That was the first thing I wanted answered until I became distracted by her announcement of me not being her child. The woman I called mother turned to face me looking utterly sad. She reached into her purse pulling out a sc.r.a.p of folded paper handing it to me.

"The old woman that I hadn"t seen since the day I found you showed up three days ago and told me I would find you here. In this room. When you walked in I was stunned by your beauty but when I saw those blue eyes I knew without a doubt it was you." Lucy replied with a small smile.

I opened the paper and read the name and address. Ms. Helia was all it said with no surname. I gazed back at my mother confused.

"Helia said when you were ready to know more to come find her" she added to clear my puzzled mind. "I don"t know what you"ve been through the last two years but you"re always welcome to come home Ana." She ended. Her words brought back my anger

"Your right. You don"t know what I"ve been through." I snapped. Her eyes widened by my harsh tone. Other than that she didn"t comment just shook her head and left the room quietly.

The door closing broke my resolve. I lost the control I had been fighting overtime to contain. I screamed. I could feel the burn in my throat from the force of it.

Blue Sparks ignited on my skin. I loved the feel of it.

My anger was consuming me.

How could she do that to me? That crazy woman kidnapped me! Not to mention her story was just preposterous.

A flash back of my life, my pain, my struggles zipped through my mind. Everything I"d been through she"d seen and never helped. If she loved me so much how could she not care?!

A surge of energy shot from my core and expanded like large rings. The power I"d accidentally tapped into had my head spinning. The last thing I heard was the shattering of gla.s.s.

Then everything went black…



